
Defines functions od_oneway not_duplicated od_id_order_base convert_to_numeric od_id_character od_id_max_min od_id_szudzik od_id_order

Documented in od_id_character od_id_max_min od_id_order od_id_szudzik od_oneway

#' Generate ordered ids of OD pairs so lowest is always first
#' This function is slow on large datasets, see szudzik_pairing for faster alternative
#' @inheritParams od_oneway
#' @examples
#' x <- data.frame(id1 = c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3), id2 = c(1, 2, 3, 1, 4))
#' od_id_order(x) # 4th line switches id1 and id2 so stplanr.key is in order
#' @family od
#' @export
od_id_order <- function(x, id1 = names(x)[1], id2 = names(x)[2]) {
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    stplanr.id1 = x[[id1]],
    stplanr.id1 = x[[id2]],
    stplanr.key = od_id_character(x[[id1]], x[[id2]])
#' Combine two ID values to create a single ID number
#' @details
#' In OD data it is common to have many 'oneway' flows from "A to B" and "B to A".
#' It can be useful to group these an have a single ID that represents pairs of IDs
#' with or without directionality, so they contain 'twoway' or bi-directional values.
#' `od_id*` functions take two vectors of equal length and return a vector of IDs,
#' which are unique for each combination but the same for twoway flows.
#' -  the Szudzik pairing function, on two vectors of equal
#' length. It returns a vector of ID numbers.
#' This function superseeds od_id_order as it is faster on large datasets
#' @param x a vector of numeric, character, or factor values
#' @param y a vector of numeric, character, or factor values
#' @param ordermatters logical, does the order of values matter to pairing, default = FALSE
#' @family od
#' @name od_id
#' @examples
#' (d <- od_data_sample[2:9, 1:2])
#' (id <- od_id_character(d[[1]], d[[2]]))
#' duplicated(id)
#' od_id_szudzik(d[[1]], d[[2]])
#' od_id_max_min(d[[1]], d[[2]])
#' @rdname od_id
#' @export
od_id_szudzik <- function(x, y, ordermatters = FALSE) {
  if (length(x) != length(y)) {
    stop("x and y are not of equal length")

  if (is(x, "factor")) {
    x <- as.character(x)
  if (is(y, "factor")) {
    y <- as.character(y)
  lvls <- unique(c(x, y))
  x <- as.integer(factor(x, levels = lvls))
  y <- as.integer(factor(y, levels = lvls))
  if (ordermatters) {
    ismax <- x > y
    stplanr.key <- (ismax * 1) * (x^2 + x + y) + ((!ismax) * 1) * (y^2 + x)
  } else {
    a <- ifelse(x > y, y, x)
    b <- ifelse(x > y, x, y)
    stplanr.key <- b^2 + a
#' @export
#' @rdname od_id
od_id_max_min <- function(x, y) {
  d <- convert_to_numeric(x, y)
  a <- pmax(d$x, d$y)
  b <- pmin(d$x, d$y)
  a * (a + 1) / 2 + b

#' @export
#' @rdname od_id
od_id_character <- function(x, y) {
    pmin(x, y),
    pmax(x, y)

convert_to_numeric <- function(x, y) {
  if (length(x) != length(y)) stop("x and y are not of equal length")
  if (is(x, "factor")) x <- as.character(x)
  if (is(y, "factor")) y <- as.character(y)
  lvls <- unique(c(x, y))
  x <- as.integer(factor(x, levels = lvls))
  y <- as.integer(factor(y, levels = lvls))
  list(x = x, y = y)

od_id_order_base <- function(x, y) {
  d <- convert_to_numeric(x, y)
  x <- d$x
  y <- d$y
  paste(pmin(x, y), pmax(x, y))

not_duplicated <- function(x) {
#' Aggregate od pairs they become non-directional
#' For example, sum total travel in both directions.
#' @param x A data frame or SpatialLinesDataFrame, representing an OD matrix
#' @param attrib A vector of column numbers or names, representing variables to be aggregated.
#' By default, all numeric variables are selected.
#' aggregate
#' @param id1 Optional (it is assumed to be the first column)
#' text string referring to the name of the variable containing
#' the unique id of the origin
#' @param id2 Optional (it is assumed to be the second column)
#' text string referring to the name of the variable containing
#' the unique id of the destination
#' @return `oneway` outputs a data frame (or `sf` data frame) with rows containing
#' results for the user-selected attribute values that have been aggregated.
#' @param stplanr.key Optional key of unique OD pairs regardless of the order,
#' e.g., as generated by [od_id_max_min()] or [od_id_szudzik()]
#' @family od
#' @export
#' @details
#' Flow data often contains movement in two directions: from point A to point B
#' and then from B to A. This can be problematic for transport planning, because
#' the magnitude of flow along a route can be masked by flows the other direction.
#' If only the largest flow in either direction is captured in an analysis, for
#' example, the true extent of travel will by heavily under-estimated for
#' OD pairs which have similar amounts of travel in both directions.
#' Flows in both direction are often represented by overlapping lines with
#' identical geometries which can be confusing
#' for users and are difficult to plot.
#' @examples
#' (od_min <- od_data_sample[c(1, 2, 9), 1:6])
#' (od_oneway <- od_oneway(od_min))
#' # (od_oneway_old = onewayid(od_min, attrib = 3:6)) # old implementation
#' nrow(od_oneway) < nrow(od_min) # result has fewer rows
#' sum(od_min$all) == sum(od_oneway$all) # but the same total flow
#' od_oneway(od_min, attrib = "all")
#' attrib <- which(vapply(flow, is.numeric, TRUE))
#' flow_oneway <- od_oneway(flow, attrib = attrib)
#' colSums(flow_oneway[attrib]) == colSums(flow[attrib]) # test if the colSums are equal
#' # Demonstrate the results from oneway and onewaygeo are identical
#' flow_oneway_sf <- od_oneway(flowlines_sf)
#' plot(flow_oneway_sf$geometry, lwd = flow_oneway_sf$All / mean(flow_oneway_sf$All))
od_oneway <- function(x,
                      attrib = names(x[-c(1:2)])[vapply(x[-c(1:2)], is.numeric, TRUE)],
                      id1 = names(x)[1],
                      id2 = names(x)[2],
                      stplanr.key = NULL) {
  is_sf <- is(x, "sf")

  if (is.null(stplanr.key)) {
    id1_temp <- x[[id1]]
    x[[id1]] <- pmin(x[[id1]], x[[id2]])
    x[[id2]] <- pmax(id1_temp, x[[id2]])

    if (is_sf) {
      duplicated_oneway <- duplicated(sf::st_drop_geometry(x[c(id1, id2)]))
    } else {
      duplicated_oneway <- duplicated(x[c(id1, id2)])

    if (is_sf) {
      x_sf <- x[!duplicated_oneway, c(id1, id2)]
      x <- sf::st_drop_geometry(x)

    if (is.numeric(attrib)) {
      attrib <- attrib - 2 # account for 1st 2 columns being ids
    x_grouped <- dplyr::group_by(x, !!rlang::sym(id1), !!rlang::sym(id2))
    x_oneway <- dplyr::ungroup(dplyr::summarise_at(x_grouped, attrib, sum))

    if (is_sf) {
      x_oneway <- sf::st_as_sf(dplyr::left_join(x_oneway, x_sf))
      # class(x_oneway) # sf


  if (is.numeric(attrib)) {
    attrib_names <- names(x)[attrib]
  } else {
    attrib_names <- attrib
    attrib <- which(names(x) %in% attrib)

  # separate geometry for sf objects
  if (is_sf) {
    x_sf <- sf::st_sf(data.frame(stplanr.key, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), geometry = sf::st_geometry(x))
    x <- sf::st_drop_geometry(x)

  x <- dplyr::bind_cols(x, stplanr.key = stplanr.key)

  x_oneway_grouped <- dplyr::group_by(x, stplanr.key)
  x_oneway <- dplyr::ungroup(dplyr::summarise_at(x_oneway_grouped, attrib, sum))

  # # next lines can extract ids - assuming not necessary for now:
  # x_ids_grouped <-
  #   dplyr::summarise(
  #     x_oneway_grouped,
  #     id1 = dplyr::first(!!rlang::sym(id1)),
  #     id2 = dplyr::first(!!rlang::sym(id2))
  #   )
  # x_oneway <- dplyr::bind_cols(
  #   x_oneway,
  #   x_ids_grouped
  # )

  if (is_sf) {
    x_sf <- x_sf[!duplicated(x_sf$stplanr.key), ]
    x_oneway <- sf::st_as_sf(dplyr::inner_join(x_oneway, x_sf))
    # class(x_oneway) # sf

  # x_oneway$stplanr.key <- NULL
  # names(x_oneway)[1:2] <- c(id1, id2)


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stplanr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2023, 9:07 a.m.