
Defines functions row_ids_intersecting_fold_blocks make_snake_ordering filter_grid_blocks generate_folds_from_blocks systematic_block_cv random_block_cv expand_grid spatial_block_cv

Documented in spatial_block_cv

#' Spatial block cross-validation
#' Block cross-validation splits the area of your data into a number of
#' grid cells, or "blocks", and then assigns all data into folds based on the
#' blocks their centroid falls into.
#' @details
#' The grid blocks can be controlled by passing arguments to
#' [sf::st_make_grid()] via `...`. Some particularly useful arguments include:
#' * `cellsize`: Target cellsize, expressed as the "diameter" (shortest
#' straight-line distance between opposing sides; two times the apothem)
#' of each block, in map units.
#' * `n`: The number of grid blocks in the x and y direction (columns, rows).
#' * `square`: A logical value indicating whether to create square (`TRUE`) or
#' hexagonal (`FALSE`) cells.
#' If both `cellsize` and `n` are provided, then the number of blocks requested
#' by `n` of sizes specified by `cellsize` will be returned, likely not
#' lining up with the bounding box of `data`. If only `cellsize`
#' is provided, this function will return as many blocks of size
#' `cellsize` as fit inside the bounding box of `data`. If only `n` is provided,
#' then `cellsize` will be automatically adjusted to create the requested
#' number of cells.
#' @param data An object of class `sf` or `sfc`.
#' @param method The method used to sample blocks for cross validation folds.
#' Currently supports `"random"`, which randomly assigns blocks to folds,
#' `"snake"`, which labels the first row of blocks from left to right,
#' then the next from right to left, and repeats from there,
#' and `"continuous"`, which labels each row from left
#' to right, moving from the bottom row up.
#' @inheritParams check_v
#' @inheritParams rsample::vfold_cv
#' @param relevant_only For systematic sampling, should only blocks containing
#' data be included in fold labeling?
#' @inheritParams buffer_indices
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [sf::st_make_grid()].
#' @param expand_bbox A numeric of length 1, representing a proportion to expand
#' the bounding box of `data` by before building a grid. Without this expansion,
#' grids built from data in geographic coordinates may exclude observations and
#' grids built from regularly spaced data might have observations fall exactly
#' on the boundary between folds, duplicating them. In spatialsample < 0.5.0,
#' this was 0.00001 for data in a geographic CRS and 0 for data in a planar CRS.
#' In spatialsample >= 0.5.0, this is 0.00001 for all data.
#' @return A tibble with classes `spatial_block_cv`,  `spatial_rset`, `rset`,
#'   `tbl_df`, `tbl`, and `data.frame`. The results include a column for the
#'   data split objects and an identification variable `id`.
#' @examples
#' spatial_block_cv(boston_canopy, v = 3)
#' @references
#' D. R. Roberts, V. Bahn, S. Ciuti, M. S. Boyce, J. Elith, G. Guillera-Arroita,
#' S. Hauenstein, J. J. Lahoz-Monfort, B. Schröder, W. Thuiller, D. I. Warton,
#' B. A. Wintle, F. Hartig, and C. F. Dormann. "Cross-validation strategies for
#' data with temporal, spatial, hierarchical, or phylogenetic structure," 2016,
#' Ecography 40(8), pp. 913-929, doi: 10.1111/ecog.02881.
#' @export
spatial_block_cv <- function(data,
                             method = c("random", "snake", "continuous"),
                             v = 10,
                             relevant_only = TRUE,
                             radius = NULL,
                             buffer = NULL,
                             repeats = 1,
                             expand_bbox = 0.00001) {
  method <- rlang::arg_match(method)

  if (method != "random" && repeats != 1) {
          "Repeated cross-validation doesn't make sense when `method = '{method}'`."
        i = "Set `method = 'random'`.",
        i = "Or set `repeats = 1`."

  standard_checks(data, "`spatial_block_cv()`")

  centroids <- sf::st_centroid(sf::st_geometry(data))

  grid_box <- sf::st_bbox(data)
  # cf https://github.com/ropensci/stplanr/pull/467
  # basically: spherical geometry means sometimes the straight line of the
  # grid will exclude points within the bounding box
  # but in https://stackoverflow.com/a/77399241/9625040 default args also
  # cause problems with regularly spaced data
  # so here we'll expand our boundary by a small bit in order to always contain our
  # points within the grid
  grid_box <- expand_grid(grid_box, expand_bbox)

  grid_blocks <- sf::st_make_grid(grid_box, ...)
  original_number_of_blocks <- length(grid_blocks)

  block_fun <- function(method) {
      "random" = random_block_cv(
        radius = radius,
        buffer = buffer
        ordering = method,
        radius = radius,
        buffer = buffer

  if (repeats == 1) {
    split_objs <- block_fun(method)
  } else {
    for (i in 1:repeats) {
      tmp <- block_fun(method)
      tmp$id2 <- tmp$id
      tmp$id <- names0(repeats, "Repeat")[i]
      split_objs <- if (i == 1) {
      } else {
        rbind(split_objs, tmp)

  percent_used <- split_objs$filtered_number_of_blocks[[1]] / original_number_of_blocks

  if (percent_used < 0.1) {
    percent_used <- round(percent_used * 100, 2)
        glue::glue("Only {percent_used}% of blocks contain any data"),
        i = "Check that your block sizes make sense for your data"
  split_objs$filtered_number_of_blocks <- NULL

  v <- split_objs$v[[1]]
  split_objs$v <- NULL

  split_objs$splits <- map(split_objs$splits, rm_out, buffer = buffer)

  ## Save some overall information
  cv_att <- list(
    v = v,
    method = method,
    relevant_only = relevant_only,
    radius = radius,
    buffer = buffer,
    repeats = repeats,
    expand_bbox = expand_bbox,

    splits = split_objs$splits,
    ids = split_objs[, grepl("^id", names(split_objs))],
    attrib = cv_att,
    subclass = c("spatial_block_cv", "spatial_rset", "rset")

expand_grid <- function(grid_box, expansion = 0.00001) {
  grid_box[1] <- grid_box[1] - abs(grid_box[1] * expansion)
  grid_box[2] <- grid_box[2] - abs(grid_box[2] * expansion)
  grid_box[3] <- grid_box[3] + abs(grid_box[3] * expansion)
  grid_box[4] <- grid_box[4] + abs(grid_box[4] * expansion)

random_block_cv <- function(data,
                            radius = NULL,
                            buffer = NULL) {
  n <- length(centroids)

  grid_blocks <- filter_grid_blocks(grid_blocks, centroids)

  n_blocks <- length(grid_blocks)
  v <- check_v(v, n_blocks, "blocks", call = rlang::caller_env(2))

  grid_blocks <- sf::st_as_sf(grid_blocks)
  grid_blocks$fold <- sample(rep(seq_len(v), length.out = nrow(grid_blocks)))

  generate_folds_from_blocks(data, centroids, grid_blocks, v, n, radius, buffer)

systematic_block_cv <- function(data,
                                ordering = c("snake", "continuous"),
                                relevant_only = TRUE,
                                radius = NULL,
                                buffer = NULL) {
  n <- length(centroids)
  ordering <- rlang::arg_match(ordering)

  if (relevant_only) grid_blocks <- filter_grid_blocks(grid_blocks, centroids)

  n_blocks <- length(grid_blocks)
  v <- check_v(v, n_blocks, "blocks", call = rlang::caller_env(2))

  folds <- rep(seq_len(v), length.out = length(grid_blocks))
  if (ordering == "snake") folds <- make_snake_ordering(folds, grid_blocks)

  grid_blocks <- sf::st_as_sf(grid_blocks)
  grid_blocks$fold <- folds
  if (!relevant_only) grid_blocks <- filter_grid_blocks(grid_blocks, centroids)

  num_folds <- length(unique(grid_blocks$fold))
  if (num_folds != v) {
      "Not all folds contained blocks with data:",
      x = glue::glue("{v} folds were requested, \\
                     but only {num_folds} contain any data."),
      x = "Empty folds were dropped.",
      i = "To avoid this, set `relevant_only = TRUE`."
    v <- num_folds

  generate_folds_from_blocks(data, centroids, grid_blocks, v, n, radius, buffer)

generate_folds_from_blocks <- function(data, centroids, grid_blocks, v, n, radius, buffer) {
  filtered_number_of_blocks <- nrow(grid_blocks)
  grid_blocks <- split_unnamed(grid_blocks, grid_blocks$fold)

  indices <- row_ids_intersecting_fold_blocks(grid_blocks, centroids)

  # error if points are assigned to multiple folds
  # (if they're perfectly aligned with grid lines)
  # we might consider ways to handle automatically assigning
  # points in this situation; either selecting their first assignment as the
  # "true" one, or randomly choosing one (or doing one for systematic CV and
  # the other for randomized)
  # but this fixes the immediate issue (points are sometimes duplicated) and
  # frees up time to think about the best way to handle it automatically going
  # forward
  n_indices <- sum(vapply(indices, length, numeric(1)))
  if (n_indices > nrow(data)) {
      "Some observations fell exactly on block boundaries, meaning they were assigned to multiple assessment sets unexpectedly.",
      i = "Try setting a different `expand_bbox` value, an `offset`, or use a different number of folds."

  if (is.null(radius) && is.null(buffer)) {
    indices <- lapply(indices, default_complement, n = n)
  } else {
    indices <- buffer_indices(data, indices, radius, buffer)

  split_objs <- purrr::map(
    data = data,
    class = c("spatial_block_split", "spatial_rsplit")
    splits = split_objs,
    id = names0(length(split_objs), "Fold"),
    v = v,
    filtered_number_of_blocks = filtered_number_of_blocks

filter_grid_blocks <- function(grid_blocks, centroids) {
  block_contains_points <- purrr::map_lgl(
    sf::st_intersects(grid_blocks, centroids),
  if ("data.frame" %in% class(grid_blocks)) {
    grid_blocks[block_contains_points, , drop = FALSE]
  } else {

make_snake_ordering <- function(folds, grid_blocks) {
  rowtab <- table(
      ~ sf::st_bbox(.x)[["ymin"]]
  sum_rowtab <- cumsum(rowtab)
  reverse <- FALSE
  for (i in seq_along(rowtab)) {
    idx_one <- ifelse(i == 1, 1, sum_rowtab[[i - 1]] + 1)
    idx_two <- sum_rowtab[[i]]
    if (reverse) {
      folds[idx_one:idx_two] <- rev(folds[idx_one:idx_two])
    reverse <- !reverse

row_ids_intersecting_fold_blocks <- function(grid_blocks, data) {
  # grid_blocks is a list of sgbp lists (?sf::sgbp)
  # The first map() here iterates through the meta-list,
  # and the second checks each element of the relevant sgbp list
  # to see if it is integer(0) (no intersections) or not
  # Each sgbp sub-list is nrow(data) elements long, so this which()
  # returns the list indices which are not empty, which is equivalent
  # to the row numbers that intersect with blocks in the fold
    function(blocks) {
          sf::st_intersects(data, blocks),

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spatialsample documentation built on Nov. 8, 2023, 1:08 a.m.