A.mult <- function(G, power, text.summary = TRUE){
A <- as.matrix(G, matrix.type ="adjacency")
out <- mat.pow(A, power)
u <- unlist(apply(out, 2, function(x) which(x != 0)))
n <- length(u)
content <- ifelse(out != 0, out, 0)
w <- which(content != 0)
summary1 <- matrix(nrow = n, data = unlist(strsplit("\\.", x = names(u))), byrow = T)
summary2 <- paste(summary1[,2], " to ", summary1[,1], " (", content[w], " path(s))", sep = "")
cat(paste("Paths of length ", power, ":", sep = ""),"\n")
n.tot.paths <- function(G, mode = "in"){
names <- attributes(V(G))$names
n <- length(names)
A.cum <- matrix(ncol = n, nrow = n, 0)
for(i in 1:n){
A.temp <- A.mult(G, power = i, text.summary = FALSE)
A.cum <- A.cum + A.temp
out <- matrix(ncol = n, nrow = n, A.cum)
rownames(out) <- names
colnames(out) <- names
if(mode == "out") res <- apply(out, 1, sum)
if(mode == "in") res <- apply(out, 2, sum)
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