
Defines functions draw_sample_mixture rnorm_mix

Documented in draw_sample_mixture

rnorm_mix <- function(n, mu1, sig1, mu2, sig2, gamma) {
  x <- sample(c(1,0), n, replace = T, prob = c(gamma, 1 - gamma))
  x <- ifelse(x,
              rnorm(sum(x), mean = mu1, sd = sig1),
              rnorm(sum(!x), mean = mu2, sd = sig2))

#' @title Draw Samples from a Gaussian Mixture Distribution
#' @description
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' Draws exemplary samples with a certain effect size for the sequential one-oway ANOVA or the sequential t-test, see Steinhilber et al. (2023) <doi:10.31234/osf.io/m64ne>
#' @param k_groups number of groups (levels of factor_A)
#' @param f Cohen's f. The simulated effect size.
#' @param max_n sample size for the groups (total sample size = max_n*k_groups)
#' @param counter_n number of times the function tries to find a possible parameter combination for the distribution. Default value is set to 100.
#' @param verbose `TRUE` or `FALSE.` Print out more information about the internal process of sampling the parameters
#' (the internal counter that was reached, some additional hints and the drawn parameters for the Gaussian Mixture distributions.)
#' @return returns a data.frame with the columns y (observations) and x (factor_A).
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/draw_sample_mixture.R

draw_sample_mixture <- function(
  counter_n = 100,
  verbose = FALSE
) {
  gamma <- 0.5
  sd <- rep(1, k_groups)
  sample_ratio <- rep(1, k_groups)

  if (!is.numeric(k_groups)) {stop("argument k_groups must be numeric.")}
  if (k_groups <= 1) {stop("argument k_groups must be larger than 1.")}

  if (!is.numeric(f)) {stop("argument f must be numeric.")}
  if (f < 0) {stop("argument f must be equal to or larger than 0.")}

  if (!is.numeric(max_n)) {stop("argument max_n must be numeric.")}
  if (max_n <= 0) {stop("argument max_n must be larger than 1.")}

  if (!is.numeric(counter_n)) {stop("argument counter_n must be numeric.")}
  if (counter_n < 1) {stop("argument counter_n must be equal to or larger than 1.")}

  sample_sizes_max <- max_n * sample_ratio
  total_sample_size <- sum(max_n*sample_ratio)
  if (total_sample_size <= k_groups) {stop("total sample size must be greater than k_groups. Try to increase max_n argument.")}

  seq_step_increase <- sum(sample_ratio)
  seq_steps <- seq((seq_step_increase), total_sample_size, seq_step_increase)
  # seq_steps <- seq_steps[2:length(seq_steps)]

  test <- TRUE
  counter <- 0
  while (any(test) & counter < counter_n) {
    raw_means <- rnorm(k_groups)
    pop_means = (raw_means - mean(raw_means)) / sd(raw_means) * sqrt(k_groups / (k_groups - 1)) * f

    # draw factor randomly & calulate means
    factor <- runif(k_groups, min = 0.8, max = 1)
    mean1 = pop_means*2*factor
    mean2 = pop_means*2*(1-factor)

    test <- (sd^2 - 0.25*(mean1 - mean2)^2) <= 0
    counter <- counter + 1
  if (counter == counter_n) {message("Maximum of counter_n was reached.")}
  if (verbose == TRUE) {message(paste(c("Internal counter reached = ", counter)))}
  if (verbose == TRUE & f > 1.5) {message(paste(c("f values larger than 1.5 should not be used in this function.")))}
  if (any(test)) {stop("Internal calulation failed: try to increase counter_n or decrease f and set verbose to TRUE.")}

  # calculate variance
  factor <- runif(k_groups, min = 0.8, max = 1)
  variance_12 = 2*sd^2-0.5*(mean1-mean2)^2
  sigma1 = sqrt(variance_12 * factor)
  sigma2 = sqrt(variance_12 * (1-factor))

  if (verbose) {print(glue::glue("{rep('\n',k_groups)}group{1:k_groups}:\nmean1 = {mean1}, mean2 = {mean2},\nsigma1 = {sigma1}, sigma2 = {sigma2}"))}

  position <- 1
  data <- matrix(double(total_sample_size*2), ncol = 2)

  for (steps in seq_steps) {

    y <- 1:k_groups %>%
      # purrr::map(~EnvStats::rnormMix(n = sample_ratio[.x], mean1 = mean1[.x], sd1 = sd[.x], mean2 = mean2[.x], sd2 = sd[.x], p.mix = gamma)) %>%
      purrr::map(~rnorm_mix(n = sample_ratio[.x], mu1 = mean1[.x], sig1 = sigma1[.x], mu2 = mean2[.x], sig2 = sigma2[.x], gamma = gamma)) %>%

    indice <- 1:100
    x <- 1:k_groups %>%
      purrr::map(~rep(indice[.x], sample_ratio[.x])) %>%

    data[position:steps, 1] <- y
    data[position:steps, 2] <- x
    position <- position + seq_step_increase
  data.frame(y = data[, 1], x = as.factor(data[, 2]))

# data <- draw_sample_mixture(
#     k_groups = 2,
#     f = 0.4,
#     max_n = 10,
#     counter_n = 100,
#     verbose = TRUE
# )

# k_groups = 4
# f = 0.4
# # f = 1.51
# max_n = 50
# counter_n = 100
# verbose = TRUE

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sprtt documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:14 p.m.