
Defines functions startup

Documented in startup

#' Load .Renviron.d and .Rprofile.d directories during the R startup process
#' Initiates \R using all files under \file{.Renviron.d/} and / or
#' \file{.Rprofile.d/} directories (or in subdirectories thereof).
#' The above is done in addition the \file{.Renviron} and \file{.Rprofile}
#' files that are supported by the built-in [startup process][base::Startup]
#' of \R.
#' @param sibling If `TRUE`, then only \file{.Renviron.d/} and
#' \file{.Rprofile.d/} directories with a sibling \file{.Renviron} and
#' \file{.Rprofile} in the same location will be considered.
#' @param all If `TRUE`, then _all_ \file{.Renviron.d/} and \file{.Rprofile.d/}
#' directories found on [the R startup search path][base::Startup] are
#' processed, otherwise only the _first ones_ found.
#' @param on_error Action taken when an error is detected when sourcing an
#' Rprofile file.  It is not possible to detect error in Renviron files;
#' they are always ignored with a message that cannot be captured.
#' @param keep Specify what information should remain after this function
#' complete.  The default is to keep `startup.session.*` options
#' as recorded by [startup_session_options()].
#' @param check If `TRUE`, then the content of startup files are validated.
#' @param unload If `TRUE`, then the package is unloaded afterward, otherwise
#' not.
#' @param skip If `TRUE`, startup directories will be skipped.  If `NA`, they
#' will be skipped if command-line options `--vanilla`, `--no-init-file`,
#' and / or `--no-environ` were specified.
#' @param dryrun If `TRUE`, everything is done except the processing of the
#' startup files.
#' @param debug If `TRUE`, debug messages are outputted, otherwise not.
#' @section User-specific installation:
#' In order for \file{.Rprofile.d} and \file{.Renviron.d} directories to be
#' included during the \R startup process, a user needs to add
#' `startup::startup()` to \file{~/.Rprofile}.  Adding this can also be done
#' by calling [startup::install()] once.
#' @section Site-wide installation:
#' An alternative to having each user add `startup::startup()` in their own
#' \file{~/.Rprofile} file, is to add it to the site-wide \file{Rprofile.site}
#' file (see [?Startup][base::Startup]).
#' The advantage of such a site-wide installation, is that the users do not
#' have to have a \file{.Rprofile} file for \file{.Rprofile.d} and
#' \file{.Renviron.d} directories to work.
#' For this to work for all users automatically, the \pkg{startup} package
#' should also be installed in the site-wide library.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # The most common way to use the package is to add
#' # the following call to the ~/.Rprofile file.
#' startup::startup()
#' # To process ~/.Renviron.d/ files, and then any ./.Renviron.d/ files,
#' # followed by  ~/.Rprofile.d/ files, and then any ./.Rprofile.d/ files,
#' # add the following call to the ~/.Rprofile file.
#' startup::startup(all = TRUE)
#' # For finer control of on exactly what files are used
#' # functions renviron_d() and rprofile_d() are also available:
#' # Initiate first .Renviron.d/ found on search path
#' startup::renviron_d()
#' # Initiate all .Rprofile.d/ directories found on the startup search path
#' startup::rprofile_d(all = TRUE)
#' }
#' @describeIn startup `renviron_d()` followed by `rprofile_d()` and then the
#' package is unloaded
#' @export
startup <- function(sibling = FALSE, all = FALSE,
                    on_error = c("error", "warning", "immediate.warning",
                                 "message", "ignore"),
                    keep = c("options"), check = NA, unload = TRUE, skip = NA,
                    dryrun = NA, debug = dryrun) {
  ## Is startup::startup() fully disabled?
  disable <- as.logical(Sys.getenv("R_STARTUP_DISABLE", "FALSE"))
  disable <- getOption("startup.disable", disable)
  if (isTRUE(disable)) {

  on_error <- match.arg(on_error)
  if (length(keep) > 0) keep <- match.arg(keep, several.ok = TRUE)

  if (is.na(check)) {
    check <- as.logical(Sys.getenv("R_STARTUP_CHECK", "TRUE"))
    check <- isTRUE(getOption("startup.check", check))

  cmd_args <- getOption("startup.commandArgs", commandArgs())

  debug <- debug()
  if (debug) {
    r_home <- R.home()
    r_arch <- .Platform$r_arch
    r_os <- .Platform$OS.type

    logf("System information:")
    logf("- R_HOME: %s", path_info(Sys.getenv("R_HOME")))
    logf("- R call: %s", paste(cmd_args, collapse = " "))
    logf("- Current directory: %s", squote(getwd()))
    logf("- User's home directory: %s", path_info("~"))
    logf("- User's %s config directory: %s", squote(.packageName), path_info(get_user_dir("config")))
    logf("- Search path: %s", paste(squote(search()), collapse = ", "))
    logf("- Loaded namespaces: %s",
         paste(squote(loadedNamespaces()), collapse = ", "))

    logf("The following has already been processed by R:")

    logf("- R_ENVIRON: %s", file_info(Sys.getenv("R_ENVIRON"), type = "env", validate = TRUE))
    logf("- R_ENVIRON_USER: %s", file_info(Sys.getenv("R_ENVIRON_USER"), type = "env", validate = TRUE))
    if (r_os == "unix") {
      f <- file.path(r_home, "etc", "Renviron")
      if (is_file(f)) logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "env", validate = TRUE))

    no_environ <- any(c("--no-environ", "--vanilla") %in% cmd_args)
    if (!no_environ) {
      f <- Sys.getenv("R_ENVIRON")
      if (nzchar(r_arch) && !is_file(f)) {
        f <- file.path(r_home, "etc", r_arch, "Renviron.site")
      if (!is_file(f)) f <- file.path(r_home, "etc", "Renviron.site")
      if (is_file(f)) logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "env", validate = TRUE))

      f <- Sys.getenv("R_ENVIRON_USER")
      if (is_file(f)) {
        logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "env", validate = TRUE))
      } else {
        if (nzchar(r_arch) && !is_file(f)) f <- sprintf(".Renviron.%s", r_arch)
        f <- ".Renviron"
        if (nzchar(r_arch) && !is_file(f)) f <- sprintf("~/.Renviron.%s", r_arch)
        if (!is_file(f)) f <- "~/.Renviron"
        if (is_file(f)) {
          logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "env", validate = TRUE))
          warn_file_capitalization(f, "Renviron")

    ## TMPDIR et al. may be set at the latest in an Renviron file
    logf("- tempdir(): %s", path_info(tempdir()))
    for (name in c("TMPDIR", "TMP", "TEMP")) {
      value <- Sys.getenv(name, "")
      logf("  - %s: %s", name, sQuote(value))

    logf("- R_LIBS: %s", squote(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS")))
    logf("- R_LIBS_SITE: %s", squote(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_SITE")))
    logf("- R_LIBS_USER: %s", squote(Sys.getenv("R_LIBS_USER")))

    pkgs <- Sys.getenv("R_SCRIPT_DEFAULT_PACKAGES")
    logf("- R_SCRIPT_DEFAULT_PACKAGES (only if Rscript was used): %s", squote(pkgs))
    pkgs <- Sys.getenv("R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES")
    if (pkgs == "") {
      ## In R (< 3.5.0), the 'methods' package is _not_ attached when Rscript
      ## is used.  In R (>= 3.5.0), the 'methods' package is always attached
      ## by default.  If attached, the 'methods' package is attached at the
      ## very beginning when R is started moments after the 'base' package is
      ## attached.  This is contrary to all other packages which are attached
      ## below.
      if (getRversion() < "3.5.0" && is_rscript()) {
        pkgs <- "base,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats"
      } else {
        pkgs <- "base,methods,datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats"
      logf("- R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES: %s (= %s)", squote(""), squote(pkgs))
    } else {
      logf("- R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES: %s", squote(pkgs))

    f <- system.file("R", "Rprofile", package = "base")
    if (is_file(f)) logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "r"))

    logf("- R_PROFILE: %s", file_info(Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE")))
    no_site_file <- any(c("--no-site-file", "--vanilla") %in% cmd_args)
    if (!no_site_file) {
      f <- Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE")
      if (is_file(f)) {
        logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "r", validate = TRUE))
      } else {
        if (nzchar(r_arch)) f <- file.path(r_home, "etc", r_arch, "Rprofile.site")
        if (!is_file(f)) f <- file.path(r_home, "etc", "Rprofile.site")
        if (is_file(f)) {
          logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "r"))
          warn_file_capitalization(f, "Rprofile")

    logf("- R_PROFILE_USER: %s", file_info(Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE_USER")))
    no_init_file <- any(c("--no-init-file", "--vanilla") %in% cmd_args)
    if (!no_init_file) {
      f <- Sys.getenv("R_PROFILE_USER")
      if (is_file(f)) {
        logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "r", validate = TRUE))
      } else {
        if (nzchar(r_arch)) f <- sprintf(".Rprofile.%s", r_arch)
        if (!is_file(f)) f <- ".Rprofile"
        if (nzchar(r_arch) && !is_file(f)) f <- sprintf("~/.Rprofile.%s", r_arch)
        if (!is_file(f)) f <- "~/.Rprofile"
        if (is_file(f)) {
          logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "r"))
          warn_file_capitalization(f, "Rprofile")

    f <- Sys.getenv("R_TESTS")
    if (nzchar(f)) {
      if (is_file(f)) {
        logf("- R_TESTS: %s", file_info(f, type = "r"))
      } else {
        logf("- R_TESTS: %s (not found)", normalizePath(f, mustWork = FALSE))

    if (.Platform$GUI == "Rgui") {
      log("Rgui configuration files (MS Windows only):")
      paths <- c(user = Sys.getenv("R_USER"), system = file.path(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "etc"))
      already_done <- FALSE
      for (name in names(paths)) {
        path <- paths[[name]]
        if (!is_dir(path)) next
        f <- file.path(path, "Rconsole")
        if (is_file(f)) {
          if (already_done) {
            info <- file_info(f, type = "r")
            info <- sprintf("%s [skipped]", info)
          } else {
            info <- file_info(f, type = "r")
            already_done <- TRUE
        } else {
          info <- sprintf("%s (not found)", normalizePath(f, mustWork = FALSE))
        logf("- %s-specific Rconsole configuration: %s", name, info)
      } ## for (path ...)

  logf("startup::startup()-specific processing ...")

  # (i) Load custom .Renviron.d/* files
  renviron_d(sibling = sibling, all = all, skip = skip, dryrun = dryrun)

  # (ii) Load custom .Rprofile.d/* files
  rprofile_d(sibling = sibling, all = all, check = check, skip = skip,
             dryrun = dryrun, on_error = on_error)

  ## (iv) Detect and report on run-time startup issues
  if (check) {
    # (a) Check for unsafe/non-intended changes to environment variables
    #     to library, Renviron, or Rprofile paths
    # (b) Check for unsafe changes to R options changes done by
    #     any Rprofile files

  ## (iii) Process R_STARTUP_INIT code?
  code <- Sys.getenv("R_STARTUP_INIT")
  code <- getOption("startup.init", code)
  if (nzchar(code)) {
    logf("Processing R_STARTUP_INIT/startup.init=%s:", squote(code))
    expr <- tryCatch(parse(text = code), error = identity)
    if (inherits(expr, "error")) {
      msg <- sprintf("Syntax error in 'R_STARTUP_INIT'/'startup.init': %s", squote(code))
      logf(paste("- [SKIPPED]", msg))
      if (on_error == "error") {
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "warning") {
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "immediate.warning") {
        warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "message") {
    } else {
      eval(expr, envir = .GlobalEnv, enclos = baseenv())

  ## (iv) Detect and report on run-time startup issues
  if (check) {
  ## (iii) Process R_STARTUP_FILE code?
  f <- Sys.getenv("R_STARTUP_FILE")
  f <- getOption("startup.file", f)
  if (nzchar(f)) {
    logf("Processing R_STARTUP_FILE/startup.file=%s:", squote(f))
    if (!is_file(f)) {
      msg <- sprintf("No such file 'R_STARTUP_FILE'/'startup.file' file: %s", squote(f))
      logf(paste("- [SKIPPING]", msg))
      if (on_error == "error") {
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "warning") {
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "immediate.warning") {
        warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "message") {
    expr <- tryCatch(parse(file = f), error = identity)
    if (inherits(expr, "error")) {
      msg <- sprintf("Syntax error in 'R_STARTUP_INIT'/'startup.init': %s", squote(code))
      logf(paste("- [SKIPPED]", msg))
      if (on_error == "error") {
        stop(msg, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "warning") {
        warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "immediate.warning") {
        warning(msg, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
      } else if (on_error == "message") {
    } else {
      eval(expr, envir = .GlobalEnv, enclos = baseenv())

  ## (iv) Detect and report on run-time startup issues
  if (check) {
  res <- api()

  ## (v) Cleanup?
  if (!"options" %in% keep) startup_session_options(action = "erase")

  # (vi) Unload package?
  if (unload) {
    if (debug) logf("- unloading the %s package", squote(.packageName))
    on.exit(unload(debug = FALSE))

  if (debug) {
    values <- search()
    if (unload) values <- setdiff(values, sprintf("package:%s", .packageName))
    logf("- Search path: %s", paste(squote(values), collapse = ", "))
    values <- loadedNamespaces()
    if (unload) values <- setdiff(values, .packageName)
    logf("- Loaded namespaces: %s", paste(squote(values), collapse = ", "))
    logf("startup::startup()-specific processing ... done")
    logf("The following will be processed next by R:")

  no_restore_data <- any(c("--no-restore-data", "--no-restore", "--vanilla") %in% cmd_args)
  loads_RData <- has_RData <- FALSE
  if (!no_restore_data) {
    has_RData <- is_file(f <- "./.RData")
    if (has_RData) {
      f_norm <- normalizePath(f)
      f_info_short <- file_info(f, type = "binary")
      f_info <- file_info(f_norm, type = "binary")
      rdata <- Sys.getenv("R_STARTUP_RDATA", "")
      rdata <- getOption("startup.rdata", rdata)
      rdata0 <- rdata
      if (length(rdata) == 0L || rdata == "") {
        rdata <- "default"
      } else if (debug) {
        logf("- R_STARTUP_RDATA/startup.rdata=%s", paste(rdata, collapse = ","))

      ## Support R_STARTUP_RDATA/startup.rdata=prompt,rename
      rdata <- unlist(strsplit(rdata, split = ",", fixed = TRUE))
      stopifnot(length(rdata) >= 1L, length(rdata) <= 2L)
      if (rdata[1] == "prompt") {
        fallback <- rdata[2L]
        if (interactive()) {  
          if (is.na(fallback) || fallback == "default") fallback <- "rename"
          if (debug) logf("- Prompting user whether they want to load or %s %s", fallback, f_info)
          question <- sprintf("Detected %s - do you want to load it? If not, it will be %sd.", f_info, fallback)

          ## We might be able to prompt the user
          if (is_rstudio_console() && !supports_tcltk()) {
            rdata <- "default"
            if (debug) logf("- Cannot prompt user in the RStudio Console on this system")
            warning(sprintf("Detected %s, which was loaded (default), because it was possible to ask you if it should loaded or not. The reason for this is that your R setup does not support X11 or tcltk, which is needed in order to prompt someone in the RStudio Console.", f_info, rdata0), call. = FALSE)
          } else {
            res <- ask_yes_no(question)
            if (debug) logf("- User wants to load it: %s", res)
            rdata <- if (res) "default" else fallback
        } else {
          ## Non-interactive session; it is not possible to the prompt user.
          if (length(rdata) == 1L) {
            rdata <- "default"
            warning(sprintf("Loading %s because it is not possible to prompt the user in a non-interactive session [R_STARTUP_RDATA/startup.rdata=%s]", f_info, rdata0), call. = FALSE)
          } else {
            ## Use fallback
            rdata <- fallback

      ## At this point, we should have at most one element in 'rdata'
      stop_if_not(length(rdata) == 1L, !is.na(rdata))
      if (rdata == "remove") {
        if (debug) logf("- Skipping %s by removing it", f_info)
        has_RData <- is_file(f)
        if (!has_RData) {
          warning(sprintf("Skipped %s by removing it [R_STARTUP_RDATA/startup.rdata=%s]", f_info, rdata0), call. = FALSE)
      } else if (rdata == "rename") {
        fi <- file.info(f)
        when <- fi[c("mtime", "ctime")]
        keep <- vapply(when, FUN = inherits, "POSIXct", FUN.VALUE=FALSE)
        when <- when[keep]
        when <- sort(when, decreasing = TRUE)
        when <- format(when[[1]], format = "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
        f_new <- sprintf("%s.%s", f, when)
        file.rename(f, f_new)
        f_new_info <- file_info(normalizePath(f_new), type = "binary")
        if (debug) logf("- Skipping %s by renaming it to %s", f, f_new_info)
        has_RData <- is_file(f)
        if (!has_RData) {
          warning(sprintf("Skipped %s by renaming it to %s [R_STARTUP_RDATA/startup.rdata=%s]", squote(f_norm), f_new_info, rdata0), call. = FALSE)
      } else if (rdata != "default") {
        warning(sprintf("Ignoring unknown value (%s) of %s/%s",
                        squote(rdata0), squote("R_STARTUP_RDATA"),
                call. = FALSE)

  if (debug) {
    if (!no_restore_data) {
      if (has_RData) {
        loads_RData <- TRUE
        logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "binary"))

    logf("- R_HISTFILE: %s", squote(Sys.getenv("R_HISTFILE")))
    no_restore_history <- any(c("--no-restore-history", "--no-restore", "--vanilla") %in% cmd_args)
    if (!no_restore_history && interactive()) {
      if (is_file(f <- Sys.getenv("R_HISTFILE", "./.Rhistory"))) {
        logf("- %s", file_info(f, type = "txt"))

    where <- find(".First", mode = "function")
    if (where > 0) {
      logf("- .First(): in %s (position %d on search())", squote(search()[where]), where)
    } else if (loads_RData) {
      logf("- .First(): no such function on search(), but it might be that one is defined in the ./RData file")
    } else {
      logf("- .First(): no such function on search()")

    pkgs <- unlist(strsplit(pkgs, split = ",", fixed = TRUE))
    to_be_attached <- !is.element(paste("package:", pkgs, sep = ""), search())
    pkgs <- pkgs[to_be_attached]
    logf("- Remaining packages per R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES to be attached by base::.First.sys() (in order): %s",
         paste(squote(pkgs), collapse = ", "))

    logf("The following will be processed when R terminates:")
    for (what in c(".Last", ".Last.sys")) {
      where <- find(what, mode = "function")
      if (where > 0) {
        logf("- %s(): in %s (position %d on search()); circumvented by quit(runLast = FALSE)", what, squote(search()[where]), where)
      } else {
        logf("- %s(): no such function on search()", what)


Try the startup package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

startup documentation built on April 3, 2023, 5:48 p.m.