path.visibility <- function(G, degree = "in", source = NULL, sink = NULL, weights = NULL){
if(!is.connected(G)) stop("G is disconnected. Use function single.node.visibility (in development)")
if(is.null(source) | is.null(sink)) stop("source and sink must be defined")
if(any(distances(G, source, sink)==Inf)) stop("only use source nodes connected to sink")
ts <- shortest_paths(G, source, sink)[[1]][[1]]
path <- names(ts)
deg <- degree(G, mode = degree)
if(all(sort(names(weights)) != sort(attributes(V(G))$names))){stop("row names in weights must correspond to node names in G")}
deg <- weights}
w <- match(path, names(deg))
y <- deg[w]
n <- length(w)
if(n == 1) stop("source and sink must be distinct")
time <- 1:n
vis.alg <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = n, ncol = n, dimnames = list(path, path))
diag(vis.alg) <- NA
vis.alg[lower.tri(vis.alg)] <- NA
if(n > 2){
for(i in 1:(n-1)){
vis.alg[i,][(i+1)] <- TRUE}
vis <- function(ya,yb,yc,ta,tb,tc){
yc < yb + (ya - yb) * ((tb - tc)/(tb - ta))
for(i in 1:(n-2)){
for(j in (i+2):(n)){
out <- 1:length((i+1):(j-1))
k <- i+1
for(m in 1:length(out)){
out[m] <- data.frame(vis(y[i],y[j],y[k], time[i], time[j], time[k]))
k <- k+1
out <- unlist(out)
vis.alg[i,][j] <- ifelse(any(!out), FALSE, TRUE)
# if(!directed) {
# mat <- vis.alg
# for(i in 1:(ncol(vis.alg)-1)){
# for(j in (i+1):(ncol(vis.alg)-1)){
# mat[,i][j] <- vis.alg[i,][j]
# }
# vis.alg <- mat
# }
# }
if(n == 2){vis.alg <- matrix(ncol = 2, c(NA,NA,TRUE,NA), dimnames = list(path, path))}
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