#Server functions for module 2 step 3
######### Display results (graph) #########
# Display results (table)
output$Mod2Step3_summary_table <- renderUI({
if(input$Mod2Step3_Run == 0){ # if Run button is pressed
data <- NULL
updateCheckboxInput(session, "isRunning", value = TRUE)
input_l <- reactiveValuesToList(input)
input_l[["Mod2Step3_Tmax"]] <- 100
input_l[["Mod2Step3_NI"]] <- 100
input_l[["Mod2Step3_NR"]] <- 5
input_l[["Mod2Step3_B"]] <- matrix(c(input$Mod2Step3_B0,0,0,0),1)
m <- matrix(rep(0,nb.IS^2),nb.IS)
diag(m)[1] <- input$Mod2Step3_Vi
input_l[["Mod2Step3_Vind"]] <- m
input_l[["Mod2Step3_Ve"]] <- input$Mod2Step3_Vo
# Call app main function
data <- squid::squidR(input_l, module="Mod2Step3")[["sampled_data"]]
data$Phenotype_count <- rpois(nrow(data), exp(data$Phenotype))
data$Overdispersion <- as.factor(1:nrow(data))
fit <- lme4::glmer(Phenotype_count ~ 1 + (1|Individual) + (1|Overdispersion),
family = poisson(link="log"),
data = data)
B0 <- round(lme4::fixef(fit)[1], 2)
B0_SE <- round(arm::se.fixef(fit)[1], 2)
RANDEF <-$vcov
Vo <- round(RANDEF[1], 2)
Vi <- round(RANDEF[2], 2)
updateCheckboxInput(session, "isRunning", value = FALSE)
myTable <- data.frame(
"True" = c("$\\text{Fixed effects}$",
paste("Mean of the trait ($",EQ3$mean0,"$) =",round(input$Mod2Step3_B0,2)),
"$\\text{Random effects}$",
paste("Among-individual variance in intercept ($V_",NOT$devI,"$) =",input$Mod2Step3_Vi),
paste("Overdispersion variance ($V_o$) =",input$Mod2Step3_Vo)),
"Estimated" = c("$\\text{Fixed effects}$",
paste("Sampled mean of the trait ($",NOT$mean,"'_0$) =",ifelse(!is.null(data),paste(B0,"\U00b1", B0_SE, sep=" "),"...")),
"$\\text{Random effects}$",
paste("Sampled among-individual variance in intercept ($V'_",NOT$devI,"$) = ", ifelse(!is.null(data), Vi,"...")),
paste("Overdispersion variance of sample ($V'_o$) = ", ifelse(!is.null(data),Vo,"...")))
) # End
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