
Defines functions BVSelection.BVCSparse BVSelection.BVCNonSparse BVSelection

Documented in BVSelection BVSelection.BVCNonSparse BVSelection.BVCSparse

#' Variable selection for a BVCfit object
#' Variable selection for a BVCfit object
#' @param obj BVCfit object.
#' @param ... other BVSelection arguments
#' @details For class 'BVCSparse', the median probability model (MPM) (Barbieri and Berger 2004) is used to identify predictors that are significantly associated
#' with the response variable. For class 'BVCNonSparse', variable selection is based on 95\% credible interval.
#' Please check the references for more details about the variable selection.
#' @references
#' Ren, J., Zhou, F., Li, X., Chen, Q., Zhang, H., Ma, S., Jiang, Y., Wu, C. (2020) Semiparametric Bayesian variable selection for gene-environment interactions.
#' {\emph{Statistics in Medicine}, 39(5): 617– 638} \doi{10.1002/sim.8434}
#' Barbieri, M.M. and Berger, J.O. (2004). Optimal predictive model selection
#' {\emph{Ann. Statist}, 32(3):870–897}
#' @rdname BVSelection
#' @return an object of class "BVSelection" is returned, which is a list with components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item method: method used for identifying important effects
#' \item indices: a list of indices and names of selected variables
#' \item summary: a summary of selected variables
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{BVCfit}}
#' @examples
#' data(gExp)
#' ## sparse
#' spbayes=BVCfit(X, Y, Z, E, clin)
#' spbayes
#' selected = BVSelection(spbayes)
#' selected$indices
#' ## non-sparse
#' spbayes=BVCfit(X, Y, Z, E, clin, sparse=FALSE)
#' spbayes
#' selected = BVSelection(spbayes)
#' selected
#' @export
BVSelection <- function(obj,...){
  if(!inherits(obj, "BVCfit")) stop("This is not a BVCfit object")
  UseMethod('BVSelection', obj)

#' @param burn.in MCMC burn-in.
#' @param prob probability for credible interval, between 0 and 1. e.g. prob=0.95 leads to 95\% credible interval
#' @rdname BVSelection
#' @method BVSelection BVCNonSparse
#' @export
BVSelection.BVCNonSparse=function(obj, burn.in=obj$burn.in, prob=0.95,...){
  BI = ifelse(is.null(burn.in), 0, burn.in)
  GS.r0 = obj$posterior$GS.r0
  GS.rs = obj$posterior$GS.rs
  GS.zeta = obj$posterior$GS.zeta
  q = obj$basis$q
    GS.r0 = GS.r0[-c(1:BI),]
    GS.zeta = GS.zeta[-(1:BI),]
    GS.rs = GS.rs[-c(1:BI),]

    SelectR0 = 0
    SelectRstar = Selection.CI(GS.rs, q, prob)
    SelectR0 = Selection.CI(GS.r0, 1, prob)
    SelectRstar = Selection.CI(GS.rs, max(1, q-1), prob)
  SelectZeta = if(is.null(GS.zeta)){ 0 }else{ Selection.CI(GS.zeta, 1, prob) }

  CIM.V = which(SelectRstar > 0)
  CIM.C = setdiff(which(SelectR0 > 0), CIM.V)
    CIM.C = which(SelectR0 > 0)
    CIM.C = setdiff(which(SelectR0 > 0), CIM.V)
  CIM.Z = which(SelectZeta > 0)
  numb = matrix(c(length(CIM.C), length(CIM.V), length(CIM.Z)), ncol=1,
                dimnames=list(c("Constant effect", "Varying effect", "Linear interaction"), "#"))

  Var.names = colnames(obj$coefficient$ZX)[-1]
    Main = CIM.C
    names(Main) = Var.names[CIM.C]
    Main = NULL

    Varying = CIM.V
    names(Varying) = Var.names[CIM.V]
    Varying = NULL

    Linear = CIM.Z
    names(Linear) = names(obj$coefficient$EX)[CIM.Z]
    Linear = NULL

    sel = list(Main=Main, Linear.ZX=Varying, Linear.EX=Linear)
    rownames(numb) = c("Main effect", "Linear interaction (ZX)", "Linear interaction (EX)")
    sel = list(Constant=Main, Varying=Varying, Linear=Linear)

  method = paste(prob*100,"% credible interval", sep = "")
  out = list(method=method, indices=sel, summary=numb)
  class(out) = "BVSelection"

#' @rdname BVSelection
#' @method BVSelection BVCSparse
#' @export
BVSelection.BVCSparse=function(obj, burn.in=obj$burn.in,...){
  BI = ifelse(is.null(burn.in), 0, burn.in)
  max_BI = obj$iterations - BI
  GS.r0 = obj$posterior$GS.r0
  GS.zeta = obj$posterior$GS.zeta
  GS.phi = obj$posterior$GS.phi
    GS.r0 = GS.r0[-c(1:BI),]
    GS.zeta = GS.zeta[-(1:BI),]
    GS.phi = GS.phi[-c(1:BI),]
  SelectR0 = if(is.null(GS.r0)){ 0 }else{ apply(GS.r0, 2, function(t) sum(t!=0))}
  SelectRstar = apply(GS.phi, 2, sum)
  SelectZeta = if(is.null(GS.zeta)){ 0 }else{ apply(GS.zeta, 2, function(t) sum(t!=0))}

  MPM.V = which(SelectRstar > max_BI/2)
  MPM.C = setdiff(which(SelectR0 > max_BI/2), MPM.V)
  MPM.Z = which(SelectZeta > max_BI/2)
  numb = matrix(c(length(MPM.C), length(MPM.V), length(MPM.Z)), ncol=1,
                dimnames=list(c("Constant effect", "Varying effect", "Linear interaction"), "#"))

  Var.names = colnames(obj$coefficient$ZX)[-1]
    Main = MPM.C
    names(Main) = Var.names[MPM.C]
    Main = NULL

    Varying = MPM.V
    names(Varying) = Var.names[MPM.V]
    Varying = NULL

    Linear = MPM.Z
    names(Linear) = names(obj$coefficient$EX)[MPM.Z]
    Linear = NULL

  sel = list(Constant=Main, Varying=Varying, Linear=Linear)
  method = paste("Median Probability Model (MPM)", sep = "")

  out = list(method=method, indices=sel, summary=numb)
  class(out) = "BVSelection"

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