
Defines functions tidyverse_math_token_spacing specify_math_token_spacing scope_normalize tidyverse_reindention specify_reindention specify_transformers_drop create_style_guide tidyverse_style

Documented in create_style_guide scope_normalize specify_math_token_spacing specify_reindention specify_transformers_drop tidyverse_math_token_spacing tidyverse_reindention tidyverse_style

#' Style guides
#' Format code according to a style guide. Style guides are the input to the
#' argument `style` in [style_file()] and friends.
#' The available style guides are:
#' * the tidyverse style guide (see [tidyverse_style()]).
#' @name style_guides
#' @keywords internal

#' The tidyverse style
#' Style code according to the tidyverse style guide.
#' @param scope The extent of manipulation. Can range from "none" (least
#'   invasive) to "tokens" (most invasive). See 'Details'. This argument is a
#'   string or a vector of class `AsIs`.
#' @param indent_by How many spaces of indention should be inserted after
#'   operators such as '('.
#' @param strict A logical value indicating whether a set of strict
#'   or not so strict transformer functions should be returned. Compare the
#'   functions returned with or without `strict = TRUE`. For example,
#'   `strict = TRUE` means force *one* space e.g. after "," and *one* line break
#'   e.g. after a closing curly brace. `strict = FALSE` means to set spaces and
#'   line breaks to one if there is none and leave the code untouched otherwise.
#'   See 'Examples'.
#' @param start_comments_with_one_space Whether or not comments should start
#'   with only one space (see [start_comments_with_space()]).
#' @inheritParams create_style_guide
#' @param math_token_spacing A list of parameters that define spacing around
#'   math token, conveniently constructed using [specify_math_token_spacing()].
#' @details
#' The following levels for `scope` are available:
#' * "none": Performs no transformation at all.
#' * "spaces": Manipulates spacing between token on the same line.
#' * "indention": Manipulates the indention, i.e. number of spaces at the
#'   beginning of each line.
#' * "line_breaks": Manipulates line breaks between tokens.
#' * "tokens": manipulates tokens.
#' `scope` can be specified in two ways:
#' - As a string: In this case all less invasive scope levels are implied, e.g.
#'   "line_breaks" includes "indention", "spaces". This is brief and what most
#'   users need.
#' - As vector of class `AsIs`: Each level has to be listed explicitly by
#'   wrapping one ore more levels of the scope in [I()]. This offers more
#'   granular control at the expense of more verbosity.
#' See 'Examples' for details.
#' @family obtain transformers
#' @family style_guides
#' @examples
#' style_text("call( 1)", style = tidyverse_style, scope = "spaces")
#' style_text("call( 1)", transformers = tidyverse_style(strict = TRUE))
#' style_text(c("ab <- 3", "a  <-3"), strict = FALSE) # keeps alignment of "<-"
#' style_text(c("ab <- 3", "a  <-3"), strict = TRUE) # drops alignment of "<-"
#' # styling line breaks only without spaces
#' style_text(c("ab <- 3", "a =3"), strict = TRUE, scope = I(c("line_breaks", "tokens")))
#' @export
tidyverse_style <- function(scope = "tokens",
                            strict = TRUE,
                            indent_by = 2L,
                            start_comments_with_one_space = FALSE,
                            reindention = tidyverse_reindention(),
                            math_token_spacing = tidyverse_math_token_spacing()) {
  args <- as.list(environment())
  scope <- scope_normalize(scope)
  indent_character <- " "

  indention_manipulators <- if ("indention" %in% scope) {
      indent_braces = partial(indent_braces, indent_by = indent_by),
      unindent_fun_dec = unindent_fun_dec,
      indent_op = partial(indent_op, indent_by = indent_by),
      indent_eq_sub = partial(indent_eq_sub, indent_by = indent_by),
      indent_without_paren = partial(indent_without_paren,
        indent_by = indent_by
      update_indention_ref_fun_dec = update_indention_ref_fun_dec
  space_manipulators <- if ("spaces" %in% scope) {
      remove_space_before_closing_paren = remove_space_before_closing_paren,
      remove_space_before_opening_paren = if (strict) {
      add_space_after_for_if_while = add_space_after_for_if_while,
      remove_space_before_comma = remove_space_before_comma,
      style_space_around_math_token = partial(
        style_space_around_math_token, strict,
      style_space_around_tilde = partial(
        strict = strict
      spacing_around_op = purrr::partial(set_space_around_op,
        strict = strict
      remove_space_after_opening_paren = remove_space_after_opening_paren,
      remove_space_after_excl = remove_space_after_excl,
      set_space_after_bang_bang = set_space_after_bang_bang,
      remove_space_before_dollar = remove_space_before_dollar,
      remove_space_after_fun_dec = remove_space_after_fun_dec,
      remove_space_around_colons = remove_space_around_colons,
      start_comments_with_space = partial(start_comments_with_space,
        force_one = start_comments_with_one_space
      remove_space_after_unary_pm_nested = remove_space_after_unary_pm_nested,
      spacing_before_comments = if (strict) {
      } else {
      set_space_between_levels = set_space_between_levels,
      set_space_between_eq_sub_and_comma = set_space_between_eq_sub_and_comma,
      set_space_in_curly_curly = set_space_in_curly_curly

  use_raw_indention <- !("indention" %in% scope)

  line_break_manipulators <- if ("line_breaks" %in% scope) {
      set_line_break_around_comma_and_or = set_line_break_around_comma_and_or,
      set_line_break_after_assignment = set_line_break_after_assignment,
      set_line_break_before_curly_opening = set_line_break_before_curly_opening,
      remove_line_break_before_round_closing_after_curly =
        if (strict) remove_line_break_before_round_closing_after_curly,
      remove_line_breaks_in_fun_dec =
        if (strict) remove_line_breaks_in_fun_dec,
      style_line_break_around_curly = partial(
      # must be after style_line_break_around_curly as it remove line
      # breaks again for {{.
      set_line_break_around_curly_curly = set_line_break_around_curly_curly,
      set_line_break_before_closing_call = if (strict) {
          except_token_before = "COMMENT"
      set_line_break_after_opening_if_call_is_multi_line = if (strict) {
          except_token_after = "COMMENT",
          # don't modify line break here
          except_text_before = c("ifelse", "if_else"),
          force_text_before = "switch" # force line break after first token
      remove_line_break_in_fun_call = purrr::partial(
        strict = strict
      add_line_break_after_pipe = if (strict) add_line_break_after_pipe,
      set_line_break_after_ggplot2_plus = if (strict) {

  token_manipulators <- if ("tokens" %in% scope) {
      fix_quotes = fix_quotes,
      force_assignment_op = force_assignment_op,
      resolve_semicolon = resolve_semicolon,
      add_brackets_in_pipe = add_brackets_in_pipe,
      wrap_if_else_while_for_fun_multi_line_in_curly =
        if (strict) {
            indent_by = indent_by

  transformers_drop <- specify_transformers_drop(
    spaces = list(
      # remove_space_before_closing_paren = c("')'", "']'"),
      # remove_space_before_opening_paren = c("'('", "'['", "LBB"),
      add_space_after_for_if_while = c("IF", "WHILE", "FOR"),
      # remove_space_before_comma = "','",
      set_space_between_eq_sub_and_comma = "EQ_SUB",
      style_space_around_math_token = c(
      style_space_around_tilde = "'~'",
      # remove_space_after_opening_paren = c("'('", "'['", "LBB"),
      remove_space_after_excl = "'!'",
      set_space_after_bang_bang = "'!'",
      remove_space_before_dollar = "'$'",
      remove_space_after_fun_dec = "FUNCTION",
      remove_space_around_colons = c("':'", "NS_GET_INT", "NS_GET"),
      start_comments_with_space = "COMMENT",
      remove_space_after_unary_pm_nested = c("'+'", "'-'"),
      spacing_before_comments = "COMMENT",
      set_space_in_curly_curly = c("'{'", "'}'")
    indention = list(
      # indent_braces = c("'('", "'['", "'{'", "')'", "']'", "'}'"),
      unindent_fun_dec = "FUNCTION",
      indent_eq_sub = c("EQ_SUB", "EQ_FORMALS"), # TODO rename
      update_indention_ref_fun_dec = "FUNCTION"
    line_breaks = list(
      set_line_break_before_curly_opening = "'{'",
      remove_line_break_before_round_closing_after_curly = "'}'",
      remove_line_breaks_in_fun_dec = "FUNCTION",
      set_line_break_around_curly_curly = "'{'",
      style_line_break_around_curly = "'{'",
      add_line_break_after_pipe = c("SPECIAL-PIPE", "PIPE")
    tokens = list(
      resolve_semicolon = "';'",
      add_brackets_in_pipe = c("SPECIAL-PIPE", "PIPE"),
      # before 3.6, these assignments are not wrapped into top-level expression
      # and `text` supplied to transformers_drop() is "", so it appears to not
      # contain EQ_ASSIGN, and the transformer is falsely removed.
      # compute_parse_data_nested / text_to_flat_pd ('a = 4')
      force_assignment_op = "EQ_ASSIGN",
      wrap_if_else_while_for_fun_multi_line_in_curly = c(
        "IF", "WHILE", "FOR", "FUNCTION"

  style_guide_name <- "styler::tidyverse_style@https://github.com/r-lib"
    # transformer functions
    initialize             = default_style_guide_attributes,
    line_break             =        line_break_manipulators,
    space                  =             space_manipulators,
    token                  =             token_manipulators,
    indention              =         indention_manipulators,
    # transformer options
    use_raw_indention      =              use_raw_indention,
    reindention            =                    reindention,
    style_guide_name       =               style_guide_name,
    style_guide_version    =                 styler_version,
    more_specs_style_guide =                           args,
    transformers_drop      =              transformers_drop,
    indent_character       =               indent_character

#' Create a style guide
#' This is a helper function to create a style guide, which is technically
#' speaking a named list of groups of transformer functions where each
#' transformer function corresponds to one styling rule. The output of this
#' function can be used as an argument for `style` in top-level functions
#' like [style_text()] and friends. Note that for caching to work properly,
#' unquote all inputs to the transformer function if possible with rlang's `!!`,
#' otherwise, they will be passed as references (generic variable names) instead
#' of literals and `styler:::is_cached()` won't pick up changes. See how it's
#' done in [tidyverse_style()] with `indent_by` and other arguments.
#' @param initialize The bare name of a function that initializes various
#'   variables on each level of nesting.
#' @param line_break A list of transformer functions that manipulate line_break
#'   information.
#' @param space A list of transformer functions that manipulate spacing
#'   information.
#' @param token A list of transformer functions that manipulate token text.
#' @param indention A list of transformer functions that manipulate indention.
#' @param use_raw_indention Boolean indicating whether or not the raw indention
#'   should be used.
#' @param reindention A list of parameters for regex re-indention, most
#'   conveniently constructed using [specify_reindention()].
#' @param style_guide_name The name of the style guide. Used as a meta attribute
#'   inside the created style guide, for example for caching. By convention,
#'   this is the style guide qualified by the package namespace plus the
#'   location of the style guide, separated by `@`. For example,
#'   `"styler::tidyverse_style@https://github.com/r-lib"`.
#' @param style_guide_version The version of the style guide. Used as a meta
#'   attribute inside the created style guide, for example for caching. This
#'   should correspond to the version of the R package that exports the
#'   style guide.
#' @param more_specs_style_guide Named vector (coercible to character)
#'   with all arguments passed to the style guide and used for cache
#'   invalidation. You can easily capture them in your style guide function
#'   declaration with `as.list(environment())` (compare source code of
#'   `tidyverse_style()`).
#' @param transformers_drop A list specifying under which conditions
#'   transformer functions can be dropped since they have no effect on the
#'   code to format, most easily constructed with
#'   [specify_transformers_drop()]. This is argument experimental and may
#'   change in future releases without prior notification. It was mainly
#'   introduced to improve speed. Listing transformers here that occur almost
#'   always in code does not make sense because the process of excluding them
#'   also takes some time.
#' @inheritParams serialize_parse_data_flattened
#' @examples
#' set_line_break_before_curly_opening <- function(pd_flat) {
#'   op <- pd_flat$token %in% "'{'"
#'   pd_flat$lag_newlines[op] <- 1L
#'   pd_flat
#' }
#' set_line_break_before_curly_opening_style <- function() {
#'   create_style_guide(
#'     line_break = list(set_line_break_before_curly_opening),
#'     style_guide_name = "some-style-guide",
#'     style_guide_version = "some-version"
#'   )
#' }
#' style_text(
#'   "a <- function(x) { x }",
#'   style = set_line_break_before_curly_opening_style
#' )
#' @export
create_style_guide <- function(initialize = default_style_guide_attributes,
                               line_break = NULL,
                               space = NULL,
                               token = NULL,
                               indention = NULL,
                               use_raw_indention = FALSE,
                               reindention = tidyverse_reindention(),
                               style_guide_name = NULL,
                               style_guide_version = NULL,
                               more_specs_style_guide = NULL,
                               transformers_drop = specify_transformers_drop(),
                               indent_character = " ") {
    # transformer functions
    initialize = list(initialize = initialize),
    line_break = line_break,
    space = space,
    token = token,
    indention = indention,
    # transformer options
    use_raw_indention = use_raw_indention,
    reindention = reindention,
    style_guide_name = style_guide_name,
    style_guide_version = style_guide_version,
    more_specs_style_guide = more_specs_style_guide,
    transformers_drop = transformers_drop,
    indent_character = indent_character
  ) %>%

#' Specify which tokens must be absent for a transformer to be dropped
#' `{styler}` can remove transformer functions safely removed from the list of
#' transformers to be applied on every *nest* with [transformers_drop()] if the
#' tokens that trigger a manipulation of the parse data are absent in the text
#' to style. `specify_transformers_drop()` helps you specify these
#' conditions.
#' Note that the negative formulation (must be absent in order to be dropped)
#' means that when you add a new rule and you forget
#' to add a rule for when to drop it, it will not be dropped. If we required to
#' specify the complement (which tokens must be present for the transformer to
#' be kept), the transformer would be silently removed, which is less save.
#' @param spaces,indention,line_breaks,tokens Each a list (or `NULL`) where
#'   the name of each element is the concerning transformer, the value is an
#'   unnamed vector with tokens that match the rule. See 'Examples'.
#' @section Warning:
#' It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure expected behavior, in
#' particular that:
#' * the name of the supplied dropping criteria matches the name of the
#'   transformer function.
#' * the dropping criteria (name + token) reflects correctly under which
#'   circumstances the transformer does not have an impact on styling and can
#'   therefore be safely removed without affecting the styling outcome.
#' You can use the unexported function [test_transformers_drop()] for some
#' checks.
#' @examples
#' dropping <- specify_transformers_drop(
#'   spaces = c(remove_space_after_excl = "'!'")
#' )
#' style_guide <- create_style_guide(
#'   space = list(remove_space_after_excl = styler:::remove_space_after_excl),
#'   transformers_drop = dropping
#' )
#' # transformers_drop() will remove the transformer when the code does not
#' # contain an exclamation mark
#' style_guide_with_some_transformers_dropped <- styler:::transformers_drop(
#'   "x <- 3;2", style_guide
#' )
#' setdiff(
#'   names(style_guide$space),
#'   names(style_guide_with_some_transformers_dropped)
#' )
#' # note that dropping all transformers of a scope means that this scope
#' # has an empty named list for this scope
#' style_guide_with_some_transformers_dropped$space
#' # this is not the same as if this scope was never specified.
#' tidyverse_style(scope = "none")$space
#' # Hence, styler should check for length 0 to decide if a scope is present or
#' # not, not via `is.null()` and we can use the `is.null()` check to see if
#' # this scope was initially required by the user.
#' @export
specify_transformers_drop <- function(spaces = NULL,
                                      indention = NULL,
                                      line_breaks = NULL,
                                      tokens = NULL) {
    space = spaces, indention = indention, line_break = line_breaks,
    token = tokens

#' Specify what is re-indented how
#' This function returns a list that can be used as an input for the argument
#' `reindention` of the function [tidyverse_style()]. It features sensible
#' defaults, so the user can specify deviations from them conveniently without
#' the need of setting all arguments explicitly.
#' @param regex_pattern Character vector with regular expression patterns that
#'   are to be re-indented with spaces, `NULL` if no reindention needed.
#' @param indention The indention tokens should have if they match
#'   `regex_pattern`.
#' @param comments_only Whether the `regex_reindention_pattern` should only be
#'   matched against comments or against all tokens. Mainly added for
#'   performance.
#' @name reindention

#' @describeIn reindention Allows to specify which tokens are reindented and
#'   how.
#' @examples
#' style_text("a <- xyz", reindention = specify_reindention(
#'   regex_pattern = "xyz", indention = 4, comments_only = FALSE
#' ))
#' @export
specify_reindention <- function(regex_pattern = NULL,
                                indention = 0L,
                                comments_only = TRUE) {
    regex_pattern = regex_pattern,
    indention = indention,
    comments_only = comments_only

#' @describeIn reindention Simple forwarder to
#' `specify_reindention` with reindention according to the tidyverse style
#' guide.
#' @examples
#' style_text("a <- xyz", reindention = tidyverse_reindention())
#' @export
tidyverse_reindention <- function() {
    regex_pattern = NULL, indention = 0L, comments_only = TRUE

#' Convert the styling scope to its lower-level representation
#' If `scope` is of class `character` and of length one, the value of the
#' argument and all less-invasive levels are included too (e.g.
#' styling tokens includes styling spaces). If
#' `scope` is of class `AsIs`, every level to be included has to be declared
#' individually. See compare [tidyverse_style()] for the possible levels and
#' their order.
#' @param scope A character vector of length one or a vector of class `AsIs`.
#' @param name The name of the character vector to be displayed if the
#'   construction of the factor fails.

#' @examples
#' scope_normalize(I("tokens"))
#' scope_normalize(I(c("indention", "tokens")))
#' @family third-party style guide helpers
#' @export
scope_normalize <- function(scope, name = substitute(scope)) {
  levels <- c("none", "spaces", "indention", "line_breaks", "tokens")
  if (!all((scope %in% levels))) {
      "all values in", name, "must be one of the following:",

  if (inherits(scope, "AsIs")) {
    factor(as.character(scope), levels = levels, ordered = TRUE)
  } else if (length(scope) == 1L) {
    scope <- levels[as.logical(rev(cumsum(scope == rev(levels))))]
    factor(scope, levels = levels, ordered = TRUE)
  } else {
      "argument `scope` has to be either of class `AsIs` or length one."

#' Specify spacing around math tokens
#' Helper function to create the input for the argument `math_token_spacing`  in
#' [tidyverse_style()].
#' @inheritParams style_space_around_math_token
#' @examples
#' style_text(
#'   "1+1   -3",
#'   math_token_spacing = specify_math_token_spacing(zero = "'+'"),
#'   strict = FALSE
#' )
#' style_text(
#'   "1+1   -3",
#'   math_token_spacing = specify_math_token_spacing(zero = "'+'"),
#'   strict = TRUE
#' )
#' @name math_token_spacing

#' @describeIn math_token_spacing Allows to fully specify the math token
#'   spacing.
#' @export
specify_math_token_spacing <-
  function(zero = "'^'",
           one = c("'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'")) {
    assert_tokens(c(one, zero))
      one = setdiff(c(math_token, one), zero),
      zero = zero

#' @describeIn math_token_spacing Simple forwarder to
#' `specify_math_token_spacing` with spacing around math tokens according to the
#' tidyverse style guide.
#' @examples
#' style_text(
#'   "1+1   -3",
#'   math_token_spacing = tidyverse_math_token_spacing(),
#'   strict = FALSE
#' )
#' style_text(
#'   "1+1   -3",
#'   math_token_spacing = tidyverse_math_token_spacing(),
#'   strict = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
tidyverse_math_token_spacing <- function() {
    zero = "'^'",
    one = c("'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'")

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styler documentation built on Aug. 29, 2023, 5:10 p.m.