get_points: Get Points from a Data Stream Generator

View source: R/DSD.R

get_pointsR Documentation

Get Points from a Data Stream Generator


Gets points from a DSD object.


get_points(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DSD'
get_points(x, n = 1L, info = TRUE, ...)




A DSD object.


Additional parameters to pass to the get_points() implementations.


integer; request up to n points from the stream. n = -1 returns all remaining points from limited streams.


return additional columns with information about the data point (e.g., a known cluster assignment).


a data.frame with points.


Each DSD object has a unique way for creating/returning data points, but they all are called through the generic function, get_points(). This is done by using the S3 class system. See the man page for the specific DSD class on the semantics for each implementation of get_points().

Additional Point Information

Additional point information (e.g., known cluster/class assignment, noise status) can be requested with info = TRUE. This information is returned as additional columns. The column names start with . and are ignored by DST implementations. remove_info() is a convenience function to remove the information columns. Examples are

  • .id for point IDs

  • .class for known cluster/class labels used for plotting and evaluation

  • .time a time stamp for the point (can be in seconds or an index for ordering)

Resetting a Stream

Many streams can be reset using reset_stream().


Returns a data.frame with (up to) n rows and as many columns as x produces.


Michael Hahsler

See Also

Other DSD: DSD(), DSD_BarsAndGaussians(), DSD_Benchmark(), DSD_Cubes(), DSD_Gaussians(), DSD_MG(), DSD_Memory(), DSD_Mixture(), DSD_NULL(), DSD_ReadDB(), DSD_ReadStream(), DSD_Target(), DSD_UniformNoise(), DSD_mlbenchData(), DSD_mlbenchGenerator(), DSF(), animate_data(), close_stream(), plot.DSD(), reset_stream()


stream <- DSD_Gaussians()
points <- get_points(stream, n = 5)


stream documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:43 a.m.