sprint: Overview of SPRINT

Description Details Author(s) Examples


SPRINT (Simple Parallel R INTerface) is a parallel framework for R. It provides a High Performance Computing (HPC) harness which allow R scripts to run on HPC clusters. SPRINT contains a library of selected R functions that have been parallelized. Functions are named after the original R function with the added prefix 'p', i.e. the parallel version of cor() in SPRINT is called pcor(). These parallelized functions are written in C and MPI. Call to these functions are included directly in standard R scripts.

The following functions are implemented in SPRINT 1.5.0: - papply - pboot - pcor - pmaxT - ppam - prandomForest - pRP - pstringdistmatrix - pterminate - ptest

See the User Guide and Release Notes in the sprint folder or the SPRINT web page at http://www.r-sprint.org for more information.


To make use of SPRINT it is necessary to include the library first. Then include calls to the SPRINT functions you want to use. It is also necessary to exit SPRINT using the pterminate function which shutdown MPI as well as SPRINT.


University of Edinburgh SPRINT Team sprint@ed.ac.uk www.r-sprint.org



Example output

Loading required package: rlecuyer
Loading required package: ff
Loading required package: bit
Attaching package bit
package:bit (c) 2008-2012 Jens Oehlschlaegel (GPL-2)
creators: bit bitwhich
coercion: as.logical as.integer as.bit as.bitwhich which
operator: ! & | xor != ==
querying: print length any all min max range sum summary
bit access: length<- [ [<- [[ [[<-
for more help type ?bit

Attaching package: 'bit'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


Attaching package ff
- getOption("fftempdir")=="/work/tmp/tmp/RtmpXSPoOI"

- getOption("ffextension")=="ff"

- getOption("ffdrop")==TRUE

- getOption("fffinonexit")==TRUE

- getOption("ffpagesize")==65536

- getOption("ffcaching")=="mmnoflush"  -- consider "ffeachflush" if your system stalls on large writes

- getOption("ffbatchbytes")==16777216 -- consider a different value for tuning your system

- getOption("ffmaxbytes")==536870912 -- consider a different value for tuning your system

Attaching package: 'ff'

The following objects are masked from 'package:bit':

    clone, clone.default, clone.list

The following objects are masked from 'package:utils':

    write.csv, write.csv2

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    is.factor, is.ordered

Loading required package: randomForest
randomForest 4.6-14
Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
SPRINT 1.0.7 loaded

Welcome to SPRINT
 Please help us fund SPRINT by filling in 
 the form at http://www.r-sprint.org/ 
 or emailing us at sprint@ed.ac.uk and letting 
 us know whether you use SPRINT for commercial 
 or academic use.

sprint documentation built on May 30, 2017, 8:25 a.m.

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