
#' Residual Plots for Cumulative Link and General Regression Models
#' Residual-based diagnostic plots for cumulative link and general regression
#' models using \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot2}} graphics.
#' @param object An object of class \code{\link[ordinal]{clm}},
#' \code{\link[stats]{glm}}, \code{\link[rms]{lrm}}, \code{\link[rms]{orm}},
#' \code{\link[MASS]{polr}}, or \code{\link[VGAM]{vglm}}.
#' @param what Character string specifying what to plot. Default is \code{"qq"}
#' which produces a quantile-quantile plots of the residuals.
#' @param x A vector giving the covariate values to use for residual-by-
#' covariate plots (i.e., when \code{what = "covariate"}).
#' @param fit The fitted model from which the residuals were extracted. (Only
#' required if \code{what = "fitted"} and \code{object} inherits from class
#' \code{"resid"}.)
#' @param distribution Function that computes the quantiles for the reference
#' distribution to use in the quantile-quantile plot. Default is \code{qnorm}
#' which is only appropriate for models using a probit link function. When
#' \code{jitter.scale = "probability"}, the reference distribution is always
#' U(-0.5, 0.5). (Only
#' required if \code{object} inherits from class \code{"resid"}.)
#' @param alpha A single values in the interval [0, 1] controlling the opacity
#' alpha of the plotted points. Only used when \code{nsim} > 1.
#' @param xlab Character string giving the text to use for the x-axis label in
#' residual-by-covariate plots. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @param color Character string or integer specifying what color to use for the
#' points in the residual vs fitted value/covariate plot.
#' Default is \code{"black"}.
#' @param shape Integer or single character specifying a symbol to be used for
#' plotting the points in the residual vs fitted value/covariate plot.
#' @param size Numeric value specifying the size to use for the points in the
#' residual vs fitted value/covariate plot.
#' @param qqpoint.color Character string or integer specifying what color to use
#' for the points in the quantile-quantile plot.
#' @param qqpoint.shape Integer or single character specifying a symbol to be
#' used for plotting the points in the quantile-quantile plot.
#' @param qqpoint.size Numeric value specifying the size to use for the points
#' in the quantile-quantile plot.
#' @param qqline.color Character string or integer specifying what color to use
#' for the points in the quantile-quantile plot.
#' @param qqline.linetype Integer or character string (e.g., \code{"dashed"})
#' specifying the type of line to use in the quantile-quantile plot.
#' @param qqline.size Numeric value specifying the thickness of the line in the
#' quantile-quantile plot.
#' @param smooth Logical indicating whether or not too add a nonparametric
#' smooth to certain plots. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param smooth.color Character string or integer specifying what color to use
#' for the nonparametric smooth.
#' @param smooth.linetype Integer or character string (e.g., \code{"dashed"})
#' specifying the type of line to use for the nonparametric smooth.
#' @param smooth.size Numeric value specifying the thickness of the line for the
#' nonparametric smooth.
#' @param fill Character string or integer specifying the color to use to fill
#' the boxplots for residual-by-covariate plots when \code{x} is of class
#' \code{"factor"}. Default is \code{NULL} which colors the boxplots according
#' to the factor levels.
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments to be passed onto
#' \code{\link[sure]{resids}}.
#' @return A \code{"ggplot"} object.
#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # See ?resids for an example
#' ?resids
autoplot.resid <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                           x = NULL, fit = NULL, distribution = qnorm,
                           alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                           shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                           qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                           qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                           qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                           smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                           ...) {

  # What type of plot to produce
  what <- match.arg(what)

  # Sanity checks
  if (what == "fitted") {
    if (is.null(fit)) {
      stop("Cannot extract mean response. Please supply the original fitted",
           " model object via the `fit` argument.")
    x <- getMeanResponse(fit)
  if (what == "covariate") {
    if (is.null(x)) {
      stop("No covariate to plot. Please supply a vector of covariate values",
           " via the `x` argument")
    if (is.null(xlab)) {
      # xlab <- getColumnName(x)
      xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Number of bootstrap replicates
  if (is.null(attr(object, "boot.reps"))) {
    nsim <- 1
    res <- object
  } else {
    res.mat <- attr(object, "boot.reps")
    nsim <- ncol(res.mat)
    res <- if (what == "qq") {
      apply(apply(res.mat, MARGIN = 2, FUN = sort, decreasing = FALSE),
            MARGIN = 1, FUN = median)
    } else {
    if (what %in% c("fitted", "covariate")) {
      x <- x[as.vector(attr(object, "boot.id"))]
  res <- as.numeric(res)  # resids class seems to be causing issues with ggplot2

  # Quantile-quantile
  if (what == "qq") {
    if (!is.null(attr(object, "jitter.scale"))) {
      if (attr(object, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
        stop("Q-Q plots are not available for jittering on the response scale.")
    distribution <- match.fun(distribution)
    x <- distribution(ppoints(length(res)))[order(order(res))]
    qqline.y <- quantile(res, probs = c(0.25, 0.75),
                         names = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)
    qqline.x <- distribution(c(0.25, 0.75))
    slope <- diff(qqline.y) / diff(qqline.x)
    int <- qqline.y[1L] - slope * qqline.x[1L]
    p <- ggplot(data.frame(x = x, y = res), aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
      geom_point(color = qqpoint.color, shape = qqpoint.shape,
                 size = qqpoint.size) +
      geom_abline(slope = slope, intercept = int, color = qqline.color,
                  linetype = qqline.linetype, size = qqline.size) +
      labs(x = "Theoretical quantile", y = "Sample quantile")

  # Residual vs fitted value
  if (what == "fitted") {
    p <- ggplot(data.frame("x" = x, "y" = res), aes_string(x = "x", y = "y")) +
      geom_point(color = color, shape = shape, size = size, alpha = alpha) +
        labs(x = "Fitted value", y = "Surrogate residual")
    if (smooth) {
      p <- p + geom_smooth(color = smooth.color, linetype = smooth.linetype,
                           size = smooth.size, se = FALSE)

  # Residual vs covariate
  if (what == "covariate") {
    p <- ggplot(data.frame("x" = x, "y" = res), aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"))
    if (is.factor(x)) {
      if (is.null(fill)) {
        p <- p + geom_boxplot(aes_string(fill = "x"), alpha = alpha) +
          guides(fill = FALSE)
      } else {
        p <- p + geom_boxplot()
    } else {
      p <- p + geom_point(color = color, shape = shape, size = size,
                          alpha = alpha)
      if (smooth) {
        p <- p + geom_smooth(color = smooth.color, linetype = smooth.linetype,
                             size = smooth.size, se = FALSE)
    p <- p + labs(x = xlab, y = "Surrogate residual")

  # Return plot


#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
autoplot.clm <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                         x = NULL, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                         shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                         qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                         qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                         qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                         smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                         ...) {

  # Generate residuals
  res <- resids(object, ...)

  # Quantile function to use for Q-Q plots; here it is U(-0.5, 0.5)
  qfun <- if (is.null(attr(res, "jitter.scale"))) {
  } else {
    if (what == "qq" && attr(res, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
      stop("Quantile-quantile plots are not appropriate for residuals ",
           "obtained by jittering on the response scale.")
    function(p) qunif(p, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)

  # Default x-axis label
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Call the default method
  autoplot.resid(res, what = what, x = x, distribution = qfun, fit = object,
                 alpha = alpha, xlab = xlab, color = color,
                 shape = shape, size = size, qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
                 qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape, qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
                 qqline.color = qqline.color, qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
                 qqline.size = qqline.size, smooth = smooth,
                 smooth.color = smooth.color, smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
                 smooth.size = smooth.size, fill = fill)


#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
autoplot.glm <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                         x = NULL, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                         shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                         qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                         qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                         qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                         smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                         ...) {

  # Generate residuals
  res <- resids(object, ...)

  # Quantile function to use for Q-Q plots; here it is U(-0.5, 0.5)
  qfun <- if (is.null(attr(res, "jitter.scale"))) {
  } else {
    if (what == "qq" && attr(res, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
      stop("Quantile-quantile plots are not appropriate for residuals ",
           "obtained by jittering on the response scale.")
    function(p) qunif(p, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)

  # Default x-axis label
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Call the default method
  autoplot.resid(res, what = what, x = x, distribution = qfun, fit = object,
                 alpha = alpha, xlab = xlab, color = color,
                 shape = shape, size = size, qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
                 qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape, qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
                 qqline.color = qqline.color, qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
                 qqline.size = qqline.size, smooth = smooth,
                 smooth.color = smooth.color, smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
                 smooth.size = smooth.size, fill = fill)


#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
autoplot.lrm <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                         x = NULL, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                         shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                         qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                         qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                         qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                         smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                         ...) {

  # Generate residuals
  res <- resids(object, ...)

  # Quantile function to use for Q-Q plots; here it is U(-0.5, 0.5)
  qfun <- if (is.null(attr(res, "jitter.scale"))) {
  } else {
    if (what == "qq" && attr(res, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
      stop("Quantile-quantile plots are not appropriate for residuals ",
           "obtained by jittering on the response scale.")
    function(p) qunif(p, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)

  # Default x-axis label
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Call the default method
  autoplot.resid(res, what = what, x = x, distribution = qfun, fit = object,
                 alpha = alpha, xlab = xlab, color = color,
                 shape = shape, size = size, qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
                 qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape, qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
                 qqline.color = qqline.color, qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
                 qqline.size = qqline.size, smooth = smooth,
                 smooth.color = smooth.color, smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
                 smooth.size = smooth.size, fill = fill)


#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
autoplot.orm <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                         x = NULL, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                         shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                         qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                         qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                         qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                         smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                         ...) {

  # Generate residuals
  res <- resids(object, ...)

  # Quantile function to use for Q-Q plots; here it is U(-0.5, 0.5)
  qfun <- if (is.null(attr(res, "jitter.scale"))) {
  } else {
    if (what == "qq" && attr(res, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
      stop("Quantile-quantile plots are not appropriate for residuals ",
           "obtained by jittering on the response scale.")
    function(p) qunif(p, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)

  # Default x-axis label
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Call the default method
  autoplot.resid(res, what = what, x = x, distribution = qfun, fit = object,
                 alpha = alpha, xlab = xlab, color = color,
                 shape = shape, size = size, qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
                 qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape, qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
                 qqline.color = qqline.color, qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
                 qqline.size = qqline.size, smooth = smooth,
                 smooth.color = smooth.color, smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
                 smooth.size = smooth.size, fill = fill)


#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
autoplot.polr <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                          x = NULL, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                          shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                          qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                          qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                          qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                          smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                          ...) {

  # Generate residuals
  res <- resids(object, ...)

  # Quantile function to use for Q-Q plots; here it is U(-0.5, 0.5)
  qfun <- if (is.null(attr(res, "jitter.scale"))) {
  } else {
    if (what == "qq" && attr(res, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
      stop("Quantile-quantile plots are not appropriate for residuals ",
           "obtained by jittering on the response scale.")
    function(p) qunif(p, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)

  # Default x-axis label
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Call the default method
  autoplot.resid(res, what = what, x = x, distribution = qfun, fit = object,
                 alpha = alpha, xlab = xlab, color = color,
                 shape = shape, size = size, qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
                 qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape, qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
                 qqline.color = qqline.color, qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
                 qqline.size = qqline.size, smooth = smooth,
                 smooth.color = smooth.color, smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
                 smooth.size = smooth.size, fill = fill)


#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
autoplot.vgam <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                          x = NULL, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                          shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                          qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                          qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                          qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                          smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                          ...) {

  # Generate residuals
  res <- resids(object, ...)

  # Quantile function to use for Q-Q plots; here it is U(-0.5, 0.5)
  qfun <- if (is.null(attr(res, "jitter.scale"))) {
  } else {
    if (what == "qq" && attr(res, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
      stop("Quantile-quantile plots are not appropriate for residuals ",
           "obtained by jittering on the response scale.")
    function(p) qunif(p, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)

  # Default x-axis label
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Call the default method
  autoplot.resid(res, what = what, x = x, distribution = qfun, fit = object,
                 alpha = alpha, xlab = xlab, color = color,
                 shape = shape, size = size, qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
                 qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape, qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
                 qqline.color = qqline.color, qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
                 qqline.size = qqline.size, smooth = smooth,
                 smooth.color = smooth.color, smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
                 smooth.size = smooth.size, fill = fill)


#' @rdname autoplot.resid
#' @export
autoplot.vglm <- function(object, what = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
                          x = NULL, alpha = 1, xlab = NULL, color = "#444444",
                          shape = 19, size = 2, qqpoint.color = "#444444",
                          qqpoint.shape = 19, qqpoint.size = 2,
                          qqline.color = "#888888", qqline.linetype = "dashed",
                          qqline.size = 1, smooth = TRUE, smooth.color = "red",
                          smooth.linetype = 1, smooth.size = 1, fill = NULL,
                          ...) {

  # Generate residuals
  res <- resids(object, ...)

  # Quantile function to use for Q-Q plots; here it is U(-0.5, 0.5)
  qfun <- if (is.null(attr(res, "jitter.scale"))) {
  } else {
    if (what == "qq" && attr(res, "jitter.scale") == "response") {
      stop("Quantile-quantile plots are not appropriate for residuals ",
           "obtained by jittering on the response scale.")
    function(p) qunif(p, min = -0.5, max = 0.5)

  # Default x-axis label
  if (is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))

  # Call the default method
  autoplot.resid(res, what = what, x = x, distribution = qfun, fit = object,
                 alpha = alpha, xlab = xlab, color = color,
                 shape = shape, size = size, qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
                 qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape, qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
                 qqline.color = qqline.color, qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
                 qqline.size = qqline.size, smooth = smooth,
                 smooth.color = smooth.color, smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
                 smooth.size = smooth.size, fill = fill)


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