context("Class STA")
### Summary.
modelSp <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1")
test_that("checks in summary.STA functions properly", {
expect_error(summary(modelSp, trials = "E2"),
"trials has to be a character vector defining trials in modelSp")
expect_error(summary(modelSp, trait = "t5"),
"trait has to be a single character string defining a column in")
expect_error(summary(modelSp, trait = "t2"),
"No fitted model found for t2 in E1")
modelSp2 <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = c("t1", "t2"))
expect_error(summary(modelSp2), "No trait provided but multiple traits found")
test_that("summary.STA produces correct output for SpATS", {
sumSp <- summary(modelSp)
expect_length(sumSp, 7)
expect_equal(nrow(sumSp$stats), 9)
expect_equal(dim(sumSp$meanTab), c(15, 4))
expect_equivalent(sumSp$heritability, 0)
expect_equal(nrow(sumSp$sed), 0)
expect_equal(nrow(sumSp$lsd), 0)
test_that("summary.STA produces correct output for lme4", {
modelLm <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1", engine = "lme4")
sumLm <- summary(modelLm)
expect_length(sumLm, 7)
expect_equal(nrow(sumLm$stats), 9)
expect_equal(dim(sumLm$meanTab), c(15, 4))
expect_equivalent(sumLm$heritability, 0)
expect_equal(nrow(sumLm$sed), 0)
expect_equal(nrow(sumLm$lsd), 0)
test_that("summary.STA produces correct output for asreml", {
modelAs <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1", engine = "asreml")
sumAs <- summary(modelAs)
expect_length(sumAs, 7)
expect_equal(nrow(sumAs$stats), 9)
expect_equal(dim(sumAs$meanTab), c(15, 4))
expect_equivalent(sumAs$heritability, 0)
expect_equal(nrow(sumAs$sed), 3)
expect_equal(nrow(sumAs$lsd), 3)
test_that("summary.STA produces correct output for asreml with spatial models", {
expect_warning(modelAsTs <- fitTD(testTD, design = "ibd", traits = "t1",
spatial = TRUE, engine = "asreml"))
expect_warning(sumAsTs <- summary(modelAsTs))
expect_length(sumAsTs, 7)
expect_equal(sumAsTs$selSpatMod, "AR1(x)id ")
expect_equal(nrow(sumAsTs$stats), 9)
expect_equal(dim(sumAsTs$meanTab), c(15, 4))
expect_equivalent(sumAsTs$heritability, 0)
expect_equal(nrow(sumAsTs$sed), 3)
expect_equal(nrow(sumAsTs$lsd), 3)
expect_equal(dim(sumAsTs$spatSumTab), c(7, 10))
test_that("option sortBy functions properly for summary.STA", {
sumSp1 <- summary(modelSp)
sumSp2 <- summary(modelSp, sortBy = "BLUEs")
sumSp3 <- summary(modelSp, sortBy = "BLUPs")
expect_equal(sumSp1, sumSp2)
expect_equal(rank(sumSp3$meanTab[["BLUPs"]]), 15:1)
test_that("summary.STA produces correct output for multiple trials", {
testTD[["E2"]] <- testTD[["E1"]]
testTD[["E2"]][["trial"]] <- "E2"
modelSp <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1")
sumSp <- summary(modelSp, traits = "t1")
expect_length(sumSp, 3)
expect_is(sumSp$sumTab, "matrix")
expect_equal(dim(sumSp$sumTab), c(2, 9))
expect_equal(sumSp$what, "BLUEs")
test_that("option nBest functions properly", {
sumSp <- summary(modelSp, nBest = 5)
expect_equal(dim(sumSp$meanTab), c(5, 4))
### Subsetting.
test_that("subsetting STA objects works correctly", {
expect_is(modelSp["E1"], "STA")
expect_is(modelSp["E1"], "list")
expect_equal(attr(modelSp, "timestamp"), attr(modelSp["E1"], "timestamp"))
### Print summary.
test_that("print.summary.STA functions properly", {
sumSp <- capture.output(summary(modelSp))
sumSp2 <- capture.output(summary(modelSp, nBest = NA))
expect_true(all(c("Summary statistics for t1 in E1 ",
"Estimated heritability ",
"Predicted means (BLUEs & BLUPs) ") %in% sumSp))
expect_false(any(grepl("Best", sumSp2)))
modelAs <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1", engine = "asreml")
expect_warning(modelAsTs <- fitTD(testTD, design = "ibd", traits = "t1",
trials = "E1", spatial = TRUE,
engine = "asreml"))
sumAs <- capture.output(summary(modelAs))
expect_warning(sumAsTs <- capture.output(summary(modelAsTs)))
expect_true(all(c("Standard Error of Difference (genotype modeled as fixed effect) ",
"Least Significant Difference (genotype modeled as fixed effect) ") %in%
expect_true(all(c("Overview of tried spatial models ",
"Selected spatial model: AR1(x)id ") %in%
test_that("print.summary.STA functions properly for multiple trials", {
testTD[["E2"]] <- testTD[["E1"]]
testTD[["E2"]][["trial"]] <- "E2"
modelSp <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1")
sumSp <- capture.output(summary(modelSp))
expect_true("Summary statistics for BLUEs of t1 " %in% sumSp)
### STAtoCross.
test_that("checks in STAtoCross function properly", {
expect_error(STAtoCross(1), "STA is not a valid object of class STA")
expect_error(STAtoCross(modelSp, traits = "t5"),
"The following traits are not modeled for E1: t5")
expect_error(STAtoCross(modelSp, trial = "E2"),
"single character string defining a trial in STA")
expect_error(STAtoCross(STA = modelSp, genoFile = 1),
"genoFile is not a valid filename")
modelSp2 <- fitTD(TD = testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1",
trials = c("E1", "E1"))
expect_error(STAtoCross(modelSp2), "No trial provided but multiple trials")
test_that("function STAtoCross functions properly", {
myModel <- fitTD(TD = TDHeat05, design = "res.rowcol", traits = "yield")
cross <- STAtoCross(STA = myModel,
genoFile = system.file("extdata", "markers.csv",
package = "statgenSTA"))
expect_is(cross, "cross")
expect_is(cross$pheno, "data.frame")
expect_equal(dim(cross$pheno), c(169, 2))
### STAtoTD.
test_that("checks in STAtoTD function properly", {
expect_error(STAtoTD(1), "STA is not a valid object of class STA")
expect_error(STAtoTD(modelSp, traits = "t5"),
"traits has to be a character vector defining columns in")
modelSp2a <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1", what = "fixed")
modelSp2b <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1", what = "random")
expect_warning(STAtoTD(modelSp2a, traits = "t1"),
"BLUPs and seBLUPs can only be extracted if a model with")
expect_warning(STAtoTD(modelSp2b, traits = "t1"),
"BLUEs and seBLUEs can only be extracted if a model with")
expect_error(suppressWarnings(STAtoTD(modelSp2a, traits = "t1",
what = "BLUPs")),
"No statistics left to extract.")
expect_warning(STAtoTD(modelSp2b, traits = "t1", addWt = TRUE),
"Weights can only be added if a model with genotype fixed is")
test_that("function STAtoTD functions properly", {
TDSp <- STAtoTD(STA = modelSp)
expect_is(TDSp, "TD")
c("genotype", "trial", "BLUEs_t1", "seBLUEs_t1", "BLUPs_t1",
TDSp2 <- STAtoTD(STA = modelSp, what = "BLUEs")
expect_named(TDSp2$E1, c("genotype", "trial", "t1"))
expect_warning(TDSp3 <- STAtoTD(STA = modelSp, what = "BLUEs", addWt = TRUE),
"Weights can only be added together with seBLUEs")
expect_named(TDSp3$E1, c("genotype", "trial", "BLUEs_t1", "seBLUEs_t1", "wt"))
expect_warning(TDSp4 <- STAtoTD(STA = modelSp, keep = "family"),
"Duplicate values for")
expect_named(TDSp4$E1, c("genotype", "trial", "BLUEs_t1", "seBLUEs_t1",
"BLUPs_t1", "seBLUPs_t1"))
### Report.
test_that("checks in report.STA function properly", {
expect_error(report(modelSp, trials = "E2"),
"trials has to be a character vector defining trials in modelSp")
expect_error(report(modelSp, traits = 1),
"traits should be NULL or a character vector")
expect_error(report(modelSp, trial = "E1", trait = "t1", outfile = "tmp.pd"),
"Invalid output filename provided")
expect_error(report(modelSp, trial = "E1", trait = "t1", outfile = "t m.pdf"),
"outfile path cannot contain spaces")
expect_warning(report(modelSp, traits = "t5"),
"The following traits are not modeled for E1: t5")
modelSp2a <- fitTD(testTD, design = "rowcol", traits = "t1", what = "fixed")
expect_warning(report(modelSp2a, traits = "t1", what = "random"),
"Model with genotype random not available for")
test_that("function report.STA functions properly", {
## Reporting doesn't work on cran because of usage of pdflatex.
tmpFile <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
expect_silent(report(modelSp, trial = "E1", trait = "t1", outfile = tmpFile))
expect_silent(report(modelSp, trial = "E1", trait = "t1"))
## Cleanup.
unlink(c("modelReport_*", "figures"), recursive = TRUE)
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