
Defines functions enSEM_stability_selection

Documented in enSEM_stability_selection

#' Stability Selection 
#' Ref1: Meinshausen N. and Buhlmann P, J. R. Statist. Soc. B (2010) 72
#' Ref2: Shah R. and Samworth R,J. R. Statist. Soc. B (2013) 75
#' STS runs bootstrap for 100 times, each time only half of the datapoints used.
#' This results low power when N is small, and performance may not be as strong as CV.
#' When N is large, STS may have strong performance than CV.
#'for a list of candidate threshold (denoted as pi in the reference paper):
#'col1: pi (per reference paper, recommended to choose pi = 0.9)
#'col2: pre-comparison error rate --- E(v)/p
#'col3: E(v) the expected number of falsely selected variables -- Eq 9.
#'col4: E(v)_ShahR E(v) in Ref2
#'col5: nSTS - the number of stable selected edges
#'col6: FDR: False discovery rate = E(v)/nSelected
#'col7: FDR_ShahR FDR in Ref2 = E(v_shahR)/nSelected
#'The optimal threshold from simulation is the one with the smallest FDR and largest true nSTS.
enSEM_stability_selection <- function(Y,
                                      Missing = NULL,
                                      alpha_factors = seq(1,0.05, -0.05), 
                                      lambda_factors =10^seq(-0.2,-4,-0.2), 
                                      kFold = 5,
                                      nBootstrap = 100,
                                      verbose = 0){
  M = nrow(Y)
  N = ncol(Y)
  if (is.null(Missing)) Missing = matrix(0,M, N);
  if (is.null(B)) B = matrix(0,M,M);
  if(nrow(X) !=M){
    if(verbose>=0) cat("error: sparseSEM currently support only the same dimension of X, Y.");
    return( NULL);
  this.call=match.call()#returns a call in which all of the specified arguments are specified by their full names.
  if(verbose>=0) {
    cat("\tstability selection elastic net SEM;",M, "Nodes, ", N , "samples; verbose: ", verbose, "\n")
    if(nBootstrap!=0) cat("\t bootstrapping: ", nBootstrap, "\n\n") 
  f 					= matrix(1,M,1);
  stat 				= rep(0,6);
  tStart 				= proc.time();
  #------------------------------------------------------R_package parameter
  nAlpha 	= length(alpha_factors);
  nLambda = length(lambda_factors);
  mse 	= rep(0,nLambda*nAlpha);
  mseSte = rep(0,nLambda*nAlpha);
  mseStd = rep(0, nLambda*2); 
  parameters = matrix(0,0,2);
  for (i in alpha_factors){
    col1 = rep(i,nLambda);
    col2 = lambda_factors;
    para = cbind(col1,col2);
    parameters = rbind(parameters,para)
  nPara = nrow(parameters)
  Bselection 			= vector("list",nBootstrap);
  #------------------------------------------------------R_package parameter
  #------------------------------------------------------Selection Path
  MM = M*M;
  NtopEff 				= MM - M;
  qEffect 				= rep(0,nBootstrap);
  piThreshold 			= seq(0.6,0.99, by = 0.01);
  qsEffect 				= matrix(0,MM,nBootstrap);
  for(i in 1:nBootstrap)
    if(verbose>=0) cat("bootstrapping:",i, "\n")
    currentSTS = enSEM_STS(i,Y,X,Missing ,B,
                          STS_para =parameters,
                          kFold = kFold,
                          verbose = verbose); # MM by nPara matrix with 0, or 1 values
    Bselection[[i]]= currentSTS;  
  # ------------ compute results -----------------------
  nStep 				= nPara;
  nTopEff 			= MM - M;
  qsEffect 			= matrix(0,MM,nBootstrap);
  qABave 				= rep(0,nStep); #ave of (alpha,lambda) selected effects over nBootstrap
  qAB 				= matrix(0,MM,nStep); #each effect: how many times selected with this ab
  for(i_ab in 1:nStep)
    #re-set qsEffect to 0
    for(j_repeat in 1:nBootstrap)
      qsEffect[,j_repeat] 	= Bselection[[j_repeat]][,i_ab];
    #average number of effect for this a,b
    qABave[i_ab]    = mean(colSums(qsEffect));
    #each effect: how many times selected with this ab
    qAB[,i_ab]      = rowSums(qsEffect);
  #re-grid the set of shrinkage parameters
  piThreshold         = seq(0.6, 1, 0.01);
  nPi                 = length(piThreshold);
  stablySelected      = vector("list",nPi);
  preFDR              = rep(0,nPi);
  preFDR2             = rep(0,nPi);
  pCER                = rep(0,nPi);
  nSTS                = rep(0,nPi);
  nGrid               = nStep;
  qStable             = rep(0, MM);
  FDRsetS             = vector("list",nGrid);
  for(i_grid in 1:nGrid)
    nStep                   = i_grid;
    qABave_igrid            = qABave[1:i_grid];#average number of effect for this a,b
    qAB_igrid               = qAB[,1:i_grid, drop = FALSE];  #each effect: how many times selected with this ab   
    for (i in 1:MM)
      qStable[i]          = max(qAB_igrid[i,]);  #each effect: how many times selected with this ab-set
    for(i in 1:nPi)
      piThresholdCut      = piThreshold[i]*nBootstrap; 
      stablySelected[[i]] = which(qStable>= piThresholdCut);
      nSTS[i]             = length(stablySelected[[i]]);
      pCER[i]             = mean(qABave_igrid)^2/((2*piThreshold[i] -1)*nTopEff^2);
      preFDR[i]           = mean(qABave_igrid)^2/((2*piThreshold[i] -1)*nTopEff);
        preFDR2[i]      = mean(qABave_igrid)^2/(2*(2*piThreshold[i] -1-1/(2*nBootstrap))*nTopEff);
        preFDR2[i]      = 4*(1-piThreshold[i] + 1/(2*nBootstrap))*mean(qABave_igrid)^2/((1+1/(2*nBootstrap))*nTopEff);
    FDR 					= preFDR;
    FDR2 					= preFDR2;
    FDRset 					= cbind(piThreshold,pCER,preFDR,preFDR2,nSTS,FDR,FDR2);
    for(i in 1:nPi){
      piThresholdCut      = piThreshold[i]* nBootstrap;
      FDRset[i,6] 		=  FDRset[i,6]/length(which(qStable>=piThresholdCut));
      FDRset[i,7] 		=  FDRset[i,7] /length(which(qStable>=piThresholdCut));
    FDRsetS[[i_grid]]         = FDRset;
  #what is the optimal i_grid? 
  OUT <- elasticNetSEMcv(Y, X, Missing, B, alpha_factors,
                         lambda_factors, kFold = 5, verbose = -1);
  mse = OUT$cv[,3]
  index = which.min(mse)
  j = index
    if (OUT$cv[j,3] > (OUT$cv[index,3] + OUT$cv[index,4] ) ){
  index = j+1;
  alpha = OUT$cv[index,1]
  lambda =  OUT$cv[index,2]
  ind1 = which(parameters[,1] == alpha);
  ind2 = which(parameters[,2] == lambda)
  index = intersect(ind1,ind2);
  if (length(index)>1){
    index = index[1];
  FDRset = FDRsetS[[index]]

  colnames(FDRset) <- c('threshold','pre-comparison error rate','E(v)','E(v)_ShahR','nSTS','FDR','FDR_ShahR');
  tEnd = proc.time()
  simTime = tEnd - tStart;

  j = which.min(FDRset[,7])
  stableEffcts_index = stablySelected[j][[1]]
  data = rep(0, MM)
  data[stableEffcts_index] = 1
  stableEffects = matrix(data, M, M, byrow = FALSE)
  stat = FDRset[j,]
  computeData=list(simTime, piThreshold, stablySelected, FDRset, nSTS, nBootstrap, qsEffect, qEffect, NtopEff,FDRsetS,Bselection,parameters,qABave,qAB);
  names(computeData)	<-c("simTime","piThreshold","stablySelected","FDRset","nSTS","nBootstrap","bootstrap_B","bootstrap_count","NtopEff","FDRsetS","selectionB","parameters","qABave","qAB");
  output = list(stableEffects, stat, computeData)
  names(output) = c("STS", "statistics", "STS data")
  output$call = this.call;

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