#' @title Identify Probable Format for Ambiguous Date Formats
#' @description In a column containing multiple date formats (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY, "YYYY/MM/DD, etc.) identifies probable format of each date. Provision of a grouping column improves inference. Any formats that cannot be determined are flagged as "FORMAT UNCERTAIN" for human double-checking. This is useful for quickly sorting the bulk of ambiguous dates into clear categories for later conditional wrangling.
#' @param data (dataframe) object containing at least one column of ambiguous dates
#' @param date_col (character) name of column containing ambiguous dates
#' @param groups (logical) whether groups exist in the dataframe / should be used (defaults to TRUE)
#' @param group_col (character) name of column containing grouping variable
#' @param return (character) either "dataframe" or "vector" depending on whether the user wants the date format "guesses" returned as a new column on the dataframe or a vector
#' @param quiet (logical) whether certain optional messages should be displayed (defaults to FALSE)
#' @return (dataframe or character) object containing date format guesses
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Create dataframe of example ambiguous dates & grouping variable
#' my_df <- data.frame('data_enterer' = c('person A', 'person B',
#' 'person B', 'person B',
#' 'person C', 'person D',
#' 'person E', 'person F',
#' 'person G'),
#' 'bad_dates' = c('2022.13.08', '2021/2/02',
#' '2021/2/03', '2021/2/04',
#' '1899/1/15', '10-31-1901',
#' '26/11/1901', '08.11.2004',
#' '6/10/02'))
#' # Now we can invoke the function!
#' date_format_guess(data = my_df, date_col = "bad_dates",
#' group_col = "data_enterer", return = "dataframe")
#' # If preferred, do it without groups and return a vector
#' date_format_guess(data = my_df, date_col = "bad_dates",
#' groups = FALSE, return = "vector")
date_format_guess <- function(data = NULL, date_col = NULL,
groups = TRUE, group_col = NULL,
return = "dataframe", quiet = FALSE){
# Squelch 'visible bindings' note
new_dates <- simp_dates <- simp_dates2 <- NULL
num_L <- num_R <- year <- format_guess <- NULL
# Error out if 'data' isn't defined
stop("'data' must be defined")
# Error out if 'date_col' is undefined...
stop("'date_col' must be defined")
# ...Or isn't a character...
if(is.character(date_col) != TRUE)
stop("'date_col' must be a character")
# ...Or isn't a column in 'data'...
if(!date_col %in% names(data))
stop("'date_col' must be a column name in 'data'")
# ...Or the column isn't a character/factor column
if(date_col %in% names(data) & is.character(data[[date_col]]) != TRUE)
stop("'date_col' must refer to a character column in the 'data' object")
# Warn when 'groups' isn't a logical and re-set it to 'FALSE'
if(is.logical(groups) != TRUE){
warning("'groups' must be a logical. Re-setting to 'FALSE'")
groups <- FALSE }
# Error out if 'groups = TRUE' but 'group_col' is undefined...
if(groups == TRUE & is.null(group_col))
stop("'group_col' must be defined if 'groups == TRUE'")
# Error out if 'groups = TRUE' and 'group_col' *is* defined BUT...
if(groups == TRUE & !is.null(group_col)){
# ...Includes more than one column...
if(length(group_col) > 1)
stop("'group_col' only supports a single grouping column. Consider collapsing several columns to achieve this if necessary")
# ...Isn't a character...
if(is.character(group_col) != TRUE)
stop("'group_col' must be a character")
#...Or isn't in the dataframe...
if(!group_col %in% names(data))
stop("'group_col' must be a column name in 'data'")
# ...Or the column isn't a character/factor column
if(group_col %in% names(data) & is.character(data[[group_col]]) != TRUE)
stop("'group_col' must refer to a character column") }
# Warn when 'quiet' isn't a logical and re-set it to 'FALSE'
if(is.logical(quiet) != TRUE){
warning("'quiet' must be a logical. Defaulting to 'FALSE'")
quiet <- FALSE }
# Error out if 'return is unspecified'...
if(is.null(return) == TRUE)
stop("'return' must be defined")
# ...Or isn't either "dataframe" or "vector"
if(!return %in% c("dataframe", "vector"))
stop("'return' must be one of either 'dataframe' or 'vector'")
# Do some initial standardization & extraction
guess_v1 <- data %>%
# Standardize special characters between date components
new_dates = gsub(pattern = "\\_|\\-|\\.", replacement = "/",
x = data[[date_col]]),
# Extract year regardless of whether it is first or last
year = stringr::str_extract(string = new_dates, pattern = "[:digit:]{4}/|/[:digit:]{4}"),
# Remove year from rest of date
simp_dates = stringr::str_replace(string = new_dates,
pattern = "[:digit:]{4}", replacement = ""),
# Remove the leading/trailing symbol separating numbers
simp_dates2 = stringr::str_extract(string = simp_dates,
pattern = "[:digit:]{1,2}/[:digit:]{1,2}")) %>%
# Split the two numbers (MM/DD or DD/MM) apart
tidyr::separate(col = simp_dates2, sep = "/", into = c("num_L", "num_R")) %>%
# Make both numbers truly numeric
dplyr::mutate(num_L = as.numeric(num_L), num_R = as.numeric(num_R))
# 'groups == TRUE' ----
# Count frequencies and use that to help our inference
if(groups == TRUE) {
# Frequency counting with groups
guess_v2 <- guess_v1 %>%
# Group by the grouping variable and first number and count its frequency
dplyr::group_by(data[[group_col]], num_L) %>%
dplyr::mutate(L_freq = dplyr::n()) %>%
# Group by the grouping var and the other number and count its frequency too
dplyr::group_by(data[[group_col]], num_R) %>%
dplyr::mutate(R_freq = dplyr::n()) %>%
# Ungroup
# Now, make (informed) format guesses!
guess_v3 <- guess_v2 %>%
# Use those frequencies to guess which is which!
dplyr::mutate(guess_partial = dplyr::case_when(
# If one number is less than 12 & has more rows within a group, it's probably day
num_L <= 12 & L_freq > R_freq ~ "month/day",
num_R <= 12 & R_freq > L_freq ~ "day/month",
# If frequency is equal, but one number is more than 12, that number is day
L_freq == R_freq & num_L > 12 ~ "day/month",
L_freq == R_freq & num_R > 12 ~ "month/day",
# If frequency is equal and both numbers are less than/equal to 12, its not guessable
L_freq == R_freq & num_L <= 12 & num_R <= 12 ~ "format uncertain")) %>%
# Now figure out whether year was on the left or right
# Make a quick partial year column
dplyr::mutate(year_partial = stringr::str_sub(string = year,
start = nchar(year) - 1,
end = nchar(year))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(format_guess = dplyr::case_when(
# If we couldn't guess day vs. month, year won't help things
guess_partial == "format uncertain" ~ "FORMAT UNCERTAIN",
# If year is the wrong length we can't process the date
nchar(year) != 5 ~ guess_partial,
# If year is right and has a leading slash, it was at the end of the raw date
stringr::str_sub(string = year,
start = 1, end = 1) == "/" ~ paste0(guess_partial, "/year"),
"/" %in% gsub(pattern = "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9", replacement = "",
x = year_partial) ~ paste0("year/", guess_partial) ) ) }
# 'groups == FALSE' ----
if(groups == FALSE){
# Warn the user that lacking groups makes the function worse
if(quiet != TRUE){
message("Defining 'groups' is strongly recommended! If none exist, consider adding a single artificial group shared by all rows then re-run this function") }
# We can't do the frequency counting thing so we'll just make empty columns
guess_v2 <- guess_v1 %>%
dplyr::mutate(L_freq = 'a', R_freq = 'b')
# Now, make the best guesses possible
guess_v3 <- guess_v2 %>%
# Use those frequencies to guess which is which!
dplyr::mutate(guess_partial = dplyr::case_when(
# If a number is greater than 12, it has to be day
num_L > 12 ~ "day/month",
num_R > 12 ~ "month/day",
# Unfortunately this is the best we can do without the frequency info
TRUE ~ "format uncertain")) %>%
# Now figure out whether year was on the left or right
# Make a quick partial year column
dplyr::mutate(year_partial = stringr::str_sub(string = year,
start = nchar(year) - 1,
end = nchar(year))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(format_guess = dplyr::case_when(
# If we couldn't guess day vs. month, year won't help things
guess_partial == "format uncertain" ~ "FORMAT UNCERTAIN",
# If year is the wrong length we can't process the date
nchar(year) != 5 ~ guess_partial,
# If year is right and has a leading slash, it was at the end of the raw date
stringr::str_sub(string = year,
start = 1, end = 1) == "/" ~ paste0(guess_partial, "/year"),
"/" %in% gsub(pattern = "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9", replacement = "",
x = year_partial) ~ paste0("year/", guess_partial) ) ) }
# Do final post-processing
guess_actual <- guess_v3 %>%
# Remove intermediary columns
dplyr::select(names(data), format_guess) %>%
# Make it a dataframe
# If 'return = "dataframe"', return that object
if(return == "dataframe"){
if(quiet != TRUE){ message("Returning dataframe of data format guesses") }
return(guess_actual) }
# If 'return = "vector"', return *that* object
if(return == "vector"){
if(quiet != TRUE){ message("Returning vector of data format guesses") }
return(guess_actual$format_guess) }
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