
Defines functions pHcolourmap pHcolour beachcolours beachcolourmap

Documented in beachcolourmap beachcolours pHcolour pHcolourmap

#  colourschemes.R
#  $Revision: 1.6 $  $Date: 2023/02/18 03:50:13 $

beachcolourmap <- function(range, ...) {
  col <- beachcolours(range, ...)
  z <- colourmap(col, range=range)

beachcolours <- function(range, sealevel = 0, monochrome=FALSE,
                         ncolours=if(monochrome) 16 else 64,
                         nbeach=1) {
  range <- range(c(sealevel,range))
  stopifnot(ncolours >= 3)
  stopifnot(nbeach >= 0)
  stopifnot(nbeach <= ncolours + 2)
  depths <- range[1L]
  peaks <- range[2L]
  dv <- diff(range)/(ncolours - 1L)
  epsilon <- nbeach * dv/2
  lowtide <- max(sealevel - epsilon, depths)
  hightide <-  min(sealevel + epsilon, peaks)
  nsea <- max(0L, floor((lowtide - depths)/dv))
  nland <- max(0L, floor((peaks  - hightide)/dv))
  discrep <- nsea + nland + nbeach - ncolours
  if(discrep != 0) {
    dd <- abs(discrep)
    ss <- as.integer(-sign(discrep))
    smallhalf <- dd/2L
    largehalf <- dd - smallhalf
    if(nsea < nland) {
      nsea <- nsea + ss * smallhalf
      nland <- nland + ss * largehalf
    } else {
      nland <- nland + ss * smallhalf
      nsea <- nsea + ss * largehalf
    if(nsea + nland + nbeach != ncolours)
      warning("Internal error: incorrect adjustment of length in beachcolours")
  colours <- character(0)
  if(nsea > 0)  colours <- rev(rainbow(nsea, start=3/6,end=4/6)) # cyan/blue
  if(nbeach > 0)  colours <- c(colours,
                               rev(rainbow(nbeach, start=3/12,end=5/12))) # green
  if(nland > 0)  colours <- c(colours,
                              rev(rainbow(nland, start=0, end=1/6)))  # red/yellow

pHcolour <- function(pH) {
  ## Defined mapping from pH values to hues
  ## rescale pH from [0, 14] to [0,1]
  ff <- pH/14
  bad <- (ff < 0) | (ff > 1)
  ff <- pmax(0, pmin(1, ff))
  ## contract towards 0.5
  ee <- 2*ff - 1
  tt <- 0.5 + 0.5 * sign(ee) * sqrt(abs(ee))
  tt <- pmax(0, pmin(1, tt)) * 2/3
  hu <- hsv(h=tt)
  hu[bad] <- NA

pHcolourmap <- function(range=c(0, 14), ..., n=256, step=FALSE) {
  if(!step) {
    ## continuous colours
    xx <- seq.int(from=range[1], to=range[2], length.out=n)
    co <- pHcolour(xx)
    phmap <- colourmap(co, range=range)
  } else {
    ## colours jump at integer pH
    ## first make a map with integer range
    intbreaks <- (floor(range[1])):(ceiling(range[2]))
    midvals <- intbreaks[-1] - 0.5
    midcols <- pHcolour(midvals)
    phmap <- colourmap(midcols, breaks=intbreaks)
    ## now trim the range
    if(any(range %% 1 != 0)) {
      phmap <- restrict.colourmap(phmap, range=range)

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spatstat.geom documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:09 a.m.