
Defines functions stratEst.data

Documented in stratEst.data

#' Creates a stratEst.data object.
#' @useDynLib stratEst,.registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @param data a \code{data.frame} in the long format.
#' @param choice a character string. The variable in \code{data} which contains the discrete choices. Default is \code{"choice"}.
#' @param input a character string. The names of the input generating variables in \code{data}. At least one input generating variable has to be specified. Default is \code{c("input")}.
#' @param input.lag a numeric vector. The time lag in periods of the input generating variables. An integer or a vector of integers with as many elements as variables specified in the object \code{input}. Default is zero.
#' @param input.sep a character string. Separates the input generating variables. Default is \code{""}.
#' @param id a character string. The name of the variable in \code{data} that identifies observations of the same individual. Default is \code{"id"}.
#' @param game a character string. The name of the variable in \code{data} that identifies observations of the same game. Default is \code{"game"}.
#' @param period a character string. The name of the variable in \code{data} that identifies the periods of a game. Default is \code{"period"}.
#' @param add a character vector. The names of variables in the global environment that should be added to the \code{stratEst.data} object. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param drop a character vector. The names of variables in \code{data} that should be dropped. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @return A \code{stratEst.data} object. A data frame in the long format with the following variables:
#' \item{id}{the variable that identifies observations of the same individual.}
#' \item{game}{the variable that identifies observations of the same game.}
#' \item{period}{the period of the game.}
#' \item{choice}{the discrete choices.}
#' \item{input}{the inputs.}
#' @details The data generation function of the package.
#' @examples
#' ## Transform the prisoner's dilemma data of Dal Bo and Frechette (2011).
#' data.DF2011 <- stratEst.data(DF2011, choice = "choice",
#'                              input=c("choice", "other.choice"), input.lag = 1)
#' ## Transform the prisoner's dilemma data of Fudenberg, Rand, and Dreber (2012).
#' data.FRD2012 <- stratEst.data(data = FRD2012, choice = "choice",
#'                              input = c("last.choice", "last.other"))
#' @export
stratEst.data <- function( data, choice = "choice", input = c("input"), input.lag = 0, input.sep = "", id = "id", game = "game", period = "period", add = NULL, drop = NULL ){

  # check data
  if( missing(data) ) {
    stop("stratEst.data error: Mandatory input object 'data' is missing.")
    if( inherits(data, "data.frame") == FALSE ){
      stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'data' must be a data frame.")

  # check id
  if( inherits(id, "character") == FALSE ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'id' must be a character indicating the variable in 'data' which identifies the individuals.")
  if( length(id) != 1 ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'id' can only have one element.")
  if( id %in% colnames(data) ) {
    id_var <- data[,id]
    norm_id <- match(id_var,sort(unique(id_var)))
    num_ids <- length(unique(norm_id))
    stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The data does not contain the variable '",id,"' specified as variable 'id'.",sep=""))

  # check choice
  if( choice %in% colnames(data) == FALSE ) {
    stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The data does not contain the variable '",choice,"'.",sep=""))
    output <- choice
    if( inherits(output, "character") == FALSE ){
      stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'output' must be a character indicating the variable in 'data' which identifies the output.")
    if( length(output) != 1 ){
      stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'output' can only have one element.")
    output_var <- data[,output]

  # check input
  for( i in 1:length(input) ){
    if( input[i] %in% colnames(data) == FALSE ) {
      stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The data does not contain the variable '",input[i],"'.",sep=""))
  if( inherits(input, "character") == FALSE ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'input' must be a character vector indicating the variables in 'data' which generate the input.")
  num_input_vars <- length(input)
  input_vars <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA,nrow(data),num_input_vars))
  norm_input_vars <- matrix(NA,nrow(data),num_input_vars)
  for( i in 1:num_input_vars ){
    if( input[i] %in% colnames(data) ) {
      input_vars[,i] <- as.factor(data[,input[i]])
      stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The data does not contain the variable '",input[i],"' specified as variable to generate the input.",sep=""))
    norm_input_vars[,i] <- match(input_vars[,i],sort(unique(input_vars[,i])))

  # check input.lag
  if( inherits(input.lag, "numeric") == FALSE ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Elements of the input object 'input.lag' must be numeric.")
  if ( any(input.lag < 0) | any(input.lag%%1 != 0) ){
    stop("stratEst error: Elements of the input object 'input.lag' must be positive integers. Default is zero.");
  if( length(input.lag) != 1 & length(input.lag) != length(input) ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: The input object 'input.lag' must be an integer or a vector of integers with as many elements as variables specified in the object 'input'}.")
  if( length(input.lag) == 1 ){
    input.lag = rep(input.lag, length(input))
  input_lag <- as.integer(input.lag)

  # # OLD: check input.lag
  # if( inherits(input.lag, "numeric") == FALSE ){
  #   stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'input.lag' must be numeric.")
  # }
  # if ( input.lag < 0 | input.lag%%1 != 0 ){
  #   stop("stratEst error: Input object 'input.lag' must be a positive integer. Default is zero.");
  # }
  # if( length(input.lag) != 1 ){
  #   stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'input.lag' cannot have more than one element.")
  # }
  # input_lag <- as.integer(input.lag)

  # check game
  if( inherits(game, "character") == FALSE ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'game' must be a character indicating the variable in 'data' which identifies the game.")
  if( length(game) != 1 ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'game' can only have one element.")
  if( game %in% colnames(data) ) {
    game_var <- data[,game]
    stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The data does not contain the variable '",game,"' specified as variable 'game'.",sep=""))

  # check period
  if( inherits(period, "character") == FALSE ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'period' must be a character indicating the variable in 'data' which identifies the period.")
  if( length(period) != 1 ){
    stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'period' can only have one element.")
  if( period %in% colnames(data) ) {
    period_var <- data[,period]
    stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The data does not contain the variable '",period,"' specified as variable 'period'.",sep=""))

  # normalize and check game and period
  norm_game <- game_var
  norm_period <- period_var
  for( i in 1:max(norm_id)){
    norm_game[norm_id == i] <- match(game_var[norm_id == i],sort(unique(game_var[norm_id == i])))
    for( j in 1:max(norm_game[norm_id == i]) ){
      norm_period[norm_id == i & norm_game == j] <- match(period_var[norm_id == i & norm_game == j],sort(unique(period_var[norm_id == i & norm_game == j])))
      if( length(norm_period[norm_id == i & norm_game == j]) != max(norm_period[norm_id == i & norm_game == j]) ){
        stop("The same period cannot occur several times in the same game for the same id.")

  # check drop and drop
  if( is.null(drop) == FALSE ) {
    if( inherits(drop, "character") == FALSE ){
      stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'drop' must be a character vector indicating the variables in 'data' that should be added to the data frame.")
    num_vars_to_drop <- length(drop)
    for( i in 1:num_vars_to_drop ){
      if( drop[i] %in% colnames(data) ) {
        data <- subset(data, select = -which( colnames(data) == drop[i] ) )
        stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The data does not contain the variable '", drop[i],"' that should be dropped from the data frame.",sep=""))

  # check add and add
  if( is.null(add) == FALSE ) {
    if( inherits(add, "character") == FALSE ){
      stop("stratEst.data error: Input object 'add' must be a character vector indicating the variables from the global environment that should be added to the data frame.")
    num_vars_to_add <- length(add)
    for( i in 1:num_vars_to_add ){
      if( exists( add[i] ) ){
        old_names <- colnames(data)
        if( length( get( add[i] ) ) == nrow(data) ){
          data$add_name <- get(add[i])
          colnames(data) <- c(old_names,add[i])
        else {
          stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The length variable '", add[i],"' that should be added to the data frame must correspond to the number of rows of 'data'.",sep=""))
        stop(paste("stratEst.data error: The variable '", add[i],"' that should be added to the data frame does not exist in the global environment.",sep=""))
  input_var <- rep(NA,nrow(data))
  input_NA_index <- rep(FALSE,nrow(data))
  for( i in 1:num_input_vars ){
    next_input_var <- as.factor(input_vars[,i])
    if( input.lag[i] > 0 ){
        numeric_input_var <- as.numeric(next_input_var)
        lagged_input_var <- rep(NA,length(numeric_input_var))
        lagged_input_var <- stratEst_data_cpp( norm_id , norm_game , norm_period , numeric_input_var , lagged_input_var, input_lag[i] , num_ids )
        lagged_input_var <- as.factor(lagged_input_var)
        levels(lagged_input_var) <- levels(next_input_var)
        next_input_var <- lagged_input_var
    input_NA_index[ is.na( next_input_var ) ] = TRUE
    if( i == 1 ){
      input_var <- next_input_var
      input_var <- paste(input_var, next_input_var ,sep = input.sep )
  input_var[ input_NA_index ] = NA
  input_var <- as.factor(input_var)

  # OLD input generating code
  # input_var <- rep(NA,nrow(data))
  # input_NA_index <- rep(FALSE,nrow(data))
  # for( i in 1:num_input_vars ){
  #   if( i == 1 ){
  #     input_var <- input_vars[,i]
  #     input_NA_index[ is.na( input_var ) ] = TRUE
  #     input_var <- as.character( input_var )
  #   }
  #   else{
  #     next_input_var <- input_vars[,i]
  #     input_NA_index[ is.na( next_input_var ) ] = TRUE
  #     next_input_var <- as.character( next_input_var )
  #     input_var <- paste(input_var, next_input_var ,sep= input.sep )
  #   }
  # }
  # input_var[ input_NA_index ] = NA
  # input_var <- as.factor(input_var)
  # if( input.lag > 0 ){
  #   numeric_input_var <- as.numeric(input_var)
  #   #generate lag
  #   lagged_input_var <- rep(NA,length(numeric_input_var))
  #   lagged_input_var <- stratEst_data_cpp( norm_id , norm_game , norm_period , numeric_input_var , lagged_input_var, input_lag , num_ids )
#     lagged_input_var <- as.factor(lagged_input_var)
#     levels(lagged_input_var) <- levels(input_var)
#     input_var <- lagged_input_var
#   }

  # if( length(input.levels) != length(unique(input_var))){
  #   warning("stratEst.data warning: The number of supplied input.levels is not equal the number of levels of the generated input.")
  # }
  # input_var <- input.levels[input_var]

  stratEst.data.return <- data
  stratEst.data.return$id <- as.integer(id_var)
  stratEst.data.return$game <- as.integer(game_var)
  stratEst.data.return$period <- as.integer(period_var)
  stratEst.data.return$input <- as.factor(input_var)
  stratEst.data.return$choice <- as.factor(output_var)

  # make object of class stratEst.data
  attr(stratEst.data.return, "class") <- c("stratEst.data","data.frame")

  # return result


.onUnload <- function (libpath) { library.dynam.unload("stratEst", libpath)}

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stratEst documentation built on Dec. 1, 2022, 1:13 a.m.