
#' Kernel Density Estimation of Intensity Function
#' Kernel density estimation of the intensity function of a two-dimensional
#' point process.
#' @param pts matrix containing the \code{x,y}-coordinates of the
#'     data point locations.
#' @param h numeric value of the bandwidth used in the kernel smoothing.
#' @param gpts matrix containing the \code{x,y}-coordinates of point
#'     locations at which to calculate the intensity function, usually
#'     a fine grid points within \code{poly}, default \code{NULL} to
#'     estimate intensity function at data locations.
#' @param poly matrix containing the \code{x,y}-coordinates of the
#'     vertices of the polygon boundary in an anticlockwise order.
#' @param edge logical, with default \code{TRUE} to do edge-correction.
#' @details Kernel smoothing methods are widely used to estimate the intensity 
#'   of a spatial point process. One problem which arises is the need to handle
#'   edge effects. Several methods of edge-correction have been proposed. The
#'   adjustment factor proposed in Berman and Diggle (1989) is a double
#'   integration \eqn{\int_AK[(x-x_0)/h]/h^2}{int_AK[(x-x_0)/h]/h^2}, where 
#'   \eqn{A} is a polygonal area, \eqn{K} is the smoothing kernel and \eqn{h} is
#'   the bandwidth used for the smoothing. Zheng, P. \emph{et\ al} (2004)
#'   proposed an algorithm for fast calculate of Berman and Diggle's adjustment 
#'   factor.
#'   When \code{gpts} is \code{NULL}, \code{lambdahat} uses a leave-one-out
#'   estimator for the intensity at each of the data points, as been suggested
#'   in Baddeley \emph{et al} (2000). This leave-one-out estimate at each of the
#'   data points then can be used in the inhomogeneous K function estimation 
#'   \code{\link{kinhat}} when the true intensity function is unknown.
#'   The default kernel is the \emph{Gaussian}. The kernel function is selected
#'   by calling \code{\link{setkernel}}.
#' @return A list with components
#' \describe{
#'   \item{lambda}{numeric vector of the estimated intensity function.}
#'   \item{...}{copy of the arguments \code{pts, gpts, h, poly, edge}.}
#' }
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item M. Berman and P. Diggle (1989) Estimating weighted integrals of the
#' second-order intensity of a spatial point process, \emph{J. R. Stat. Soc. B},
#' \bold{51}, 81--92.
#'   \item P. Zheng, P.A. Durr and P.J. Diggle (2004) Edge--correction for Spatial
#' Kernel Smoothing --- When Is It Necessary? \emph{Proceedings of the GisVet 
#' Conference 2004}, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, June 2004.
#'   \item Baddeley, A. J. and Møller, J. and Waagepetersen R. (2000) Non and
#' semi-parametric estimation of interaction in inhomogeneous point patterns,
#' \emph{Statistica Neerlandica}, \bold{54}, 3, 329--350.
#'   \item Laurie, D.P. (1982). Algorithm 584 CUBTRI: Adaptive Cubature over a
#' Triangle. \emph{ACM--Trans. Math. Software}, \bold{8}, 210--218.
#'   \item Jonathan R. Shewchuk, \emph{Triangle, a Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh
#' Generator and Delaunay Triangulator} at
#' \url{http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.html}.
#'   \item Alan Murta, \emph{General Polygon Clipper} at
#' \url{http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~toby/gpc}.
#'   \item NAG's Numerical Library. \emph{Chapter 11: Quadrature}, NAG's Fortran
#' 90 Library.
#' \url{http://www.nag.co.uk/numeric/fn/manual/html/c11_fn03.html}
#' }
#' @note In principle, the \emph{double adaptive} double integration algorithm 
#'   of Zheng, P. \emph{et\ al} (2004) can be applied to other kernel functions.
#'   Furthermore, the area at the present is enclosed by a simple polygon which
#'   could be generalized into a complex area with polygonal holes inside. For
#'   instance, a large lake lays within the land area of study.
#' Other source codes used in the implementation of the double integration 
#' algorithm include
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Laurie, D.P. (1982) \emph{adaptive cubature} code in Fortran;
#'   \item Shewchuk, J.R. \emph{triangulation} code in C;
#'   \item Alan Murta's \emph{polygon intersection} code in C 
#' (\emph{Project: Generic Polygon Clipper}).
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{setkernel}}, \code{\link{kinhat}}, \code{\link{density}}
#' @keywords nonparametric smooth regression multivariate spatial
#' @export
lambdahat <- function(pts, h, gpts=NULL, poly=NULL, edge=TRUE)
## kernel density estimation of \hat\lambda
## should be divided by |A| so that N(A) follows a Poisson with mean lambda*|A|
## See Peter (2003), pp47 homogeneous Poisson process definition
  adapt <- chkernel()
  npts <- nrow(pts)
  if(is.null(gpts)) { ##Baddeley's modified version
	if(edge) c <- adaptpoly(pts, h, poly)$c else c <- rep(1, npts)
    ans <- .C("hat_lambda_b", as.double(pts), as.integer(npts),
            as.double(h), as.integer(adapt$kernel), as.double(c),
            lam=double(npts), PACKAGE="spatialkernel")$lam
  } else {
    ngpts <- nrow(gpts)
    if(edge) c <- adaptpoly(gpts, h, poly)$c else c <- rep(1, ngpts)
    ans <- .C("hat_lambda_c", as.double(gpts), as.integer(ngpts),
            as.double(pts), as.integer(npts), as.double(h),
            as.integer(adapt$kernel), as.double(c), lam=double(ngpts), 
  invisible(list(lambda=ans, pts=pts, gpts=gpts, poly=poly, h=h, edge=edge))

adaptpoly <- function(pts, h, poly) 
    c1 <- 10; eps <- 0.0001; mcalls <- 10000
    adapt <- chkernel()
	if(adapt$kernel==1) c2 <- 20 else c2 <- 1
    rng <- c(range(poly[,1]), range(poly[,2]))
    if(is.null(nrow(pts))) npts <- 1 else npts <- nrow(pts)
    ans<-.C("adapt_poly", as.double(poly), as.integer(nrow(poly)), as.double(pts),
            as.integer(npts), as.double(h), as.integer(adapt$kernel),
            as.double(c1), as.double(c2), as.double(rng),
            as.double(eps), err=double(npts), as.integer(mcalls),
            ncalls=integer(npts), ier=integer(6), cxh=double(npts), 
    invisible(list(c=ans$cxh, err=ans$err, ncalls=ans$ncalls, ier=ans$ier,
        pts=pts, h=h, poly=poly))

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