
Defines functions plotModels

Documented in plotModels

#' Plots semantic coherence and exclusivity for high likelihood models
#' outputted from selectModel.
#' Plots semantic coherence and exclusivity for high likelihood models.  In the
#' case of models that include content covariates, prints semantic coherence
#' and sparsity.
#' Each model has semantic coherence and exclusivity values associated with
#' each topic.  In the default plot function, the small colored dots are
#' associated with a topic's semantic coherence and exclusivity.  Dots with the
#' same color as topics associated with the same model.  The average semantic
#' coherence and exclusivity is also plotted in the same color, but printed as
#' the model number associated with the output from selectModels().
#' With content covariates, the model does not output exclusivity because
#' exclusivity has been built in with the content covariates.  Instead, the
#' user should check to make sure that sparsity is high enough (typically
#' greater than .5), and then should select a model based on semantic
#' coherence.
#' @param models Output from selectModel.
#' @param labels Labels for each model.
#' @param xlab Character string that is x axis title. This will be semantic
#' coherence.
#' @param ylab Character string that is y axis title. This will be exclusivity.
#' @param pch A vector of integers specifying symbol for plotting.
#' @param legend.position The location of the legend.  Can be \code{"bottomright", 
#' "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right"} and 
#' \code{"center"}.
#' @param ...  Other plotting parameters.
#' @export
plotModels <- function(models, xlab="Semantic Coherence", ylab="Exclusivity", 
                       labels=1:length(models$runout), pch=NULL, 
  if(!inherits(models, "selectModel")) {
    if(length(models)==1)   stop("plotModels only works for selectModel objects.")
    #we want to let it run if it was a case before selectModels had a class
    #thus just check if semantic coherence is in there.
    if(is.null(models$semcoh)) stop("plotModels only works for selectModel objects")
  if(is.null(pch)) pch <- rep(16, length(models$runout))
    plot(0, 0, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, col="white", xlim=c(min(unlist(models$semcoh)), max(unlist(models$semcoh))),
         ylim=c(min(unlist(models$exclusivity)), max(unlist(models$exclusivity))),...)
    col = grDevices::rainbow(length(models$runout))
    for(i in 1:length(models$runout)){
      points(models$semcoh[[i]], models$exclusivity[[i]], col=col[i], pch=pch[i], cex=.75)
    legend(x=legend.position,legend=labels, col=col, pch=pch)
    text(unlist(lapply(models$semcoh, mean)), unlist(lapply(models$exclusivity, mean)), labels, col=col)
    avgsc <- unlist(lapply(models$semcoh, mean))
    avgsp <- unlist(lapply(models$sparsity, mean))
    for(i in 1:length(models$runout)){
      print(paste("Model", i, "has on average", avgsc[i], "semantic coherence and", avgsp[i], "sparsity"))

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stm documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:18 p.m.