
Defines functions docker_types docker_plugin docker_plugin_collection docker_config_collection docker_secret_collection docker_task docker_task_collection docker_service docker_service_collection docker_node docker_node_collection docker_swarm_collection docker_exec docker_volume docker_volume_collection docker_network docker_network_collection docker_image docker_image_collection docker_container docker_container_collection docker_client

Documented in docker_client docker_config_collection docker_container docker_container_collection docker_exec docker_image docker_image_collection docker_network docker_network_collection docker_node docker_node_collection docker_plugin docker_plugin_collection docker_secret_collection docker_service docker_service_collection docker_swarm_collection docker_task docker_task_collection docker_types docker_volume docker_volume_collection

##' Create a docker client object, which allows you to interact with
##' docker from R.  The object has several \emph{methods} that allow
##' interaction with the docker daemon (for this object they are all
##' "system" commands) and \emph{collections}, which contains further
##' methods.  The client is structured similarly to the docker command
##' line client, such that \code{docker container create <args>} in
##' the command line becomes \code{docker$container$create(...)} in R
##' (if the client is called R).
##' \Sexpr[results=rd,stage=render]{stevedore:::generate_help()}
##' @section Connection options:
##' \code{stevedore} can connect to the docker daemon via a unix
##' socket (this is the default set-up on Linux and macOS), over a
##' named pipe (Windows 10 - see below) and https over a normal tcp
##' connection (this is especially useful with
##' \href{https://docs.docker.com/machine/}{\code{docker-machine}}.
##' \enumerate{
##' \item If the \code{machine} argument is given then
##'   \code{stevedore} queries \code{docker-machine} for settings.  If
##'   that command fails (e.g., there is no machine,
##'   \code{docker-machine} not installed) then that will cause an
##'   error.  (Note that the \code{docker-machine} output does not
##'   include API version information so the \code{api_version}
##'   argument is relevant, but \code{host}, \code{cert_path} and
##'   \code{tls_verify} will be silently ignored if provided).
##' \item The arguments \code{host} overrides the environment variable
##'   \code{DOCKER_HOST}, \code{cert_path} overrides
##'   \code{DOCKER_CERT_PATH} and \code{tls_verify} overrides
##'   \code{DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY}.  If \code{ignore_environment} is
##'   \code{TRUE} then the environment variables are not used at all.
##' \item if \code{code} is not provided by any of the above methods
##'   (machine, argument or environment variable) it will fall back
##'   on the default unix socket (\code{var/run/docker.sock}) on
##'   Linux/macOS or the default windows named pipe
##'   (\code{npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine}) on windows.
##' }
##' The API version is set by the \code{api_version} argument, which
##' falls back on the environment variable \code{DOCKER_API_VERSION}
##' (this is the same as the docker command line client and the python
##' SDK).  If neither are provided then \code{stevedore} will detect
##' the API version being used by the daemon and match that (provided
##' it falls within the range of versions supported by the package).
##' @title Create docker client
##' @param ... Reserved for future use.  Passing in any unrecognised
##'   argument will throw an error.  Part of the role of this argument
##'   is to force use of named arguments until the API is stabilised.
##' @param api_version Version of the API to use when communicating
##'   with the docker daemon.  The default value, \code{NULL}, detects
##'   the docker server API version and attempts to match it (this
##'   mirrors the default behaviour of the docker command line
##'   client).  Alternatively, provide an API version number as a
##'   string or \code{\link{numeric_version}} object (supported
##'   between \Sexpr{stevedore:::DOCKER_API_VERSION_MIN} and
##'   \Sexpr{stevedore:::DOCKER_API_VERSION_MAX}).  The version
##'   \Sexpr{stevedore:::DOCKER_API_VERSION_DEFAULT} is the version
##'   used in most automated tests, and if problems are encountered,
##'   consider forcing this version).
##' @param host The URL for the docker daemon.  This can be a unix
##'   socket (e.g., unix:///var/run/docker.sock) on macOS/Linux, a
##'   named pipe (e.g., \code{npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine}) on
##'   Windows, or an http or https url (e.g.,
##'   \code{https://localhost:2376}).  If not given, we use the
##'   environment variable \code{DOCKER_HOST}, falling back on the
##'   default socket or named pipe (for macOS/unix and windows
##'   respectively).
##' @param cert_path The path to a directory containing certificate
##'   files.  If using an \code{https} url this is required.  If not
##'   given, we use the environment variable \code{DOCKER_CERT_PATH}.
##'   This is ignored without warning if used with a socket or named
##'   pipe connection.
##' @param tls_verify Logical, indicating if TLS should be verified.
##'   This is only used if using an https connection (i.e., host is a
##'   tcp/http/https url and\code{cert_path} is given).  If not given,
##'   we use the environment variable \code{DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY}.
##' @param machine Scalar character (if provided) indicating the name
##'   of a "docker machine" instance to use.  If this is provided then
##'   \code{docker-machine} must be installed and the machine must
##'   exist and be running.  \code{stevedore} will run
##'   \code{docker-machine env machine} to determine the environment
##'   variables to contact this machine and use these values for
##'   \code{host}, \code{cert_path} and \code{tls_verify} (silently
##'   ignoring any provided values).  Carl Boettiger is working on a
##'   \href{https://github.com/cboettig/dockermachine}{docker machine}
##'   package for R that would make managing docker machines from R
##'   easier.  As an alternative to this option, one can set
##'   docker-machine environment variables as described in
##'   \code{docker-machine env} before running R and they would be picked
##'   up as described above.
##' @param http_client_type HTTP client type to use.  The options are
##'   (currently) "curl", which uses the \code{curl} package (works
##'   over unix sockets and over TCP) and \code{httppipe} which works
##'   over unix sockets and windows named pipes, using the Docker
##'   SDK's pipe code via the \code{httppipe} package.  Not all
##'   functionality is supported with the \code{httppipe} client.
##'   This option may eventually be moved into the \code{...} argument
##'   as is not intended for end-user use; it is primarily intended
##'   for debugging in development (forcing the \code{httppipe} client
##'   where the \code{curl} client would ordinarily be preferred).
##' @param data_frame Function, used to wrap data.frames returned.
##'   This may make output easier to consume.  You might use
##'   \code{tibble::as_tibble} to return a \code{tbl_df} or
##'   \code{datatable::as.data.table} to return \code{data.table}
##'   objects.  This will be applied to all data.frames \emph{after}
##'   they are constructed, and so must take a single argument (the
##'   newly constructed data.frame) and return a new object that is
##'   largely compatible with data.frame.  Another use for this would
##'   be to define a function \code{data_frame = function(x)
##'   structure(x, class = c("foo", "data.frame"))} to set the class
##'   of all returned data.frame objects to be "foo" as well and then
##'   defining a custom S3 print method for "foo" that limited the
##'   output.
##' @param ignore_environment Logical, indicating if environment
##'   variables (\code{DOCKER_HOST}, \code{DOCKER_CERT_PATH},
##'   \code{DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY} and \code{DOCKER_API_VERSION}) should
##'   be ignored (this has no effect if \code{machine} is specified).
##' @param quiet Suppress informational messages.
##' @param debug Enable http debugging (supported by the curl http
##'   driver only).  Provide a connection object and http headers and
##'   content will be sent to it.  Using \code{debug = TRUE} is
##'   equivalent to \code{code = stdout()}, while \code{debug = FALSE}
##'   is equivalent to \code{debug = NULL} (the default) which
##'   prevents debugging information being printed.  This option can
##'   be used to write to a file by opening a writeable connection but
##'   care must be made not to close this connection because otherwise
##'   the curl requests may fail.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' if (stevedore::docker_available()) {
##'   # Create a new client object:
##'   client <- stevedore::docker_client()
##'   # Version information for your docker daemon:
##'   client$version()
##'   # General information about your daemon:
##'   client$info()
##'   # Most of the interesting methods are within the collections.
##'   # For example, to see a summary of running containers:
##'   client$container$list()
##'   # (see ?docker_container) for more information.
##' }
docker_client <- function(..., api_version = NULL,
                          host = NULL, cert_path = NULL, tls_verify = NULL,
                          machine = NULL,
                          http_client_type = NULL,
                          data_frame = NULL,
                          quiet = FALSE, debug = NULL,
                          ignore_environment = FALSE) {
  assert_empty_dots(..., name = "docker_client")

  config <- docker_config(api_version, host, cert_path, tls_verify, machine,
                          http_client_type = http_client_type,
                          data_frame = data_frame,
                          quiet = quiet, debug = debug,
                          ignore_environment = ignore_environment)

  self <- new_stevedore_object(NULL)
  self$.api_client <- docker_api_client(config)
  self$types <- docker_types(self)

  self$connection_info <- function() {

  self$events <- docker_client_method(
    "system_events", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  self$df <- docker_client_method("system_df", self)

  self$info <- docker_client_method("system_info", self)

  self$login <- docker_client_method(
    "system_auth", self,
    after = after_system_login)

  self$ping <- docker_client_method("system_ping", self)

  self$cp <- function(src, dest) {
    docker_client_cp(self, src, dest)

  self$version <- docker_client_method("system_version", self)
  self$api_version <- function() self$.api_client$http_client$api_version
  self$request <- make_docker_client_request(self)

  self$container <- docker_container_collection(self)
  self$image <- docker_image_collection(self)
  self$network <- docker_network_collection(self)
  self$volume <- docker_volume_collection(self)

  self$swarm <- docker_swarm_collection(self)
  self$node <- docker_node_collection(self)
  self$service <- docker_service_collection(self)
  self$task <- docker_task_collection(self)
  self$secret <- docker_secret_collection(self)
  self$config <- docker_config_collection(self)

  self$plugin <- docker_plugin_collection(self)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_client",
                   "Control the docker daemon")

docker_container_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$run <- make_docker_run(parent)

  self$create <- docker_client_method(
    "container_create", self,
    promote = c("image", "cmd"),
    rename = c(ports = "exposed_ports",
               network = "networking_config",
               health_check = "healthcheck"),
    defaults = alist(image =),
    process = list(
      quote(image <- get_image_id(image)),
      quote(cmd <- validate_command(cmd)),
      quote(if (!is.null(network)) network <- get_network_id(network)),
      quote(env <- validate_env(env)),
      mcr_volumes_for_create(quote(volumes), quote(host_config)),
      mcr_ports_for_create(quote(ports), quote(host_config)),
      mcr_network_for_create(quote(network), quote(host_config))),
    after = after_container_create)

  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_container, parent)

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "container_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))),
    after = after_container_list)

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "container_delete", self,
    rename = c(delete_volumes = "v"),
    process = list(quote(id <- get_image_id(id))))

  self$prune <- docker_client_method(
    "container_prune", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_container_collection",
                   "Work with docker containers")

docker_container <- function(id, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)
  fix_id <- docker_client_add_inspect(id, "id", "container_inspect", self)

  ## These will probably get rationalised soon as there is a pattern here
  self$name <- function() drop_leading_slash(self$inspect(FALSE)$name)
  self$labels <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$config$labels
  self$status <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$state$status
  self$image <- function() docker_container_image(self)
  self$ports <- function(reload = TRUE) {
    docker_container_ports(self$inspect(reload), client_output_options(self))

  ## TODO: "attach" is hard because it might need to hijack the
  ## connection and deal with stdin (follow logs is close but not
  ## quite the same)
  ## attach = docker_client_method("container_attach", self,
  ##    fix = fix_id)
  ## NOTE: The promotion list for commit is to mimic the argument
  ## list for the command line version of `docker commit` (minus
  ## "id" which is fixed).
  self$commit <- docker_client_method(
    "image_commit", self,
    process = list(quote(env <- validate_env(env))),
    promote = c("repo", "tag", "author", "changes", "comment", "pause"),
    fix = list(container = id),
    after = after_image_commit)

  self$diff <- docker_client_method(
    "container_changes", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$exec_create <- docker_client_method(
    "exec_create", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    rename = c(stdout = "attach_stdout",
               stderr = "attach_stderr",
               stdin = "attach_stdin"),
    defaults = alist(stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE, cmd =),
    promote = "cmd",
    process = list(quote(cmd <- validate_command(cmd)),
                   quote(env <- validate_env(env))),
    after = after_exec_create)

  self$exec <- make_container_exec(self)

  self$export <- docker_client_method(
    "container_export", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$path_stat <- docker_client_method(
    "container_path_stat", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    after = after_container_path_stat)

  self$get_archive <- docker_client_method(
    "container_archive", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    process = list(quote(assert_scalar_character_or_null(dest))),
    after = after_container_archive)

  self$put_archive <- docker_client_method(
    "container_import", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    rename = c(src = "input_stream"),
    process = list(quote(src <- validate_tar_input(src))),
    after = nothing)

  ## Two functions to around which docker cp can be built
  self$cp_in <- function(src, dest) docker_container_cp_in(self, src, dest)
  self$cp_out <- function(src, dest) docker_container_cp_out(self, src, dest)

  self$kill <- docker_client_method(
    "container_kill", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  ## Logs; quite complicated in the case of 'follow'
  ## -  stream has an effect *only* if follow is TRUE
  self$logs <- docker_client_method(
    "container_logs", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    defaults = list(stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE),
    process = list(
      quote(if (is.numeric(tail)) tail <- as.character(tail)),
    hijack = quote(
      if (isTRUE(follow)) streaming_text(docker_stream_printer(stream))),
    allow_hijack_without_stream = FALSE,
    after = after_container_logs)

  self$pause <- docker_client_method(
    "container_pause", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "container_delete", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    rename = c(delete_volumes = "v"))

  ## This might force refresh?
  self$rename <- docker_client_method(
    "container_rename", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$resize <- docker_client_method(
    "container_resize", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$restart <- docker_client_method(
    "container_restart", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$start <- docker_client_method(
    "container_start", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    after = invisible_self)

  ## TODO: expose stream (but with nice printing and escape instructions?)
  self$stats <- docker_client_method(
    "container_stats", self,
    fix = c(fix_id, stream = FALSE))

  self$stop <- docker_client_method(
    "container_stop", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$top <- docker_client_method(
    "container_top", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    after = after_container_top)

  self$unpause <- docker_client_method(
    "container_unpause", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$update <- docker_client_method(
    "container_update", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    after = after_container_update)

  self$wait <- docker_client_method(
    "container_wait", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    after = after_container_wait)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_container",
                   "Work with a particular docker container")

docker_image_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_image, parent)

  ## TODO: control returning output too
  self$build <- docker_client_method(
    "image_build", self,
    drop = "content_type",
    rename = c(context = "input_stream", tag = "t"),
    defaults = alist(context =),
    process = list(
      quote(context <- validate_tar_directory(context, dockerfile))),
    hijack = quote(streaming_json(build_status_printer(stream))),
    allow_hijack_without_stream = TRUE,
    after = after_image_build)

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "image_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  self$import <- docker_client_method("image_import", self)

  ## TODO: add filename argument for saving (see image_tarball)
  self$export <- docker_client_method("image_export", self)

  self$pull <- docker_client_method(
    "image_create", self,
    rename = c("name" = "from_image"),
    drop = c("input_image", "from_src", "repo", "registry_auth"),
    process = list(
      mcr_process_image_and_tag(quote(name), quote(tag)),
      mcr_prepare_auth(quote(name), quote(registry_auth))),
    defaults = alist(name =),
    hijack = quote(streaming_json(pull_status_printer(stream))),
    allow_hijack_without_stream = TRUE,
    after = after_image_pull)

  self$push <- docker_client_method(
    "image_push", self,
    drop = c("registry_auth", "tag"),
    hijack = quote(streaming_json(pull_status_printer(stream))),
    process = list(
      mcr_prepare_push(quote(name), quote(tag), quote(registry_auth))),
    after = after_image_push)

  self$search <- docker_client_method(
    "image_search", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  self$remove <- docker_client_method("image_delete", self)

  self$prune <- docker_client_method(
    "image_prune", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  self$build_clean <- docker_client_method(
    "image_build_clean", self)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_image_collection",
                   "Work with docker images")

docker_image <- function(id, parent) {
  ## NOTE: used in 'name()' to record the given name - this is
  ## different to most of the other cases here and I'm not sure how
  ## incredibly useful this is.  But it's the only way that we get to
  ## record how the user requested the object vs all of the collected
  ## information attached to it.
  name <- id

  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)
  fix_id_as_name <-
    docker_client_add_inspect(id, "id", "image_inspect", self, "name")

  self$name <- function() name
  self$labels <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$config$labels
  self$short_id <- function() short_id(self$inspect(FALSE)$id)
  self$tags <- function(reload = TRUE) {

  self$history <- docker_client_method(
    "image_history", self,
    fix = fix_id_as_name)

  ## TODO: this needs to add a 'filename' option for saving
  self$export <- docker_client_method(
    "image_tarball", self,
    fix = fix_id_as_name)

  self$tag <- docker_client_method(
    "image_tag", self,
    fix = fix_id_as_name,
    after = invisible_self,
    defaults = alist(repo =))

  self$untag <- function(repo_tag) docker_image_untag(repo_tag, self)

  ## NOTE: this always tries to remove the image by *id* not by
  ## name, which is not ideal really.  When force = TRUE it's
  ## basically the same I think.
  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "image_delete", self,
    fix = fix_id_as_name)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_image",
                   "Work with a particular docker image")

docker_network_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$create <- docker_client_method(
    "network_create", self,
    after = after_network_create,
    defaults = alist(check_duplicate = TRUE))

  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_network, parent)

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "network_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  self$remove <- docker_client_method("network_delete", self)

  self$prune <- docker_client_method(
    "network_prune", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_network_collection",
                   "Work with docker networks")

docker_network <- function(id, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  fix_id <- docker_client_add_inspect(id, "id", "network_inspect", self)

  self$name <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$name

  self$containers <- function(reload = TRUE) {
    docker_network_containers(reload, self)

  self$connect <- docker_client_method(
    "network_connect", self,
    process = list(
      quote(container <- get_container_id(container))),
    fix = fix_id)

  self$disconnect <- docker_client_method(
    "network_disconnect", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "network_delete", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_network",
                   "Work with a particular docker network")

docker_volume_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$create <- docker_client_method(
    "volume_create", self,
    after = after_volume_create)

  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_volume, parent, "name")

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "volume_list", self,
    after = after_volume_list,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  self$remove <- docker_client_method("volume_delete", self)

  self$prune <- docker_client_method(
    "volume_prune", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))
  stevedore_object(self, "docker_volume_collection",
                   "Work with docker volumes")

docker_volume <- function(name, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)
  fix_name <- docker_client_add_inspect(name, "name", "volume_inspect", self)

  self$map <- function(path, readonly = FALSE) {
    docker_volume_map(self$inspect(FALSE), path, readonly)

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "volume_delete", self,
    fix = fix_name)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_volume",
                   "Work with a particular docker volume")

docker_exec <- function(id, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)
  fix_id <- docker_client_add_inspect(id, "id", "exec_inspect", self)

  ## Even though it feels like there *should* be a way, there is no
  ## way to get back to a detached exec instance.
  ## https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/9527

  ## TODO: explicitly set 'detach' argument
  self$start <- docker_client_method(
    "exec_start", self,
    defaults = alist(detach = FALSE),
    fix = fix_id,
    hijack = quote(streaming_text(docker_stream_printer(stream))),
    allow_hijack_without_stream = TRUE,
    process = list(mcr_prepare_stream_and_close(quote(stream))),
    after = after_exec_start)

  self$resize <- docker_client_method(
    "exec_resize", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_exec",
                   "Work with an 'exec' instance")

docker_swarm_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$init <- docker_client_method(
    "swarm_init", self,
    defaults = alist(listen_addr = ""))
  self$inspect <- docker_client_method("swarm_inspect", self)
  self$join <- docker_client_method("swarm_join", self)
  self$leave <- docker_client_method("swarm_leave", self)
  self$update <- docker_client_method("swarm_update", self)
  self$unlock_key <- docker_client_method("swarm_unlock_key", self)
  self$unlock <- docker_client_method("swarm_unlock", self)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_swarm_collection",
                   "Manage the docker swarm")

docker_node_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_node, parent, "id")

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "node_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))
  self$delete <- docker_client_method("node_delete", self)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_node_collection",
                   "Manage docker swarm nodes")

docker_node <- function(id, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  fix_id <- docker_client_add_inspect(id, "id", "node_inspect", self)

  ## TODO: this one here needs a bunch of work actually - we need to
  ## automate the index but also allow for *partial* updates, perhaps.
  self$update <- docker_client_method(
    "node_update", self,
    fix = fix_id)

  self$hostname <- function(reload = TRUE) {
  self$version <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$version$index
  self$status <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$status$state
  self$role <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$spec$role
  self$availability <- function(reload = TRUE) {

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_node",
                   "Work with a particular docker node")

docker_service_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$create <- docker_client_method(
    "service_create", self,
    expand = c("task_template" = "task_spec",
               "container_spec" = "container_spec"),
    ## All the processing here is quite hard, but could be formalised
    ## - this is all processing of arguments that are in expanded
    ## types.  That's not a pattern used elsewhere yet.
    process = list(
      quote(task_template <-
              validate_service_secrets(task_template, object$.parent)),
      quote(task_template <-
              validate_service_configs(task_template, object$.parent)),
      quote(mode <- validate_service_replicas(replicas, global))),
    drop = "mode",
    after = after_service_create)

  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_service, parent, "id")

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "service_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "service_delete", self)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_service_collection",
                   "Work with docker services")

docker_service <- function(id, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  fix_id <- docker_client_add_inspect(id, "id", "service_inspect", self)

  self$name <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$spec$name
  self$version <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$version$index
  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "service_delete", self,
    fix = fix_id)
  self$tasks <- function(filters = NULL) {
    docker_service_tasks(self, filters)
  self$ps <- function(resolve_names = TRUE, filters = NULL) {
    docker_service_ps(self, resolve_names, filters)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_service",
                   "Work with a particular docker service")

docker_task_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "task_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))))
  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_task, parent, "id")

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_task_collection",
                   "Work with docker tasks")

docker_task <- function(id, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  fix_id <- docker_client_add_inspect(id, "id", "task_inspect", self)

  self$logs <- docker_client_method(
    "task_logs", self,
    fix = fix_id,
    defaults = list(stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE),
    process = list(
      quote(if (is.numeric(tail)) tail <- as.character(tail)),
    hijack = quote(
      if (isTRUE(follow)) streaming_text(docker_stream_printer(stream))),
    allow_hijack_without_stream = FALSE,
    after = after_task_logs)

  self$state <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$status$state
  self$service <- function() {

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_task",
                   "Work with a particular docker task")

docker_secret_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$create <- docker_client_method(
    "secret_create", self,
    defaults = alist(name = , data =),
    promote = c("name", "data"),
    process = list(quote(data <- validate_secret_data(data))),
    after = after_secret_create)

  self$inspect <- docker_client_method(
    "secret_inspect", self)

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "secret_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))),
    after = after_secret_list)

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "secret_delete", self)

  self$update <- docker_client_method(
    "secret_update", self)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_secret_collection",
                   "Manage docker swarm secrets")

docker_config_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$create <- docker_client_method(
    "config_create", self,
    defaults = alist(name = , data =),
    promote = c("name", "data"),
    process = list(quote(data <- validate_secret_data(data))),
    after = after_secret_create)

  self$inspect <- docker_client_method(
    "config_inspect", self)

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "config_list", self,
    process = list(quote(filters <- as_docker_filter(filters))),
    after = after_secret_list)

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "config_delete", self)

  self$update <- docker_client_method(
    "config_update", self)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_config_collection",
                   "Manage docker swarm configs")

docker_plugin_collection <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)

  self$list <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_list", self)

  self$privileges <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_privileges", self)

  self$install <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_install", self,
    rename = c("alias" = "name"),
    fix = list(body = NULL),
    process = list(
      quote(body <- validate_plugin_privileges(object, remote, grant_all))),
    hijack = quote(streaming_json(pull_status_printer(stream))),
    allow_hijack_without_stream = TRUE,
    after = after_plugin_install)

  self$get <- docker_client_getter(docker_plugin, parent, "name")

  self$create <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_create", self,
    rename = c(plugin_data_dir = "tar_context"),
    defaults = alist(plugin_data_dir =),
    process = list(
      quote(plugin_data_dir <- validate_tar_directory(plugin_data_dir))),
    after = after_plugin_create)

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_plugin_collection",
                   "Work with docker plugins")

docker_plugin <- function(name, parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)
  fix_name <- docker_client_add_inspect(name, "name", "plugin_inspect", self)

  self$id <- function() self$inspect(FALSE)$id
  self$is_enabled <- function(reload = TRUE) self$inspect(reload)$enabled

  self$remove <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_remove", self,
    fix = fix_name)

  self$enable <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_enable", self,
    fix = fix_name,
    defaults = alist(timeout = 0L),
    process = list(
      quote(timeout <- assert_scalar_integer(timeout))))

  self$disable <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_disable", self,
    fix = fix_name)

  self$configure <- docker_client_method(
    "plugin_configure", self,
    fix = fix_name,
    process = list(
      quote(body <- validate_plugin_configure_body(body))))

  stevedore_object(self, "docker_plugin",
                   "Work with a particular docker plugin")

docker_types <- function(parent) {
  self <- new_stevedore_object(parent)
  types <- lapply(parent$.api_client$types, "[[", "reciever")
  list2env(types, self)
  stevedore_object(self, "docker_types",
                   "Methods for building complex docker types")

Try the stevedore package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

stevedore documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:35 p.m.