
#'   Header for all (concatenated) test files
#'   Require spatstat.core
#'   Obtain environment variable controlling tests.
#'   $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/04/30 05:31:37 $

FULLTEST <- (nchar(Sys.getenv("SPATSTAT_TEST", unset="")) > 0)
cat(paste("--------- Executing",
          if(FULLTEST) "** ALL **" else "**RESTRICTED** subset of",
          "test code -----------\n"))
#'  tests/randoms.R
#'   Further tests of random generation code
#'  $Revision: 1.14 $ $Date: 2021/09/09 10:02:00 $

  if(FULLTEST) {
    #' cases not covered in examples
    A <- runifdisc(6, nsim=2)
    A <- runifpoispp(5, nsim=2)
    A <- runifpoispp(0, nsim=2)
    A <- rSSI(0.05, 6, nsim=2)
    A <- rSSI(0.05, 10, win=square(c(-0.5, 1.5)), x.init=A[[1]], nsim=2)  
    A <- rstrat(nx=4, nsim=2)
    A <- rcell(square(1), nx=5, nsim=2)
  if(ALWAYS) { # involves C code etc
    A <- rthin(cells, P=0.5, nsim=2)
    A <- rthin(cells, runif(42))
    A <- rthin(cells[FALSE], P=0.5, nsim=2)
  f <- function(x,y) { 10*x }
  Z <- as.im(f, square(1))
  if(ALWAYS) {
    A <- rpoint(n=6, f=f, fmax=10, nsim=2)
    A <- rpoint(n=6, f=Z, fmax=10, nsim=2)
    A <- rpoint(n=0, f=f, fmax=10, nsim=2)
    A <- rpoint(n=0, f=Z, fmax=10, nsim=2)

    op <- spatstat.options(fastpois=FALSE)
    A <- runifpoispp(5, nsim=2)
    A <- rpoispp(Z)
  if(FULLTEST) {
    b3 <- box3(c(0,1))
    b4 <- boxx(c(0,1), c(0,1), c(0,1), c(0,1))
    b5 <- c(0, 2, 0, 2)
    X <- rMaternInhibition(2, kappa=20, r=0.1, win=b3)
    Y <- rMaternInhibition(2, kappa=20, r=0.1, win=b4)
    Y <- rMaternInhibition(2, kappa=20, r=0.1, win=b5, nsim=2)

    X <- rSSI(0.05, 6)
    Y <- rSSI(0.05, 6, x.init=X) # no extra points

    Z <- rlabel(finpines)

  f1 <- function(x,y){(x^2 + y^3)/10}
  f2 <- function(x,y){(x^3 + y^2)/10}
  ZZ <- solist(A=as.im(f1, letterR),
               B=as.im(f2, letterR))
  g <- function(x,y,m){(10+as.integer(m)) * (x^2 + y^3)}
  if(FULLTEST) {
    XX <- rmpoispp(ZZ, nsim=3)
    YY <- rmpoint(10, f=ZZ, nsim=3)
    VV <- rpoint.multi(10, f=g,
                       marks=factor(sample(letters[1:3], 10, replace=TRUE)),
  if(ALWAYS) { # depends on C code
    L <- edges(letterR)
    E <- runifpoisppOnLines(5, L)
    G <- rpoisppOnLines(ZZ, L)
    G2 <- rpoisppOnLines(list(A=f1, B=f2), L, lmax=max(sapply(ZZ, max)))

  if(FULLTEST) {
    #' cluster models + bells + whistles
    X <- rThomas(10, 0.2, 5, saveLambda=TRUE)
    if(is.null(attr(X, "Lambda")))
      stop("rThomas did not save Lambda image")
    Y <- rThomas(0, 0.2, 5, saveLambda=TRUE)
    if(is.null(attr(Y, "Lambda")))
      stop("rThomas did not save Lambda image when kappa=0")
    X <- rMatClust(10, 0.05, 4, saveLambda=TRUE)
    X <- rCauchy(30, 0.01, 5, saveLambda=TRUE)
    X <- rVarGamma(30, 2, 0.02, 5, saveLambda=TRUE)
    Z <- as.im(function(x,y){ 5 * exp(2 * x - 1) }, owin())
    Y <- rThomas(10, 0.2, Z, saveLambda=TRUE)
    Y <- rMatClust(10, 0.05, Z, saveLambda=TRUE)
    Y <- rCauchy(30, 0.01, Z, saveLambda=TRUE)
    Y <- rVarGamma(30, 2, 0.02, Z, saveLambda=TRUE)

  if(FULLTEST) {
    #' perfect simulation code infrastructure
    expandwinPerfect(letterR, 2, 3)

    #' trivial cases of random generators for ppx
    B4 <- boxx(0:1, 0:1, 0:1, 0:1)
    Z0 <- runifpointx(0, domain=B4, nsim=2)
    Z1 <- runifpointx(1, domain=B4, nsim=2)


#'  tests/resid.R
#'  Stuff related to residuals and residual diagnostics
#'   $Revision: 1.6 $  $Date: 2020/05/01 02:42:58 $

  fit <- ppm(cells ~x, Strauss(r=0.15))
  rr <- residuals(fit, quad=quadscheme(cells, nd=128))
  diagnose.ppm(fit, cumulative=FALSE, type="pearson")

  if(FULLTEST) {
    diagnose.ppm(fit, cumulative=FALSE)

    fitoff <- ppm(cells ~ sin(x) + offset(y))
    plot(a <- parres(fitoff, "x"))
    plot(b <- parres(fitoff, "y"))
    d <- diagnose.ppm(fit, which="marks")
    plot(d, plot.neg="discrete")
    plot(d, plot.neg="imagecontour")

    d <- diagnose.ppm(fit, type="pearson", which="smooth")
    plot(d, plot.smooth="image")
    plot(d, plot.smooth="contour")
    plot(d, plot.smooth="imagecontour")
    d <- diagnose.ppm(fit, type="pearson", which="x")
    d <- diagnose.ppm(fit, type="pearson", which="y")
    diagnose.ppm(fit, type="pearson", which="x", cumulative=FALSE)
    diagnose.ppm(fit, type="pearson", which="x", cumulative=FALSE)
    diagnose.ppm(fit, type="raw", plot.neg="discrete", plot.smooth="image")
    diagnose.ppm(fit, type="pearson", plot.neg="contour", plot.smooth="contour")

    diagnose.ppm(fitoff, type="raw", which="smooth", plot.smooth="persp")
    diagnose.ppm(fitoff, type="pearson", plot.neg="imagecontour")

    plot(Frame(letterR), main="")
    ploterodewin(letterR, erosion(letterR, 0.05), main="jeans")
    W <- as.mask(letterR)
    plot(Frame(W), main="")
    ploterodewin(W, erosion(W, 0.05), main="JeAnS")

    #' entangled terms in model
    U <- as.im(1, owin())
    Z <- as.im(function(x,y) x, owin())
    X <- runifpoint(40)
    fut <- ppm(X ~ Z:U)
    a <- parres(fut, "Z")
    futoff <- ppm(X ~ offset(Z*U))
    a <- parres(futoff, "Z")

## tests/rhohat.R
## Test all combinations of options for rhohatCalc
## $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2020/05/01 02:42:58 $

  if(FULLTEST) {
    X <-  rpoispp(function(x,y){exp(3+3*x)})
    Z <- as.im(function(x,y) { x }, Window(X))
    f <- funxy(function(x,y) { y + 1 }, Window(X))
    ## rhohat.ppp
    ## done in example(rhohat):
    ## rhoA <- rhohat(X, "x")
    ## rhoB <- rhohat(X, "x", method="reweight")
    ## rhoC <- rhohat(X, "x", method="transform")
    ## alternative smoother (if package locfit available)
    rhoA <- rhohat(X, "x", smoother="local")
    rhoB <- rhohat(X, "x", smoother="local", method="reweight")
    rhoC <- rhohat(X, "x", smoother="local", method="transform")

    #' code blocks
    rhoD <- rhohat(X, "y", positiveCI=TRUE)
    rhoE <- rhohat(X, Z,   positiveCI=TRUE)
    #' weights 
    rhoF <- rhohat(X, Z,   weights=f(X))
    rhoG <- rhohat(X, Z,   weights=f)
    rhoH <- rhohat(X, Z,   weights=as.im(f))
    ## rhohat.ppm
    fit <- ppm(X ~x)
    rhofitA <- rhohat(fit, "x")
    rhofitB <- rhohat(fit, "x", method="reweight")
    rhofitC <- rhohat(fit, "x", method="transform")
    rhofitD <- rhohat(fit, Z)
    rhofitD <- rhohat(fit, Z, positiveCI=TRUE)

    ## Baseline
    lam <- predict(fit)
    rhoAb <- rhohat(X, "x", baseline=lam)
    rhoBb <- rhohat(X, "x", method="reweight", baseline=lam)
    rhoCb <- rhohat(X, "x", method="transform", baseline=lam)

    ## Horvitz-Thompson
    rhoAH <- rhohat(X, "x", horvitz=TRUE) 
    rhoBH <- rhohat(X, "x", method="reweight", horvitz=TRUE)
    rhoCH <- rhohat(X, "x", method="transform", horvitz=TRUE)
    rhofitAH <- rhohat(fit, "x", horvitz=TRUE)
    rhofitBH <- rhohat(fit, "x", method="reweight", horvitz=TRUE)
    rhofitCH <- rhohat(fit, "x", method="transform", horvitz=TRUE)

    ## class support
    plot(rhoA, rho ~ x, shade=NULL)
    plot(rhoA, log(rho) ~ x, shade=NULL)
    plot(rhoA, log(.) ~ x)

    ## rho2hat
    r2xy <- rho2hat(X, "x", "y")
    r2xyw <- rho2hat(X, "x", "y", method="reweight")
    plot(r2xy, do.points=TRUE)
    xcoord <- function(x,y) x
    ycoord <- function(x,y) y
    xim <- as.im(xcoord, W=Window(X))
    r2fi <- rho2hat(X, ycoord, xim)
    r2if <- rho2hat(X, xim, ycoord)
    r2myx <- rho2hat(fit, "y", "x")
    r2myxw <- rho2hat(fit, "y", "x", method="reweight")
    predict(r2myxw, relative=TRUE)

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spatstat.core documentation built on May 18, 2022, 9:05 a.m.