
Defines functions spathialStatistics spathialPlot spathialLabels spathialWay spathialPrefiltering spathialBoundaryIds

Documented in spathialBoundaryIds spathialLabels spathialPlot spathialPrefiltering spathialStatistics spathialWay

#' Select starting and ending points
#' Get the coordinates of the starting and ending points
#' @param X data points
#' @param X_labels labels of the data points
#' @param mode strategy for boundary selection
#' \itemize{
#'   \item 1 - selected by the user
#'   \item 2 - centroids
#'   \item 3 - insert the row name of the starting and ending points
#' }
#' @param from starting class or row name of the starting point
#' @param to ending class or row name of the ending point
#' @return A list of objects
#' \itemize{
#'   \item boundary ids: the indexes of the boundaries
#'   \item X: the new data matrix with the boundary
#'   \item X_labels: the new labels of the data matrix with the boundary labels
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Load data matrix X
#' load(system.file('extdata','X.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Load description vector X_labels
#' load(system.file('extdata','X_labels.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Run spathialBoundary
#' boundaryRes <- spathialBoundaryIds(X, X_labels, mode=2, from=3, to=6)
#' @export
spathialBoundaryIds <- function(X, X_labels = NULL, mode = 1, from = NULL, to = NULL){
    if(mode == 2){
      stop("With X_labels == NULL, only mode 1 or 3 is allowed")
      X_labels <- rep("waypoints", nrow(X))
      X_labels_or <- NULL
      numeric_labels <- rep(1, nrow(X))
      colors <- grDevices::rainbow(length(table(numeric_labels)))
      pch_val <- "o"
    if(!is.numeric(X_labels) || !all(X_labels > 0)){
      numeric_labels <- as.numeric(as.factor(X_labels))
      numeric_labels = X_labels
    X_labels_or <- X_labels
    colors <- grDevices::rainbow(length(table(numeric_labels)))
    pch_val <- as.character(numeric_labels)
  if(mode == 1){
    if(ncol(X) < 2){
      stop("X should have at least 2 columns")
    }else if(ncol(X) == 2){
      colors_labels <- sapply(numeric_labels, function(x){colors[x]})

      legend_names = c(unique(X_labels), "boundaries", "principal path")
      legend_color = c(unique(colors_labels), "black", "red")
      legend_pch = c(unique(pch_val), "x", "*")

      graphics::plot(X[,1],X[,2], col=colors_labels, pch=pch_val, xlab=colnames(X)[1], ylab=colnames(X)[2], main="Click to select path start and end points")
      graphics::legend("topright", inset=c(-0.35,0), legend=legend_names, col=legend_color, pch=legend_pch)
        X[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[1]),1], X[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[1]),2],pch="x",col="black",cex=4
        X[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[2]),1], X[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[2]),2],pch="x",col="black",cex=4
      tsne_res <- Rtsne::Rtsne(X, dims = 2, perplexity = 30, pca = TRUE, partial_pca = TRUE)
      X_2D <- tsne_res$Y

      colors_labels <- sapply(numeric_labels, function(x){colors[x]})

      legend_names = c(unique(X_labels), "boundaries", "principal path")
      legend_color = c(unique(colors_labels), "black", "red")
      legend_pch = c(unique(pch_val), "x", "*")

      graphics::plot(X_2D[,1],X_2D[,2], col=colors_labels, pch=pch_val, xlab="tne1",ylab="tne2", main="Click to select path start and end points")
      graphics::legend("topright", inset=c(-0.35,0), legend=legend_names, col=legend_color, pch=legend_pch)
        X_2D[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[1]),1], X_2D[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[1]),2],pch="x",col="black",cex=4
        X_2D[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[2]),1], X_2D[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[2]),2],pch="x",col="black",cex=4
  }else if(mode == 2){
    if(is.null(from) | is.null(to)){
      stop("You should insert the starting label and the ending label")
    }else if(!(from %in% X_labels)){
      stop("from is not a valid class")
    }else if(!(to %in% X_labels)){
      stop("to is not a valid class")
      starting_centroid <- colMeans(X[which(X_labels == from),], na.rm = TRUE)
      ending_centroid <- colMeans(X[which(X_labels == to),], na.rm = TRUE)
      X <- rbind(X, starting_centroid, ending_centroid)
      X_labels <- c(X_labels, from)
      X_labels <- c(X_labels, to)
      boundary_ids <- rownames(X[grep("Centroid", rownames(X)),])
  }else if(mode == 3){
    if(is.null(from) | is.null(to)){
      stop("You should insert the starting label and the ending label")
    }else if(!(from %in% rownames(X))){
      stop("from is not an existing sample")
    }else if(!(to %in% rownames(X))){
      stop("to is not an existing sample")
      boundary_ids <- c(from, to)
    stop("Insert a valid mode")

    X_labels <- NULL


#' Prefilter data
#' Regularized K-means for principal path: prefiltering
#' @param X data points
#' @param boundary_ids names of the start and ending points, to be treated separately
#' @return A list of objects
#' \itemize{
#'   \item mask: indexes of the data points to preserv
#'   \item boundary_ids: the filtered boundary ids
#' }
#' @examples
#' # Load data matrix X
#' load(system.file('extdata','X.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Load description vector X_labels
#' load(system.file('extdata','X_labels.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Run spathialBoundary
#' boundaryRes <- spathialBoundaryIds(X, X_labels, mode=2, from=3, to=6)
#' X <- boundaryRes$X
#' X_labels <- boundaryRes$X_labels
#' boundary_ids <- boundaryRes$boundary_ids
#' # Run spathial spathialPrefilterinh with the output of the function spathialBoundaryIds
#' filterRes <- spathialPrefiltering(X, boundary_ids)
#' # Extract prefiltering results
#' mask <- filterRes$mask
#' boundary_ids <- filterRes$boundary_ids
#' X <- X[mask,]
#' @export
spathialPrefiltering <- function(X, boundary_ids){
  prefiltered<-rkm_prefilter(X, boundary_ids)


#' Compute Principal Path
#' Get the coordinates of the waypoints of the principal path
#' @param X data points
#' @param boundary_ids starting and ending points
#' @param NC number of waypoints
#' @return spathial_res: spathial waypoints
#' @examples
#' # Load data matrix X
#' load(system.file('extdata','X.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Load description vector X_labels
#' load(system.file('extdata','X_labels.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Run spathialBoundary
#' boundaryRes <- spathialBoundaryIds(X, X_labels, mode=2, from=3, to=6)
#' X <- boundaryRes$X
#' X_labels <- boundaryRes$X_labels
#' boundary_ids <- boundaryRes$boundary_ids
#' #Set the number of waypoints
#' NC <- 20
#' # Run spathialWay
#' spathial_res <- spathialWay(X, boundary_ids, NC)
#' spathial_res
#' @export
spathialWay <- function(X, boundary_ids, NC=50){
  spathial_res <- compute_spathial(X, boundary_ids, NC)
  colnames(spathial_res) <- colnames(X)
  rownames(spathial_res) <- paste("ppath",1:nrow(spathial_res))

#' Find labels
#' Get the label of each waypoint according to the neighbourhood
#' @param X data points
#' @param X_labels labels of the data points
#' @param spathial_res principal path from the starting point to the ending point
#' @return ppath_labels: labels of the waypoints
#' @examples
#' # Load data matrix X
#' load(system.file('extdata','X.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Load description vector X_labels
#' load(system.file('extdata','X_labels.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Run spathialBoundary
#' boundaryRes <- spathialBoundaryIds(X, X_labels, mode=2, from=3, to=6)
#' X <- boundaryRes$X
#' X_labels <- boundaryRes$X_labels
#' boundary_ids <- boundaryRes$boundary_ids
#' #Set the number of waypoints
#' NC <- 20
#' # Run spathialWay
#' spathial_res <- spathialWay(X, boundary_ids, NC)
#' #Run spathialLabels with spathial_res
#' labels <- spathialLabels(X, X_labels, spathial_res)
#' labels
#' @export
spathialLabels <- function(X, X_labels, spathial_res){
    stop("You cannot compute spathialLabels with X_labels == NULL")
    X_labels <- X_labels[which(! grepl("Centroid", rownames(X)))]
    X <- X[which(! grepl("Centroid", rownames(X))),]
    ppath_no_centroids <- spathial_res[2:(nrow(spathial_res)-1), ]
    ppath_labels <- class::knn(X, ppath_no_centroids, cl=X_labels, k=1)

#' 2D spathial
#' Get the 2D coordinates of each waypoint (using t-SNE algorithm for the dimensionality reduction)
#' @param X data points
#' @param X_labels labels of the data points
#' @param boundary_ids waypoints
#' @param spathial_res principal path from the starting point to the ending point
#' @param perplexity_value the value for TSNE perplexity (default is nrsamples*3/50)
#' @param mask the mask of the sample to preserve (when prefiltering is computed)
#' @param title the title of the plot
#' @param ... Parameters which will be inherited by plot()
#' @examples
# Load data matrix X
#' load(system.file('extdata','X.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Load description vector X_labels
#' load(system.file('extdata','X_labels.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Run spathialBoundary
#' boundaryRes <- spathialBoundaryIds(X, X_labels, mode=2, from=3, to=6)
#' X <- boundaryRes$X
#' X_labels <- boundaryRes$X_labels
#' boundary_ids <- boundaryRes$boundary_ids
#' #Set the number of waypoints
#' NC <- 20
#' # Run spathialWay
#' spathial_res <- spathialWay(X, boundary_ids, NC)
#' #Run spathialPlot with spathial_res
#' spathialPlot(X, X_labels, boundary_ids, spathial_res, perplexity_value=30)
#' @export
spathialPlot <- function(X, X_labels, boundary_ids, spathial_res, perplexity_value=NULL, mask=NULL, title = NULL, ...){
  oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    title <- "2d data visualization"
    X_labels <- rep("waypoints", nrow(X))
    numeric_labels <- rep(1, nrow(X))
    colors <- grDevices::rainbow(max(numeric_labels))
    pch_val <- "o"
    if(length(X_labels) != nrow(X)){
      stop("Length X_labels != nrow(X)")
    if(!is.numeric(X_labels) || !all(X_labels > 0)){
      numeric_labels <- as.numeric(as.factor(X_labels))
      numeric_labels = X_labels
    colors <- grDevices::rainbow(max(numeric_labels))
    if(length(unique(X_labels)) > 9){
      pch_val <- "o"
      pch_val <- as.character(numeric_labels)
  if(ncol(X) == 2){
    colors_labels <- sapply(numeric_labels, function(x){colors[x]})
    boundaries <- X[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[1] | rownames(X) == boundary_ids[2]),]
    if(boundary_ids[1] == boundary_ids[2]){
      boundaries <- rbind(boundaries, boundaries)

    legend_names = c(as.character(unique(X_labels)), "boundaries", "principal path")
    legend_color = c(unique(colors_labels), "black", "red")
    if(unique(pch_val)[1] == 'o'){
      legend_pch = c(rep(unique(pch_val), length(unique(colors_labels))), "x", "*")
      legend_pch = c(unique(pch_val), "x", "*")

    graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 8.1), xpd=TRUE)
    graphics::plot(X[,1],X[,2], col=colors_labels, pch=pch_val, xlab=colnames(X)[1], ylab=colnames(X)[2], main = title)
      X_garbage <- X[!mask,]
      X_labels_garbage <- X_labels[!mask]
      graphics::points(X_garbage[,1],X_garbage[,2], col="gray", pch="x")
      legend_names = c(legend_names, "filtered")
      legend_color = c(legend_color, "black", "gray")
      legend_pch = c(legend_pch, "x")
    graphics::points(boundaries[,1],boundaries[,2], pch="x",col="black",cex=4)
    graphics::lines(spathial_res[,1], spathial_res[,2],lwd=3,col="red",type="o",pch="*", cex=2)
    graphics::legend("topright", inset=c(-0.35,0), legend=legend_names, col=legend_color, pch=legend_pch)
      #message("Perplexity is ",perplexity_value)
    ppath_labels <- array(data = -1, dim=(nrow(spathial_res)))
    total_labels <- c(numeric_labels, ppath_labels)
    all_points <- rbind(X, spathial_res)

    large <- (nrow(all_points) + ncol(all_points)) > 20000 #speed up with large_matrix
    tsne_res <- Rtsne::Rtsne(as.matrix(all_points), dims = 2, perplexity = perplexity_value, check_duplicates=FALSE, pca = TRUE, partial_pca = large)
    points_2D <- tsne_res$Y

    boundary_ids_2D <- points_2D[which(rownames(X) == boundary_ids[1] | rownames(X) == boundary_ids[2]),]
    if(boundary_ids[1] == boundary_ids[2]){
      boundary_ids_2D <- rbind(boundary_ids_2D, boundary_ids_2D)
    ppath_2D <- points_2D[which(total_labels == -1),]
    #ppath_2D <- rbind(boundary_ids_2D[1,], ppath_2D, boundary_ids_2D[2,])

    points_2D <- points_2D[which(total_labels != -1),]

      X_2D <- points_2D[mask,]
      X_garbage_2D <- points_2D[!mask, ]
      numeric_labels <- numeric_labels[mask]

    colors_labels <- sapply(numeric_labels, function(x){colors[x]})
    legend_names = c(as.character(unique(X_labels)), "boundaries", "principal path")
    legend_color = c(unique(colors_labels), "black", "blue")
    if(unique(pch_val)[1] == 'o'){
      legend_pch = c(rep(unique(pch_val), length(unique(colors_labels))), "x", "*")
      legend_pch = c(unique(pch_val), "x", "*")

    graphics::par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 8.1), xpd=TRUE)
    graphics::plot(points_2D[,1],points_2D[,2], xlab="tsne1", ylab="tsne2", col=colors_labels, pch=pch_val, main=title)
      graphics::points(X_garbage_2D[,1],X_garbage_2D[,2], col="gray", pch="x")
      legend_names = c(legend_names, "filtered")
      legend_color = c(legend_color, "black", "gray")
      legend_pch = c(legend_pch, "x")
    graphics::points(boundary_ids_2D[,1],boundary_ids_2D[,2], pch="x",col="black",cex=4)
    graphics::lines(ppath_2D[,1], ppath_2D[,2],lwd=3,col="blue",type="o",pch="*", cex=2)
    graphics::legend("topright", inset=c(-0.35,0), legend=legend_names, col=legend_color, pch=legend_pch)

#' Correlation
#' Get how much the features correlate with the path
#' @param spathial_res principal path from the starting point to the ending point
#' @return A list of objects
#' \itemize{
#'   \item correlations: Pearson's correlation coefficients between ea
#'   ch feature and the path (when ppath_perturbed is not NULL, a Fisher-integrated
#'   correlation coefficient is provided)
#'   \item ranks: ranks of associations between the n features and the path (when ppath_perturbed
#'   is not NULL, the mean of the ranks is provided)
#'   \item p_values: p values from the Pearson’s correlation scores
#'   \item p_adj: p values adjusted according to the Benjamini & Hochberg (BH) method
#' @examples
#' # Load data matrix X
#' load(system.file('extdata','X.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Load description vector X_labels
#' load(system.file('extdata','X_labels.rda',package='spathial',mustWork=TRUE))
#' # Run spathialBoundary
#' boundaryRes <- spathialBoundaryIds(X, X_labels, mode=2, from=3, to=6)
#' X <- boundaryRes$X
#' X_labels <- boundaryRes$X_labels
#' boundary_ids <- boundaryRes$boundary_ids
#' #Set the number of waypoints
#' NC <- 20
#' # Run spathialWay
#' spathial_res <- spathialWay(X, boundary_ids, NC)
#' #Run spathialStatistics with spathial_res
#' statistics <- spathialStatistics(spathial_res)
#' @export
spathialStatistics <- function(spathial_res){
  correlations <- apply(spathial_res, 2, function(x){
    if(stats::sd(x) == 0){
      stats::cor(x, c(1:length(x)))
  ranks <- rank(-correlations)

  p_values <- apply(spathial_res, 2, function(x){
    if(stats::sd(x) == 0){
      stats::cor.test(x, c(1:length(x)))$p.value
  p_adj <- stats::p.adjust(p_values,method="BH")


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spathial documentation built on April 14, 2020, 6:41 p.m.