I.D <- function(G, mode = "gen.rand", alpha = -1/2, mult = FALSE, degrees = ""){
A <- as_adjacency_matrix(G)
out.deg <- degree(G, mode = "out")
in.deg <- degree(G, mode = "in")
n <- length(out.deg)
if(length(attributes(E(G))$vnames)==0){out <- NA}
uv <- matrix(ncol = 2, unlist(strsplit(attributes(E(G))$vnames,"\\|")), byrow = TRUE)
colnames(uv) <- c("u","v")
inu <- in.deg[match(uv[,1],names(in.deg))]
outu <- out.deg[match(uv[,1],names(out.deg))]
inv <- in.deg[match(uv[,2],names(in.deg))]
outv <- out.deg[match(uv[,2],names(out.deg))]
if(degrees == ""){
x <- outu
y <- inv
if(degrees == ""){
x <- inu
y <- inv
if(degrees == "in.out"){
x <- inu
y <- outv
if(degrees == "out.out"){
x <- outu
y <- outv
if(mode == "gen.rand") omega <- (x * y)^alpha
if(mode == "gen.sum.con") omega <- (x + y)^alpha
if(mode == "harm") omega <- 2 * (x + y)^(-1)
if(mode == "ABC") omega <- sqrt((x + y - 2)/(x * y))
if(mode == "GA") omega <- sqrt(x * y)/(1/2 * (x + y))
if(mode == "rand.aug") omega <- ((x * y)/(x + y -2))^3
if(mult == FALSE) out <- 1/2 * sum(omega)
if(mult) out <- 1/2 * prod(omega)}
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