Psi: Shortest angles matrix

PsiR Documentation

Shortest angles matrix


Efficient computation of the shortest angles matrix \boldsymbol\Psi, defined as

\Psi_{ij}:=\cos^{-1}({\bf X}_i'{\bf X}_j),\quad i,j=1,\ldots,n,

for a sample {\bf X}_1,\ldots,{\bf X}_n\in S^{p-1}:=\{{\bf x}\in R^p:||{\bf x}||=1\}, p\ge 2.

For a circular sample \Theta_1, \ldots, \Theta_n \in [0, 2\pi), \boldsymbol\Psi can be expressed as

\Psi_{ij}=\pi-|\pi-|\Theta_i-\Theta_j||,\quad i,j=1,\ldots,n.


Psi_mat(data, ind_tri = 0L, use_ind_tri = FALSE, scalar_prod = FALSE,
  angles_diff = FALSE)




an array of size c(n, p, M) containing the Cartesian coordinates of M samples of size n of directions on S^{p-1}. Alternatively if p = 2, an array of size c(n, 1, M) containing the angles on [0, 2\pi) of the M circular samples of size n on S^{1}. Must not contain NA's.


if use_ind_tri = TRUE, the vector of 0-based indexes provided by upper_tri_ind(n), which allows to extract the upper triangular part of the matrix \boldsymbol\Psi. See the examples.


use the already computed vector index ind_tri? If FALSE (default), ind_tri is computed internally.


return the scalar products {\bf X}_i'{\bf X} instead of the shortest angles? Only taken into account for data in Cartesian form. Defaults to FALSE.


return the (unwrapped) angles difference \Theta_i-\Theta_j instead of the shortest angles? Only taken into account for data in angular form. Defaults to FALSE.


sample size, used to determine the index vector that gives the upper triangular part of \boldsymbol\Psi.


  • Psi_mat: a matrix of size c(n * (n - 1) / 2, M) containing, for each column, the vector half of \boldsymbol\Psi for each of the M samples.

  • upper_tri_ind: a matrix of size n * (n - 1) / 2 containing the 0-based linear indexes for extracting the upper triangular matrix of a matrix of size c(n, n), diagonal excluded, assuming column-major order.


Be careful on avoiding the next bad usages of Psi_mat, which will produce spurious results:

  • The directions in data do not have unit norm when Cartesian coordinates are employed.

  • The entries of data are not in [0, 2\pi) when polar coordinates are employed.

  • ind_tri is a vector of size n * (n - 1) / 2 that does not contain the indexes produced by upper_tri_ind(n).


# Shortest angles
n <- 5
X <- r_unif_sph(n = n, p = 2, M = 2)
Theta <- X_to_Theta(X)
dim(Theta) <- c(n, 1, 2)

# Precompute ind_tri
ind_tri <- upper_tri_ind(n)
Psi_mat(X, ind_tri = ind_tri, use_ind_tri = TRUE)

# Compare with R
A <- acos(tcrossprod(X[, , 1]))
ind <- upper.tri(A)

# Reconstruct matrix
Psi_vec <- Psi_mat(Theta[, , 1, drop = FALSE])
Psi <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n)
Psi[upper.tri(Psi)] <- Psi_vec
Psi <- Psi + t(Psi)

sphunif documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:19 a.m.