Man pages for spacodiR
Spatial and Phylogenetic Analysis of Community Diversity

as.phylocomconverting between data formats for community phylogenetics
as.picanteconverting between data formats for community phylogenetics
as.spacodiconverting between data formats for community phylogenetics
match.spacodi.datapruning a tree to match datasets used in SPACoDi
phy.deresolvecollapse phylogenetic nodes into multichotomies
phy.dotplotEXPERIMENTAL: plotting members of communities (or plots) on a...
phy.nodetimesfinding splitting times for nodes
resamp.1arandomizing a community phylogenetics matrix: '1a' of Hardy...
resamp.1srandomizing a community phylogenetics matrix: '1s' of Hardy...
resamp.2srandomizing a community phylogenetics matrix: '2s' of Hardy...
resamp.2xrandomizing a community phylogenetics matrix: '2x' of Hardy...
resamp.3irandomizing a community phylogenetics matrix: '3i' of Hardy...
resamp.3trandomizing a community phylogenetics matrix: '3t' of Hardy...
resamp.3xrandomizing a community phylogenetics matrix: '3x' of Hardy...
resamp.phypartial phylogeny randomization for tips
resamp.teststatistical comparison of sets of values by randomization randomization tests of turnover in diversity...
spacodi.calcmeasuring spatial and phylogenetic structuring of diversity...
spacodi-internalinternal SPACoDi functions
spacodi-packagemain: Spatial and Phylogenetic Analysis of Community...
spacodi.permutplotEXPERIMENTAL: plotting observed and expected community...
spacodi.treeplotEXPERIMENTAL: plotting diversity turnover on trees
sp.exampleexample data for spacodiR
write.spacodi.datasaving community phylogenetics datasets to a file
spacodiR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:26 a.m.