evaluate: Evaluate a Data Stream Mining Task

evaluateR Documentation

Evaluate a Data Stream Mining Task


Generic function to calculate evaluation measures for a data stream mining task DST on a data stream DSD object.


evaluate_static(object, dsd, measure, n, ...)

evaluate_stream(object, dsd, measure, n, horizon, ..., verbose = FALSE)



The DST object that the evaluation measure is being requested from.


The DSD object used to create the test data.


Evaluation measure(s) to use. If missing then all available measures are returned.


The number of data points being requested.


Further arguments are passed on to the specific implementation (e.g., see evaluate.DSC)


Evaluation is done using horizon many previous points (see detail section).


Report progress?


We define two generic evaluation functions:

  • evaluate_static() evaluates the current DST model on new data without updating the model.

  • evaluate_stream() evaluates the DST model using prequential error estimation (see Gama, Sebastiao and Rodrigues; 2013). The data points in the horizon are first used to calculate the evaluation measure and then they are used for updating the cluster model. A horizon of ' means that each point is evaluated and then used to update the model.

The available evaluation measures depend on the task. Currently available task to evaluate:

  • DSC via evaluate.DSC


evaluate returns an object of class stream_eval which is a numeric vector of the values of the requested measures.


Michael Hahsler


Joao Gama, Raquel Sebastiao, Pedro Pereira Rodrigues (2013). On evaluating stream learning algorithms. Machine Learning, March 2013, Volume 90, Issue 3, pp 317-346.

See Also

Other DST: DSAggregate(), DSC(), DSClassifier(), DSOutlier(), DSRegressor(), DST(), DST_SlidingWindow(), DST_WriteStream(), predict(), stream_pipeline, update()

Other evaluation: animate_cluster(), evaluate.DSC

stream documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:43 a.m.