# sparsebnUtils-options.R
# sparsebnUtils
# Created by Bryon Aragam (local) on 4/24/16.
# Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Bryon Aragam. All rights reserved.
# PACKAGE SPARSEBNUTILS: Methods for getting and setting package options
# resetGraphPackage
# setGraphPackage
# getGraphPackage
# setPlotPackage
# getPlotPackage
# zero_threshold
# get_option
# set_option
#' @describeIn setGraphPackage Reset all data to default \code{\link{edgeList}} format and set graph package back to default \code{"sparsebn"}.
#' @export
resetGraphPackage <- function(coerce = TRUE){
setGraphPackage(NULL, coerce = coerce)
#' Change data structure for representing graphs internally
#' Changes the output of the main algorithms to be compatible with other packages in the R ecosystem.
#' \code{sparsebn} is compatible with four different data structures for representing graphs:
#' \link{edgeList} (default), \link[graph]{graphNEL-class} (from the \code{graph} package),
#' \link[igraph]{igraph} (from the \link[igraph]{igraph} package), and \link[network]{network} (from
#' \link[network]{network-package}). \link{edgeList} is provided by default in \code{sparsebn}, however,
#' the other three options require that extra packages are installed.
#' @param pkg The desired package; default value is \code{NULL} corresponding to \link{edgeList}. Possible values are \code{"sparsebn"}, \code{"igraph"}, \code{"graph"}, \code{"bnlearn"}, and \code{"network"}.
#' @param matchPlot Force the underlying plotting mechanism to match the selected package (see \link{setPlotPackage}).
#' @param coerce If \code{TRUE}, then all \code{\link{sparsebnFit}} and \code{\link{sparsebnPath}} objects in the global environment will be coerced to be compatible with the selected package. This will overwrite your existing data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{setPlotPackage}}, \code{\link{getPlotPackage}}
#' @export
setGraphPackage <- function(pkg,
matchPlot = TRUE,
coerce = FALSE){
### Check that input is currently supported
pkg <- match.arg(pkg, c("sparsebn", "igraph", "graph", "network"))
### Check that required package is installed
if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
stop(pkg_not_installed(pkg = pkg), call. = FALSE)
### Set plot package to match graph package by default
if(pkg == "sparsebn"){
stop("Cannot set matchPlot = TRUE with pkg = 'sparsebn'! For plotting, you must use one of 'igraph', 'graph', or 'network'.")
setPlotPackage(pkg = pkg)
### Must change option BEFORE attempting coercion (see pkg_change_global_coerce)
set_option("sparsebn.graph", pkg)
}, error = function(c){ stop(c)})
#' @describeIn setGraphPackage Returns the current choice of graph package ( \code{NULL} corresponds to no selection)
#' @export
getGraphPackage <- function(){
#' Change default plotting mechanism
#' Changes the default plotting mechanism used by \code{sparsebn} to plot output and fitted objects.
#' For plotting, \code{sparsebn} can use one of three packages: \code{graph} (see also \code{Rgraphviz}),
#' \link[igraph]{igraph} (see \link[igraph]{plot.igraph}), and \link[network]{network-package} (see \link[network]{}).
#' Note that plotting requires that (at least one of) these extra packages are installed.
#' @param pkg The desired package; default value is \code{igraph}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{setGraphPackage}}, \code{\link{getGraphPackage}}
#' @export
setPlotPackage <- function(pkg){
### Check that input is currently supported
pkg <- match.arg(pkg, c("igraph", "graph", "network"))
set_option("sparsebn.plotting", pkg)
#' @describeIn setPlotPackage Returns the current choice of plotting mechanism
#' @export
getPlotPackage <- function(){
#' @rdname sparsebn-functions
#' @export
zero_threshold <- function(){
set_option <- function(opt, val){
opt_to_set <- list()
opt_to_set[opt] <- list(val)
get_option <- function(opt){
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