
Defines functions ensure3Darray indexCartesian exceedsMaxArraySize asNumericMatrix blockdiagarray blockdiagmatrix assignDFcolumn firstfactor findfirstfactor matrixsample apply23sum matcolall matcolany matrowall matrowany matcolsum matrowsum

Documented in apply23sum asNumericMatrix assignDFcolumn blockdiagarray blockdiagmatrix ensure3Darray exceedsMaxArraySize findfirstfactor firstfactor indexCartesian matcolall matcolany matcolsum matrixsample matrowall matrowany matrowsum

#'   utilmatrix.R
#'  Utilities for matrices and arrays
#'       $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2023/04/01 02:50:44 $

matrowsum <- function(x) {
  # was:    x %*% rep.int(1, ncol(x))

matcolsum <- function(x) {
  # was:   rep.int(1, nrow(x)) %*% x
matrowany <- function(x) {
  # currently faster than apply(x, 1, any) for logical arrays
  (rowSums(x) > 0)

matrowall <- function(x) {
  # currently faster than apply(x, 1, all) for logical arrays
  (rowSums(x) == ncol(x))

matcolany <- function(x) {
  # currently faster than apply(x, 2, any) for logical arrays
  (colSums(x) > 0)

matcolall <- function(x) {
  # currently faster than apply(x, 2, all) for logical arrays
  (colSums(x) == nrow(x))

    # hm, this is SLOWER

apply23sum <- function(x) {
  dimx <- dim(x)
  if(length(dimx) != 3)
    stop("x is not a 3D array")
  result <- array(0, dimx[-1])

  nz <- dimx[3]
  for(k in 1:nz) {
    result[,k] <- matcolsum(x[,,k])

#   matrixsample         subsample or supersample a matrix

matrixsample <- function(mat, newdim, phase=c(0,0), scale, na.value=NA) {
  # 'phase+1' is the position of the [1,1] corner of the new matrix
  #  expressed in the coordinates of the old matrix.
  # 'scale' is the size of one step in the new matrix,
  #  expressed in the coordinates of the old matrix.
  # Both 'phase' and 'scale' can take any real value.
  olddim <- dim(mat)
  if(missing(scale)) scale <- (olddim - 1)/(newdim - 1)
  scale <- ensure2vector(scale)
  newdim  <- ensure2vector(newdim)
  newmat <- matrix(na.value, newdim[1], newdim[2])
  newrow <- 1:newdim[1]
  newcol <- 1:newdim[2]
  oldrow <- round(1 + phase[1] + (newrow-1) * scale[1])
  oldcol <- round(1 + phase[2] + (newcol-1) * scale[2])
  oldrow.ok <- (oldrow >= 1) & (oldrow <= olddim[1])
  oldcol.ok <- (oldcol >= 1) & (oldcol <= olddim[2])
  newmat[oldrow.ok, oldcol.ok] <- mat[oldrow[oldrow.ok],

# wrangle data.frames

findfirstfactor <- function(x) {
  if(!inherits(x, c("data.frame", "hyperframe")))
    stop("x should be a data frame or hyperframe")
  isfac <- unlist(lapply(as.list(x), is.factor))

firstfactor <- function(x) {
  j <- findfirstfactor(x)
  if(is.null(j)) return(NULL)
  return(x[, j, drop=TRUE])

assignDFcolumn <- function(x, name, value, ...) {    # for use in mapply 
  dx <- list(value)
  names(dx) <- name
  data.frame(append(c(as.list(x), dx), list(...)))

blockdiagmatrix <- function(...) {
  x <- list(...)
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(x, is.matrix))))
    stop("Some of the arguments are not matrices", call.=FALSE)
  nr <- unlist(lapply(x, nrow))
  nc <- unlist(lapply(x, ncol))
  result <- matrix(0, sum(nr), sum(nc))
  rownames(result) <- unlist(lapply(x, rownames))
  colnames(result) <- unlist(lapply(x, colnames))
  rowend <- cumsum(nr)
  rowstart <- c(0, rowend) + 1
  colend <- cumsum(nc)
  colstart <- c(0, colend) + 1
  for(i in seq_along(x))
    result[ (rowstart[i]):(rowend[i]) , (colstart[i]):(colend[i])] <- x[[i]]

blockdiagarray <- function(...) {
  x <- list(...)
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(x, is.array))))
    stop("Some of the arguments are not arrays", call.=FALSE)
  dims <- lapply(x, dim)
  dims1 <- unlist(lapply(dims, "[", i=1))
  if(length(dim1 <- unique(dims1)) > 1)
    stop("Arrays have different extents in first dimension")
  dims2 <- unlist(lapply(dims, "[", i=2))
  dims3 <- unlist(lapply(dims, "[", i=3))
  result <- array(0, dim=c(dim1, sum(dims2), sum(dims3)))
  dn <- lapply(x, dimnames)
  dimnames(result)[[2]] <- list(as.character(lapply(dn, "[[", i=2)))
  dimnames(result)[[3]] <- list(as.character(lapply(dn, "[[", i=3)))
  rowend <- cumsum(dims2)
  rowstart <- c(0, rowend) + 1
  colend <- cumsum(dims3)
  colstart <- c(0, colend) + 1
  for(i in seq_along(x))
    result[ , (rowstart[i]):(rowend[i]) , (colstart[i]):(colend[i])] <- x[[i]]

asNumericMatrix <- function(x) {
  ## workaround for strange artefact of as.matrix.data.frame
  if(is.list(x)) x <- as.data.frame(x)
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  storage.mode(x) <- "double"

exceedsMaxArraySize <- function(...) {
  (prod(as.numeric(c(...))) > .Machine$integer.max)

indexCartesian <- function(nn) {
  # enumerate the elements of the Cartesian product of sets,
  # where nn[i] is the size of the i-th set
  as.matrix(do.call(expand.grid, lapply(nn, seq_len)))

ensure3Darray <- function(x) {
  nd <- length(dim(x))
  if(nd == 0) {
    x <- array(x, dim=c(length(x), 1, 1))
  } else if(nd == 2) {
    x <- array(x, dim=c(dim(x), 1))
  } else if(nd > 3) {
    laterdims <- dim(x)[-(1:3)]
    if(any(laterdims != 1))
      stop("Higher-dimensional array cannot be reduced to 3 dimensions")
    x <- array(x, dim=dim(x)[1:3])

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