
Defines functions allocate

Documented in allocate

#' Allocate polygon centroids to hexagons in a grid
#' Chooses a hexagon centroid for each polygon in the shape file, from a grid
#' spanning the longitudes and latitudes in the expanded bounding box.
#' @param centroids a data frame with centroids of non empty polygons
#' @param hex_grid a data frame containing all possible hexagon points
#' @param sf_id a string to indicate the column to identify individual polygons
#' @param hex_size a float value in degrees for the diameter of the hexagons
#' @param hex_filter amount of hexagons around centroid to consider
#' @param focal_points a data frame of reference locations when allocating
#' hexagons, capital cities of Australia are used in the example
#' @param order_sf_id a string to indicate the column used to order polygons
#' @param width a numeric indicating the angle used to filter the hexagon grid
#' @param verbose a boolean to indicate whether to show polygon id
#' @return a data frame of all allocated hexagon points
#' @export
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom progress progress_bar
#' @examples
#' # Create centroids set
#' centroids <- create_centroids(tas_lga, sf_id = "lga_code_2016")
#' # Smaller set for faster example
#' centroids <- centroids[1:10,] 
#' # Create hexagon location grid
#' data(capital_cities)
#' grid <- create_grid(centroids = centroids, hex_size = 0.2, buffer_dist = 1.2)
#' # Allocate polygon centroids to hexagon grid points
#' hex_allocated <- allocate(
#'   centroids = centroids,
#'   hex_grid = grid,
#'   hex_size = 0.2, # same size used in create_grid
#'   hex_filter = 3,
#'   focal_points = capital_cities,
#'   width = 30, 
#'   verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' # NEXT: 
#' # create a set of hexagon points for plotting
#' # using fortify_hexagon, and
#' # plot the hexagons with geom_polygon, see vignette
allocate <-
  function(centroids, hex_grid, sf_id = names(centroids)[1], hex_size, hex_filter, focal_points = NULL, order_sf_id = NULL, width = 30, verbose) {
    # If there are focal points
    if (!(any(grepl("lon", colnames(focal_points))))) {
      return(message("Missing longitude column in focal points data set. Please provide a data set with longitude and latitude columns."))
    } else if (!(any(grepl("lat", colnames(focal_points))))) {
      return(message("Missing latitude column in focal points data set. Please provide a data set with longitude and latitude columns."))
    # consider focal point distance - if they were provided
    if (!is.null(focal_points)) {
      # distance between centroids and all focal points
      if (verbose) {
        message("Finding closest point in focal_points data set.")
      centroids <- centroids %>%
        group_nest(!!sym(sf_id)) %>%
        mutate(closest = purrr::map(data, closest_focal_point, focal_points = focal_points)) %>%
        unnest(c("data", "closest")) %>%
        arrange(focal_distance) %>% 
        mutate(rownumber = row_number()) 
      if (verbose) {
        message("Allocating centroids, in order of distance to closest focal point.")
    } else {
      # Is there is a variable to arrange allocation order
      if (!is.null(order_sf_id)) {
        # if no focal point data set is provided:
        # Check if areas should be arranged by a variable
        centroids <- centroids %>%
          group_nest(!!sym(names(centroids)[1])) %>%
          arrange(!!sym(order_sf_id)) %>% 
          mutate(rownumber = row_number()) 
      } else{
        # If no focal points, and no variable to order by
        centroids <- centroids %>%
          group_nest(!!sym(names(centroids)[1])) %>%
          mutate(closest = purrr::map(data, closest_focal_point, focal_points = 
                                        tibble(mean = "mean", 
                                               longitude = mean(centroids$longitude), 
                                               latitude = mean(centroids$latitude)))) %>%
          unnest(c("data", "closest")) %>%
          arrange(focal_distance) %>% 
          mutate(rownumber = row_number()) 
    # Set up allocation data frame
    centroid_allocation <- NULL
    # keep value to reset expand distance to half of original given distance
    expand_dist <- (hex_filter * hex_size) / 2
    expanded_times <- 0
    # Allocate geographic units one by one 
    p <- progress::progress_bar$new(total = NROW(centroids),
                                    format = " allocating [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",)
    # Allocate in order of the row numbers
    for (centroidnum in centroids$rownumber) {
      # Operate on one centroid
      centroid <- filter(centroids, rownumber == centroidnum)
      # Indicate progression
      if (verbose) {
      # Initialise data set 
      f_grid <- NULL # filter the grid for appropriate hex positions
      # filter for only the available hex grid points
      if (!is.null(centroid_allocation)) {
        hex_grid <- hex_grid %>% filter(!assigned)
      # If the grid boundary point was reached, expand angle?
      max_dist <- hex_filter * hex_size * 10 # can only expand 10 times
      filter_dist <- hex_filter * hex_size
      # filter grid for available points
      while (NROW(f_grid) == 0) {
        if (filter_dist < max_dist) {
          f_grid <- filter_grid_points(
              f_grid = hex_grid,
              f_centroid = centroid,
              focal_points = focal_points,
              f_dist = filter_dist,
              angle_width = width,
              h_size = hex_size
          # Expand the distance considered if no points were available
          if (NROW(f_grid) == 0) {
            filter_dist <- filter_dist + expand_dist
            expanded_times <- expanded_times + 1
        # prevent endless loop
        else {
          # Too much loss of spatial pattern beyond 80 degrees
          if (width < 80) {
            width <- width + 5
          else {
            stop("This hexmap could not be completed. Try expanding the buffer distance.")
              "Issue at ",
              pull(centroid[, 1]),
              ": Cannot expand further, trying a wider angle of ",
              " degrees."
      hex <- f_grid %>%
        ungroup() %>%
        filter(hyp == min(hyp)) %>%
        select(hex_long, hex_lat, hex_id = id)
      # Filter for the geographical neighbours of the area
      # To be implemented at a later date
      # Choose first available point
      cent <- centroid
      if ("focal_distance" %in% colnames(cent)) {
        cent <-
          cent %>% dplyr::rename(focal_dist = focal_distance, focal_angle = angle)
      # update grid to show this centroid as assigned
      hex_grid[which(hex_grid$id == hex$hex_id),]$assigned <- TRUE
      centroid_allocation <-
        bind_rows(centroid_allocation, dplyr::bind_cols(cent, hex)) %>%
    if (expanded_times > 0) {
        "\nFilter distance was expanded for ",
    # Return all allocations to the data frame

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sugarbag documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:49 p.m.