#' Plot surveysd-Objects
#' Plot results of `calc.stError()`
#' @param x object of class 'surveysd' output of function [calc.stError]
#' @param variable Name of the variable for which standard errors have been
#' calcualated in `dat`
#' @param type can bei either `"summary"` or `"grouping"`, default value is
#' `"summary"`. For `"summary"` a barplot is created giving an overview of the
#' number of estimates having the flag `smallGroup`, `cvHigh`, both or none
#' of them. For 'grouping' results for point estimate and standard error are
#' plotted for pre defined groups.
#' @param groups If `type='grouping'` variables must be defined by which the
#' data is grouped. Only 2 levels are supported as of right now. If only one
#' group is defined the higher group will be the estimate over the whole
#' period. Results are plotted for the first argument in `groups` as well as
#' for the combination of `groups[1]` and `groups[2]`.
#' @param sd.type can bei either `'ribbon'` or `'dot'` and is only used if
#' `type='grouping'`. Default is `"dot"`
#' For `sd.type='dot'` point estimates are plotted and flagged if the
#' corresponding standard error and/or the standard error using the mean over
#' k-periods exceeded the value `cv.limit` (see [calc.stError]).
#' For `sd.type='ribbon'` the point estimates including ribbons, defined by
#' point estimate +- estimated standard error are plotted.
#' The calculated standard errors using the mean over k periods are plotted
#' using less transparency. Results for the higher level (~`groups[1]`) are
#' coloured grey.
#' @param ... additional arguments supplied to plot.
#' @examples
#' library(surveysd)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' eusilc <- demo.eusilc(n = 3, prettyNames = TRUE)
#' dat_boot <- draw.bootstrap(eusilc, REP = 3, hid = "hid", weights = "pWeight",
#' strata = "region", period = "year")
#' # calibrate weight for bootstrap replicates
#' dat_boot_calib <- recalib(dat_boot, conP.var = "gender", conH.var = "region")
#' # estimate weightedRatio for povmd60 per period
#' group <- list("gender", "region", c("gender", "region"))
#' err.est <- calc.stError(dat_boot_calib, var = "povertyRisk",
#' fun = weightedRatio,
#' group = group , period.mean = NULL)
#' plot(err.est)
#' # plot results for gender
#' # dotted line is the result on the national level
#' plot(err.est, type = "grouping", groups = "gender")
#' # plot results for rb090 in each db040
#' # with standard errors as ribbons
#' plot(err.est, type = "grouping", groups = c("gender", "region"), sd.type = "ribbon")
#' @export
plot.surveysd <- function(
x, variable = x$param$var[1], type = c("summary", "grouping"), groups =
NULL, sd.type = c("dot", "ribbon"), ...) {
res_type <- GROUPING <- shape_bool <- shape_bool2 <- NULL
# Input checking
type <- type[1]
sd.type <- sd.type[1]
if (class(x)[1] != "surveysd") {
stop("The data needs to be an object of class 'surveysd'!")
if (!type %in% c("summary", "grouping")) {
stop("Parameter type can only take values 'summary' or 'grouping'!")
if (!variable %in% x$param$var) {
stop("No results for ", variable, " present in the data!")
if (type == "grouping") {
if (is.null(groups)) {
stop("Paramter 'groups' cannot be NULL if type='grouping'!")
other_var <- unique(unlist(x$param$group))
if (any(!groups %in% other_var)) {
stop("Variables in 'groups' must contain variables from x$params$group!")
match_group <- lapply(
function(z) {
if (!is.null(z)) {
identical(sort(z), sort(groups))
match_group <- any(unlist(match_group))
if (length(groups) > 2) {
stop("More than a maximum of 2 groups is not supported as of right now.")
if (!match_group) {
if (length(groups) == 1) {
stop("No results for ", groups, " present in the data")
} else {
stop("No results for the combination of ", groups[1], " and ",
groups[2], " present in the data")
if (!sd.type %in% c("ribbon", "dot")) {
stop("Parameter 'sd.type' can only take values 'ribbon' or 'dot'!")
# convert all factors for data tables in x
# otherwise ther will be issues with merges
x$Estimates <- convert_factors(x$Estimates)
x$smallGroups <- convert_factors(x$smallGroups)
x$cvHigh <- convert_factors(x$cvHigh)
x$stEDecrease <- convert_factors(x$stEDecrease)
# get variables from x and merge tables together
period <- x$param$period
poss.values <- c("Missing", "cvHigh", "SmallGroup+cvHigh", "SmallGroup", "OK")
poss.color <- c("grey", "orangered3", "yellow2", "dodgerblue1", "green4")
plot.x <- x$Estimates
plot.x <- define_type(plot.x, x, variable = variable)
values.plot <- plot.x[, unique(res_type)]
color.plot <- poss.color[poss.values %in% values.plot]
# define groups
dt.eval("plot.x[grepl('^[[:digit:]]+$',", period,
"),GROUPING:='Single Periods']")
dt.eval("plot.x[grepl('-',", period, "),GROUPING:='Other']")
dt.eval("plot.x[grepl('_',", period, "),GROUPING:='", x$param$period.mean,
plot.x[, GROUPING := factor(GROUPING, levels = c("Single Periods", paste0(
x$param$period.mean, "-Period-Mean"), "Other"))]
# plot type 'summary'
if (type == "summary") {
title <- paste("Results of Groups per period for variable", variable)
p1 <- ggplot(plot.x, aes(get(period), fill = res_type)) +
geom_bar() + xlab("") + ylab("Count") + coord_flip() +
facet_grid(GROUPING ~ ., scales = "free_y", space = "free_y") +
theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
scale_fill_manual(breaks = values.plot,
values = color.plot) +
} else if (type == "grouping") {
# plot type 'grouping'
if (length(groups) == 1) {
groups <- c(period, groups)
if (length(other_var) > 0) {
na_var <- other_var[!other_var %in% groups]
if (length(na_var) > 0) {
na_var <- paste(paste0("", na_var, ")"), collapse = "&")
na_var <- paste0("&", na_var)
exp1 <- paste0("c(!", groups[1], ")&!", groups[2], ")",
na_var, ")")
na_var <- other_var[!other_var %in% groups[1]]
exp2_2 <- paste(paste0("", na_var, ")"), collapse = "&")
exp2 <- paste0("c(!", groups[1], ")&", exp2_2, ")")
} else {
exp1 <- paste0("c(!", groups[1], ")&!", groups[2], "))")
exp2 <- paste0("c(!", groups[1], ")&", groups[2], "))")
plot.group1 <- dt.eval("plot.x[", exp1, "]")
plot.group2 <- dt.eval("plot.x[", exp2, "]")
val_var <- paste0("val_", variable)
ste_var <- paste0("stE_", variable)
ste_bool <- variable
# prepare plot.group1 for plotting
plot.group1.period <- plot.group1[GROUPING == "Single Periods"]
plot.group1.periodmean <- plot.group1[GROUPING == paste0(
x$param$period.mean, "-Period-Mean")]
# prepare plot.group2 for plotting
plot.group2.period <- plot.group2[GROUPING == "Single Periods"]
plot.group2.periodmean <- plot.group2[GROUPING == paste0(
x$param$period.mean, "-Period-Mean")]
# rename data columns for plot.group2
ste_var2 <- paste0(ste_var, "2")
val_var2 <- paste0(val_var, "2")
ste_bool2 <- paste0(ste_bool, "2")
# prepare output differently if period.mean has been used
if (!is.null(x$param$period.mean)) {
period.mean <- TRUE
ste_var_mean <- paste0(ste_var, "_mean")
ste_bool_mean <- paste0(ste_bool, "_mean")
ste_var_mean2 <- paste0(ste_var_mean, "2")
ste_bool_mean2 <- paste0(ste_bool_mean, "2")
dt.eval("plot.group1.periodmean[,", period, ":=tstrsplit(", period,
",split='_',keep=", round((x$param$period.mean + 1) / 2), ")]")
setnames(plot.group1.periodmean, c(ste_var, ste_bool),
c(ste_var_mean, ste_bool_mean))
plot.group1.period <- merge(
plot.group1.period, dt.eval(
paste(c(period, other_var, ste_var_mean, ste_bool_mean),
collapse = ","),
all.x = TRUE)
dt.eval("plot.group2.periodmean[,", period, ":=tstrsplit(", period,
",split='_',keep=", round((x$param$period.mean + 1) / 2), ")]")
setnames(plot.group2.periodmean, c(ste_var, ste_bool),
c(ste_var_mean, ste_bool_mean))
plot.group2.period <- merge(
paste(c(period, other_var, ste_var_mean, ste_bool_mean),
collapse = ","), ")]"),
all.x = TRUE)
change.names <- c(ste_var, val_var, ste_bool, ste_var_mean, ste_bool_mean)
} else {
period.mean <- FALSE
change.names <- c(ste_var, val_var, ste_bool)
setnames(plot.group2.period, change.names, paste0(change.names, "2"))
select.group2 <- paste0(change.names, "2")
# merge with
if (period == groups[1]) {
plot.group1.period <- merge(
plot.group2.period[, mget(c(groups[1], select.group2))],
all.x = TRUE, by = groups[1])
} else {
plot.group1.period <- merge(
plot.group2.period[, mget(c(groups[1], period, select.group2))],
all.x = TRUE, by = c(groups[1], period))
dt.eval("plot.group1.period[,", groups[1], ":=factor(", groups[1], ")]")
dt.eval("plot.group1.period[,", groups[2], ":=factor(", groups[2], ")]")
# plot results of subgroups and add results for mean over k periods
p1 <- dt.eval("ggplot(plot.group1.period,aes(", period, ",", val_var,
",group=", groups[2], "))+
if (sd.type == "ribbon") {
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(
aes(ymin = get(val_var) - get(ste_var),
ymax = get(val_var) + get(ste_var),
fill = get(groups[2]), colour = get(groups[2])),
linetype = 2, alpha = 0.1)
# add results for group[1] -> higher level grouping
p1 <- dt.eval("p1 + geom_line(aes(", period, ",", val_var2,
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(
aes(ymin = get(val_var2) - get(ste_var2),
ymax = get(val_var2) + get(ste_var2)),
fill = "grey", linetype = 2, alpha = 0.1)
if (period.mean) {
# add results for k-mean-periods
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(
aes(ymin = get(val_var) - get(ste_var_mean),
ymax = get(val_var) + get(ste_var_mean), fill = get(groups[2]),
colour = get(groups[2])),
linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5)
# add results for group[1] and k-period-mean
p1 <- p1 + geom_ribbon(
aes(ymin = get(val_var2) - get(ste_var_mean2),
ymax = get(val_var2) + get(ste_var_mean2)),
fill = "grey", linetype = 2, alpha = 0.5)
} else {
plot.group1.period[, shape_bool := "Low st.Error"]
plot.group1.period[get(ste_bool) == TRUE, shape_bool := "high st.Error"]
plot.group1.period[, shape_bool2 := "Low st.Error"]
plot.group1.period[get(ste_bool2) == TRUE, shape_bool2 := "high st.Error"]
if (period.mean) {
plot.group1.period[get(ste_bool_mean) == TRUE,
shape_bool := "high st.Error for mean"]
plot.group1.period[get(ste_bool_mean2) == TRUE,
shape_bool2 := "high st.Error for mean"]
p1 <- dt.eval(
"p1 + geom_point(data=plot.group1.period[get(ste_bool)==TRUE],
aes(", period, ",", val_var, ",shape=shape_bool))")
# add results for group[1] -> higher level grouping
p1 <- dt.eval("p1 + geom_line(aes(", period, ",", val_var2,
p1 <- dt.eval(
"p1 + geom_point(data=plot.group1.period[get(ste_bool2)==TRUE],
aes(", period, ",", val_var, ",shape=shape_bool2))")
if (period.mean) {
# add results for k-mean-periods
p1 <- dt.eval("p1 + geom_point(data=plot.group1.period[", ste_bool_mean,
aes(", period, ",", val_var, ",shape=shape_bool))")
# add results for group[1] and k-period-mean
p1 <- dt.eval("p1 + geom_point(data=plot.group1.period[",
ste_bool_mean2, "==TRUE],
aes(", period, ",", val_var, ",shape=shape_bool2))")
# define paramters for plot
ylabel <- paste0("Point Estimate on variable ", x$param$var)
p1 <- p1 + xlab(x$param$period) + ylab(ylabel) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
# split the plots into facets
if (groups[1] == period) {
p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(~get(groups[2]))
if (sd.type == "ribbon") {
p1 <- p1 + guides(fill = 'none',
colour = 'none',
linetype = guide_legend(title = ""))
p1 <- p1 + scale_linetype_manual(
values = c("solid"), labels = paste0("Result for ", groups[1]))
} else {
shapes <- c(1, 16)
names(shapes) <- c("high st.Error", "high st.Error for mean")
p1 <- p1 + scale_shape_manual(values = shapes)
p1 <- p1 + scale_colour_discrete(guide = 'none') +
# p1 <- p1 + scale_colour_discrete(value="grey")
theme(legend.title = element_blank())
p1 <- p1 + scale_linetype_manual(values = c("dotted"), labels = paste0(
"Result for ", groups[1]))
} else {
p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(~get(groups[1]))
if (sd.type == "ribbon") {
p1 <- p1 + guides(fill = guide_legend(title = groups[2]),
colour = guide_legend(title = groups[2]),
linetype = guide_legend(title = ""))
p1 <- p1 + scale_linetype_manual(values = c("solid"), labels = paste0(
"Result for ", groups[1]))
} else {
shapes <- c(1, 16)
names(shapes) <- c("high st.Error", "high st.Error for mean")
p1 <- p1 + scale_shape_manual(values = shapes) +
guides(colour = guide_legend(title = groups[2]),
linetype = guide_legend(title = ""),
shape = guide_legend(title = ""))
p1 <- p1 + scale_linetype_manual(values = c("dotted"), labels = paste0(
"Result for ", groups[1]))
define_type <- function(plot.x, x, variable = "HX080") {
SMALLGROUP <- res_type <- NULL
val_variable <- paste("val", variable, sep = "_")
poss.values <- c("Missing", "cvHigh", "SmallGroup+cvHigh", "SmallGroup", "OK")
# merge data
merge.on <- copy(colnames(x$smallGroups))
x$smallGroups[, SMALLGROUP := TRUE]
plot.x <- x$smallGroups[plot.x,, on = c(merge.on)] # nolint
merge.on <- unique(c(x$param$period, unlist(x$param$group)))
plot.x <- x$cvHigh[plot.x,, on = c(merge.on)] # nolint
# define type
plot.x[! & get(variable) == FALSE, res_type := "SmallGroup"]
plot.x[! & get(variable) == TRUE,
res_type := "SmallGroup+cvHigh"]
plot.x[, res_type := "Missing"]
plot.x[get(variable) == TRUE &, res_type := "cvHigh"]
plot.x[, res_type := "OK"]
plot.x[, res_type := factor(res_type, levels = poss.values)]
convert_factors <- function(x) {
x <- x[, lapply(
function(z) {
if (is.factor(z)) {
} else {
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