
Defines functions stabsel.stabsel run_stabsel stabsel_parameters.default stabsel_parameters stabsel.data.frame stabsel.matrix stabsel

Documented in run_stabsel stabsel stabsel.data.frame stabsel.matrix stabsel_parameters stabsel_parameters.default stabsel.stabsel

## Generic implementation of stability selection
stabsel <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod("stabsel", x)

### TODO: parallelization ala cvrisk needed! Seems to work?
### TODO: Use same arguments for .mboost und .formula
### TODO: Should y be a matrix? Perhaps we need this for survival data which
### might be specified as a matrix?
stabsel.matrix <- function(x, y, fitfun = lars.lasso, args.fitfun = list(),
                           cutoff, q, PFER,
                           folds = subsample(rep(1, nrow(x)), B = B),
                           B = ifelse(sampling.type == "MB", 100, 50),
                           assumption = c("unimodal", "r-concave", "none"),
                           sampling.type = c("SS", "MB"),
                           papply = mclapply, mc.preschedule = FALSE,
                           verbose = TRUE, FWER, eval = TRUE,
                           ...) {
    cll <- match.call()
    p <- ncol(x) ## TODO: what about intercept?
    ## use graphical model structure if fitfun is the right class
    graphical <- inherits(fitfun, "graphical_model")
    if (missing(y)) {
        if (!graphical) {
            ## probably meant to be a graphical model - here we issue warnings
            ## and set the function class if the function isn't a tagged as a 
            ## graphical model
            warning("No ", sQuote("y"), " supplied and ", sQuote("fitfun"), 
                    " is not of class ", dQuote("graphical_model"),"\n",
                    "however proceeding with graphical model analysis")
            graphical <- TRUE
            class(fitfun) <- c(class(fitfun), "graphical_model")
        # set p and y for the graphical case
        y <- x
        p <- p * (p-1)/2
    } else {
        if (graphical) {
            stop("Both ", sQuote("y"), " and a graphical_model ", sQuote("fitfun"), " supplied")
    n <- nrow(x)

    if (is.null(colnames(x)))
        colnames(x) <- 1:ncol(x)

    ## needed here to make B and folds happy
    sampling.type <- match.arg(sampling.type)
    if (sampling.type == "MB")
        assumption <- "none"
        assumption <- match.arg(assumption)

    ## make sure that y is a matrix
    if (!is.matrix(y))
        y <- matrix(y, ncol = 1)

    if (n != nrow(y))
        stop(sQuote("x"), " and ", sQuote("y"),
             " must have the same number of observations")

    ## define fitting function;
    ## the function implicitly knows x and y as it is defined in this environment
    fit_model <- function(i, folds, q, args.fitfun) {
        inbag <- as.logical(folds[, i])
        do.call(fitfun, c(list(x = x[inbag, ], y = y[inbag, ], q = q),

    nms <- colnames(x)
    if (graphical) {
        ## graphical models need different names
        allnms <- outer(nms, nms, paste, sep=" : ")
        nms <- allnms[upper.tri(allnms)]
    ret <- run_stabsel(fitter = fit_model, args.fitter = args.fitfun,
                n = n, p = p, cutoff = cutoff, q = q,
                PFER = PFER, folds = folds, B = B, assumption = assumption,
                sampling.type = sampling.type, papply = papply,
                verbose = verbose, FWER = FWER, eval = eval, names = nms,
                mc.preschedule = mc.preschedule, ...)
    ret$call <- cll
    ret$call[[1]] <- as.name("stabsel")

stabsel.data.frame <- function(x, y, intercept = FALSE, ...) {
    if (intercept) {
        x <- model.matrix(~ ., x)
    } else {
        x <- model.matrix(~ . - 1, x)
    stabsel(x, y, ...)

### TODO: What about weights?
### n <- sum(weights)
##    stabsel.formula <- function(formula, data, weights = rep(1, nrow(data)), fitfun = glmnet.lasso,
##                                args.fitfun = list(), p = NULL, cutoff, q, PFER,
##                                folds = subsample(rep(1, nrow(x)), B = B),
##                                B = ifelse(sampling.type == "MB", 100, 50),
##                                assumption = c("unimodal", "r-concave", "none"),
##                                sampling.type = c("SS", "MB"),
##                                papply = mclapply, verbose = TRUE, FWER, eval = TRUE,
##                                ...) {
##        warning("This function is very experimental at the moment")
##        cll <- match.call()
##        ## TODO: ??? How do I get this for all formulae?
##        ## perhaps one can fit the model once and obtain p <- length(coef)
##        ## try to guess p
##        if (is.null(p))
##            p <- length(strsplit(deparse(formula), " \\+ ")[[1]])
##        n <- nrow(data)
##        ## needed here to make B and folds happy
##        sampling.type <- match.arg(sampling.type)
##        if (sampling.type == "MB")
##            assumption <- "none"
##        else
##            assumption <- match.arg(assumption)
##        ## define fitting function;
##        ## the function implicitly knows formula and data as it is defined in this environment
##        fit_model <- function(i, folds, q, args.fitfun) {
##            inbag <- as.logical(folds[, i])
##            do.call(fitfun, c(list(formula = formula, data = data, q = q),
##                              args.fitfun))
##        }
##        nms <- colnames(x)
##        ret <- run_stabsel(fitter = fit_model, args.fitter = args.fitfun,
##                           n = n, p = p, cutoff = cutoff, q = q,
##                           PFER = PFER, folds = folds, B = B, assumption = assumption,
##                           sampling.type = sampling.type, papply = papply,
##                           verbose = verbose, FWER = FWER, eval = eval, names = nms, ...)
##        ret$call <- cll
##        ret$call[[1]] <- as.name("stabsel")
##        return(ret)
##    }

stabsel_parameters <- function(p, ...)

stabsel_parameters.default <- function(p, cutoff, q, PFER,
                               B = ifelse(sampling.type == "MB", 100, 50),
                               assumption = c("unimodal", "r-concave", "none"),
                               sampling.type = c("SS", "MB"),
                               verbose = FALSE, FWER, ...) {

    sampling.type <- match.arg(sampling.type)
    if (sampling.type == "MB")
        assumption <- "none"
        assumption <- match.arg(assumption)

    ## only two of the four arguments can be specified
    if ((nmiss <- sum(missing(PFER), missing(cutoff),
                      missing(q), missing(FWER))) != 2) {
        if (nmiss > 2)
            stop("Two of the three argumnets ",
                 sQuote("PFER"), ", ", sQuote("cutoff"), " and ", sQuote("q"),
                 " must be specifed")
        if (nmiss < 2)
            stop("Only two of the three argumnets ",
                 sQuote("PFER"), ", ", sQuote("cutoff"), " and ", sQuote("q"),
                 " can be specifed at the same time")

    if (!missing(FWER)) {
        if (!missing(PFER))
            stop(sQuote("FWER"), " and ", sQuote("PFER"),
                 " cannot be spefified at the same time")
        PFER <- FWER
        warning(sQuote("FWER"), " is deprecated. Use ", sQuote("PFER"),
                " instead.")

    if ((!missing(PFER) || !missing(FWER)) && PFER < 0)
        stop(sQuote("PFER"), " must be greater 0")

    if (!missing(cutoff) && (cutoff < 0.5 | cutoff > 1))
        stop(sQuote("cutoff"), " must be between 0.5 and 1")

    if (!missing(q)) {
        if (p < q)
            stop("Average number of selected effects ", sQuote("q"),
                 " must be smaller \n  than the number of effects",
                 " specified in the model ", sQuote("object"))
        if (q < 0)
            stop("Average number of selected effects ", sQuote("q"),
                 " must be greater 0")

    if (missing(cutoff)) {
        if (assumption == "none") {
            cutoff <- min(1, tmp <- (q^2 / (PFER * p) + 1) / 2)
            upperbound <- q^2 / p / (2 * cutoff - 1)
        } else {
            if (assumption == "unimodal") {
                cutoff <- tmp <- optimal_cutoff(p, q, PFER, B,
                                                assumption = assumption)
                upperbound <- q^2 / p / um_const(cutoff, B, theta = q/p)
            } else {
                cutoff <- tmp <- optimal_cutoff(p, q, PFER, B,
                                                assumption = assumption)
                upperbound <- minD(q, p, cutoff, B) * p
        upperbound <- signif(upperbound, 3)
        if (verbose && tmp > 0.9 && upperbound - PFER > PFER/2) {
            warning("Upper bound for PFER > ", PFER,
                    " for the given value of ", sQuote("q"),
                    " (true upper bound = ", round(upperbound, 2), ")")

    if (missing(q)) {
        if (assumption == "none") {
            q <- floor(sqrt(PFER * (2 * cutoff - 1) * p))
            upperbound <- q^2 / p / (2 * cutoff - 1)
        } else {
            if (assumption == "unimodal") {
                q <- optimal_q(p, cutoff, PFER, B, assumption = assumption)
                upperbound <- q^2 / p / um_const(cutoff, B, theta = q/p)
            } else {
                q <- optimal_q(p, cutoff, PFER, B, assumption = assumption)
                upperbound <- minD(q, p, cutoff, B) * p
        upperbound <- signif(upperbound, 3)
        if (verbose && upperbound - PFER > PFER/2)
            warning("Upper bound for PFER > ", PFER,
                    " for the given value of ", sQuote("cutoff"),
                    " (true upper bound = ", upperbound, ")")

    if (missing(PFER)) {
        if (assumption == "none") {
            upperbound <- PFER <- q^2 / p / (2 * cutoff - 1)
        } else {
            if (assumption == "unimodal") {
                upperbound <- PFER <- q^2 / p / um_const(cutoff, B, theta = q/p)
            } else {
                upperbound <- PFER <- minD(q, p, cutoff, B) * p
        upperbound <- signif(upperbound, 3)

    if (verbose && PFER >= p)
        warning("Upper bound for PFER larger than the number of effects.")

    res <- list(cutoff = cutoff, q = q, PFER = upperbound,
                specifiedPFER = PFER, p = p,
                B = B, sampling.type = sampling.type, assumption = assumption)
    class(res) <- "stabsel_parameters"

### the actual stability selection function (which is usually called by the
### generic stabsel function)
run_stabsel <- function(fitter, args.fitter,
                        n, p, cutoff, q, PFER, folds, B, assumption,
                        sampling.type, papply, verbose, FWER, eval, names,
                        mc.preschedule = FALSE, ...) {

    folds <- check_folds(folds, B = B, n = n, sampling.type = sampling.type)
    pars <- stabsel_parameters(p = p, cutoff = cutoff, q = q,
                               PFER = PFER, B = B,
                               verbose = verbose, sampling.type = sampling.type,
                               assumption = assumption, FWER = FWER)
    cutoff <- pars$cutoff
    q <- pars$q
    PFER <- pars$PFER

    ## return parameter combination only if eval == FALSE
    if (!eval)

    ## fit model on subsamples;
    ## Depending on papply, this is done sequentially or in parallel

    ## if mclappy is used consider mc.preschedule
    if (all.equal(papply, mclapply, check.environment = FALSE) == TRUE) {
        res <- suppressWarnings(
                 papply(1:ncol(folds), function(...) try(fitter(...), silent = TRUE), folds = folds, q = q,
                        args.fitfun = args.fitter, mc.preschedule = mc.preschedule, ...))
    } else {
        res <- papply(1:ncol(folds), function(...) try(fitter(...), silent = TRUE), folds = folds, q = q,
                      args.fitfun = args.fitter, ...)

    ## if any errors occured remove results and issue a warning
    if (any(idx <- sapply(res, is.character))) {
        warning(sum(idx), " fold(s) encountered an error. ",
                "Results are based on ", ncol(folds) - sum(idx),
                " folds only.\n",
                "Original error message(s):\n",
                sapply(res[idx], function(x) x))
        res[idx] <- NULL
    ## check results
    if (!is.list(res[[1]]) || !"selected" %in% names(res[[1]]))
        stop(sQuote("fitfun"), " must return a list with a named element called ",
             sQuote("selected"), ", and an optional second element called ", sQuote("path"))

    phat <- NULL
    if (!is.null(res[[1]]$path)) {
        ## extract selection paths
        paths <- lapply(res, function(x) x$path)
        # make path-matrices comparable
        steps <- sapply(paths, ncol)
        maxsteps <- max(steps)
        nms <- colnames(paths[[which.max(steps)]])
        paths <- lapply(paths, function(x) {
            if (ncol(x) < maxsteps) {
                x <- cbind(x, x[, rep(ncol(x), maxsteps - ncol(x))])
        phat <- paths[[1]]
        for (i in 2:length(paths))
            phat <- phat + paths[[i]]
        phat <- phat/length(paths)
        colnames(phat) <- nms
        rownames(phat) <- names

    ## extract violations (only needed for boosting models)
    violations <- sapply(res, function(x)
        !is.null(attr(x, "violations")) && attr(x, "violations"))

    ## extract selected variables
    res <- lapply(res, function(x) x$selected)
    res <- matrix(nrow = length(res), byrow = TRUE,
    colnames(res) <- names
    ret <- list(phat = phat,
                selected = which(colMeans(res) >= cutoff),
                max = colMeans(res))
    ret <- c(ret, pars)

    ## return violations as attribute
    if (any(violations))
        attr(ret, "violations") <- violations

    class(ret) <- "stabsel"

## function to change PFER, cutoff or the assumption for a given stabsel object
stabsel.stabsel <- function(x, cutoff, PFER, assumption = x$assumption, ...) {

    assumption <- match.arg(assumption,
                            choices = c("unimodal", "r-concave", "none"))

    if (x$sampling.type == "MB" && assumption != "none")
        warning(sQuote('sampling.type == "MB"'), " but ",
                sQuote('assumption != "none"'))

    if (sum(missing(cutoff), missing(PFER)) == 0)
        stop("Only one of the two argumnets ",
             sQuote("PFER"), " and ", sQuote("cutoff"),
             " can be specifed")

    ## if nothing changed: nothing to do
    if (assumption == x$assumption) {
        if (sum(missing(cutoff), missing(PFER)) == 2)
        if (!missing(cutoff) && x$cutoff == cutoff)
        if (!missing(PFER) && x$PFER == PFER)
    else {
        if (sum(missing(cutoff), missing(PFER)) == 2) {
            ## If both parameters PFER and cutoff were originally specified stop!
            if (!is.null(x$call[["PFER"]]) && !is.null(x$call[["cutoff"]]))
                stop("Specify one of ", sQuote("PFER"), " and ",

            ## If originally only one of PFER and cutoff was specified use this
            ## parameter
            if (is.null(x$call[["PFER"]])) {
                cutoff <- x$cutoff
            if (is.null(x$call[["cutoff"]])) {
                PFER <- x$specifiedPFER
    if (!missing(cutoff)) {
        x$call[["cutoff"]] <- cutoff
        x$call[["q"]] <- x$q
        if (!is.null(x$call[["PFER"]]))
            x$call[["PFER"]] <- NULL
        x$specifiedPFER <- NULL
    if (!missing(PFER)) {
        x$call[["PFER"]] <- PFER
        x$call[["q"]] <- x$q
        if (!is.null(x$call[["cutoff"]]))
            x$call[["cutoff"]] <- NULL
        x$specifiedPFER <- PFER
    if (x$assumption != assumption)
        x$call[["assumption"]] <- assumption

    pars <- stabsel_parameters(p = x$p, cutoff = cutoff, q = x$q, PFER = PFER,
                       B = x$B, assumption = assumption,
                       sampling.type = x$sampling.type,
                       verbose = FALSE)

    cutoff <- pars$cutoff
    PFER <- pars$PFER

    ### now change results (by using new cutoff)
    x$selected <- which(x$max >= pars$cutoff)
    x$cutoff <- pars$cutoff
    x$PFER <- pars$PFER
    x$assumption <- assumption

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