
Defines functions .survivalDoSurvminerPlot .survivalSuggestedSurvminerArgs .survivalScaleConstants grid_layout gridLayoutUnderspecified gridAutoLayout ggsurvplot_to_gtable kaplan_meier_grid .layout_matrix .convert_rowness kaplan_meier_plot

Documented in ggsurvplot_to_gtable grid_layout kaplan_meier_grid kaplan_meier_plot

#' Kaplan Meier plots from survival results.
#' Uses \code{\link{ggsurvplot}} from the survminer package to create publication-ready plots.
#' @param ... One or many SurvivalAnalysisResult objects as returned by \code{\link{analyse_survival}} and
#'     arguments that will be passed to ggsurvplot.
#'     Bare lists will be spliced.
#'     If using lists, the same argument may be contained in multiple lists;
#'     in this case, the last occurrence is used, i.e. you can first pass a list
#'     with default arguments, and then override some of them.
#'     In addition to all arguments supported by \code{\link{ggsurvplot}}, these arguments and shortcuts can be used additionally:
#'     \itemize{
#'     \item break.time.by: breakByYear, breakByHalfYear, breakByQuarterYear, breakByMonth (numeric value only in ggsurvplot)
#'     \item xscale: scaleByYear, scaleByMonth (numeric value only in ggsurvplot)
#'     \item hazard.ratio (logical): display hazard ratios in addition to p value, complementing pval=T
#'     \item xlab: \{.OS,.PFS,.TTF,.DFS\}.\{years,months,days\}
#'     \item table.layout: clean, displays risk table only with color code and number, no grid, axes or labels.
#'           (do not forget risk.table=TRUE to see something)
#'     \item papersize: numeric vector of length 2, c(width, height), unit inches. kaplan_meier_plot
#'           will store a "papersize" attribute with this value which is read by \code{\link{save_pdf}}
#'     }
#' @param mapped_plot_args Optionally, if given n objects to plot, a named list of vectors of size n.
#'     The name is an argument names passed to ggsurvplot. The elements of the vector will be mapped 1:1 to each object.
#'     This allows to perform batch plotting where only few arguments differ (e.g. titles A, B, C...) between the plots.
#' @param p_lessthan_cutoff The lower limit below which p value will be displayed as "less than".
#'     If p_lessthan_cutoff == 0.001, the a p value of 0.002 will be displayed as is, while 0.0005 will become "p < 0.001".
#' @return If given one result to plot, one ggsurvplot object; if given more than one result, a list of ggsurvplot objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' survival::aml %>%
#'   analyse_survival(vars(time, status), x) %>%
#'   kaplan_meier_plot(break.time.by="breakByMonth",
#'                     xlab=".OS.months",
#'                     risk.table=TRUE,
#'                     ggtheme=ggplot2::theme_bw(10))
kaplan_meier_plot <- function(...,
                              mapped_plot_args = list(),
                              p_lessthan_cutoff = 0.001)
  args <- dots_splice(...)
  survival_results <- list()
  survminer_args <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(args))
    arg <- args[[i]]
    name <- names(args)[[i]]
    if (inherits(arg, "SurvivalAnalysisMultivariateResult"))
      stop("kaplan_meier_plot: Got a multivariate result: Kaplan Meier plots are only possible for univariate results")
    else if (inherits(arg, "SurvivalAnalysisUnivariateResult"))
      survival_results <- append_object(arg, survival_results)
    else if (name == "")
      stop("kaplan_meier_plot: Encountered unnamed argument which is not a univariate survival result at position ", i)
      survminer_args <- append_object(arg, survminer_args, name = name)

  # Remove duplicate args by allowing to "override" default args.
  # As we want to preserve the last, not the first dup, we need to detect in reverse order
  survminer_args %<>% names() %>% rev() %>% duplicated() %>% rev() %>% {survminer_args[!.]}

  if (is_empty(survival_results))
    warning("kaplan_meier_plot: Got no survival results to plot, returning empty list")

  do_plot <- function(result, idx)
    if (has_length(mapped_plot_args))
      survminer_args <- list_modify(survminer_args, !!!map(mapped_plot_args, idx))
    survminer_args <- list_modify(survminer_args, !!!result[["plot_args"]])
    .survivalDoSurvminerPlot(result, survminer_args, p_lessthan_cutoff)

  if (has_length(survival_results, 1))
    do_plot(survival_results[[1]], 1)
    map(seq_along(survival_results), function(idx) do_plot(survival_results[[idx]], idx))

.convert_rowness <- function(x, nrow, ncol, order_is_byrow, cut_trailing_na = FALSE)
  byrow_order <- matrix(seq_len(nrow *  ncol), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow=order_is_byrow) %>% as.vector()
  # matrix may be larger than length of x. Then there are NULLs/NAs in x.
  in_x <- byrow_order %in% seq_along(x)
  x <- x[byrow_order]
  if (cut_trailing_na)
    # There may be missing entries at the end or intermediate.
    # Cut the trailing missing entries
    last_true <- max(which(in_x))
    x <- x[seq_len(last_true)]

.layout_matrix <- function(x, nrow, ncol, order_is_byrow)
  m <- matrix(seq_len(nrow *  ncol), nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, byrow=order_is_byrow)
  m[!(m %in% seq_along(x))] <- NA

#' A grid of kaplan meier plots
#' @inheritParams kaplan_meier_plot
#' @param nrow,ncol Determines the layout by giving nrow and/or ncol, if missing, uses an auto layout.
#' @param layout_matrix Optionally specify a layout matrix, which is passed to \code{gridExtra::\link{marrangeGrob}}
#' @param byrow If no layout_matrix is specified and there are multiple rows: How should the plots by layout?
#'     The order of the plots can be by-row (default) or by-col (set byrow=FALSE).
#' @param mapped_plot_args Optionally, if given n objects to plot, a named list of vectors of size n.
#'     The name is an argument names passed to ggsurvplot. The elements of the vector will be mapped 1:1 to each object.
#'     This allows to perform batch plotting where only few arguments differ (e.g. titles A, B, C...) between the plots.
#'     Please note that only object that need plotting (survival_analysis results) are considered, not those that
#'     are already plotted (kaplan_meier_plot results)
#' @param paperwidth,paperheight,size_per_plot You can specify the size per plot, or the full paper width and height.
#'     size_per_plot may be a number (width == height) or two-dimensional, width and height.
#'     The resulting paper size will be stored as a papersize attribute that is e.g.
#'     read by \code{tidytidbits::\link{save_pdf}}
#' @param title,surv.plot.height,risk.table.height,ncensor.plot.height Passed to \code{\link[survminer]{arrange_ggsurvplots}}
#' @return An object of class arrangelist, which can be printed or saved to pdf with ggsave().
#' @export
kaplan_meier_grid <- function(...,
                              nrow = NULL,
                              ncol = NULL,
                              layout_matrix = NULL,
                              byrow = TRUE,
                              mapped_plot_args = list(),
                              paperwidth = NULL,
                              paperheight = NULL,
                              size_per_plot = dinAWidth(5),
                              title = NA,
                              surv.plot.height = NULL,
                              risk.table.height = NULL,
                              ncensor.plot.height = NULL,
                              p_lessthan_cutoff = 0.001)
  args <- dots_splice(...)
  to_plot <- c()
  survminer_args <- list()
  plots <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(args))
    arg <- args[[i]]
    name <- names(args)[[i]]

    if (inherits(arg, "SurvivalAnalysisMultivariateResult"))
      stop("kaplan_meier_plot: Got a multivariate result: Kaplan Meier plots are only possible for univariate results")
    else if (inherits(arg, "SurvivalAnalysisUnivariateResult"))
      plots <- c(plots, i)
      to_plot <- c(to_plot, length(plots))
    else if (inherits(arg, "ggsurvplot"))
      plots <- append_object(arg, plots)
    else if (name == "")
      stop("kaplan_meier_grid: Encountered unnamed argument which is not a univariate survival result or a plot: at position ", i)
      survminer_args <- append_object(arg, survminer_args, name = name)

  if (has_length(to_plot))
    # to_plot stores the indexes of plots where plots need to be plotted.
    # At these places, plots stores the corresponding index in args, where the survival result can be found.
    arg_idc_to_plot <- plots[to_plot] %>% as_vector
    survival_results <- args[arg_idc_to_plot]
    plots[to_plot] <- kaplan_meier_plot(survival_results, survminer_args,
                                        mapped_plot_args = mapped_plot_args,
                                        p_lessthan_cutoff = p_lessthan_cutoff)

  if (is_empty(plots))
    warning("kaplan_meier_grid: Nothing to plot!")

  if (is_null(layout_matrix))
    g(nrow, ncol) %=% grid_layout(length(plots), nrow, ncol)
    nrow = nrow(layout_matrix)
    ncol = ncol(layout_matrix)

  if (!is_null(size_per_plot) || (!is_null(paperwidth) && !is_null(paperheight)))
    if (is_null(paperwidth))
      if (length(size_per_plot) == 2)
        paperwidth <- ncol * size_per_plot[[1]]
        paperwidth <- ncol * size_per_plot
    if (is_null(paperheight))
      if (length(size_per_plot) == 2)
        paperheight <- nrow * size_per_plot[[2]]
        paperheight <- nrow * size_per_plot
    paperwidth <- NULL
    paperheight <- NULL

  gtables <- map(plots, ggsurvplot_to_gtable)

  if (is_null(layout_matrix))
    layout_matrix <- .layout_matrix(gtables, nrow, ncol, byrow)

  arrangelist <- gridExtra::marrangeGrob(gtables,
                                         ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow,
                                         layout_matrix = layout_matrix,
                                         top = title)

  # if (byrow)
  # {
  #   # arrange_ggsurvplot expects plot by-column, as default by matrix().
  #   # Our default is byrow. Use matrix() to reorder by-row -> by-column
  #   plots <- .convert_rowness(plots, nrow, ncol, TRUE)
  #   # this may introduce intermediate NULL entries, which we cannot easily resolve
  #   missing <- map_lgl(plots, is_null)
  #   if (any(missing))
  #   {
  #     warning("Cannot layout as requested by-row due to limitations of arrange_ggsurvplots. Specify by-column as desired.")
  #     plots <- plots[!missing]
  #   }
  # }
  # arrangelist <-
  #   arrange_ggsurvplots(plots,
  #                       print = FALSE,
  #                       ncol = ncol, nrow = nrow,
  #                       title = title,
  #                       surv.plot.height = surv.plot.height,
  #                       risk.table.height = risk.table.height,
  #                       ncensor.plot.height = ncensor.plot.height)

  if (!is_null(paperwidth) && !is_null(paperheight))
    arrangelist <- structure(arrangelist, papersize = c(width=paperwidth, height=paperheight))

#' Build a gtable representation from a ggsurvplot object
#' @param ggsurv_obj The ggsurvplot object
#' @param surv.plot.height,risk.table.height,ncensor.plot.height Layout parameters, see \code{\link[survminer]{arrange_ggsurvplots}}
#' @return A gtable object
#' @export
ggsurvplot_to_gtable <- function(ggsurv_obj,
                                 surv.plot.height = NULL,
                                 risk.table.height = NULL,
                                 ncensor.plot.height = NULL)
  stopifnot(inherits(ggsurv_obj, "ggsurvplot"))
  # abuse arrange_ggsurvplots to retrieve the gtable representation
  # (inaccessible internal function .build_ggsurvplot)
  arrangelist <- arrange_ggsurvplots(list(ggsurv_obj),
                                     nrow = 1,
                                     ncol = 1,
                                     print = FALSE,
                                     surv.plot.height = surv.plot.height,
                                     risk.table.height = risk.table.height,
                                     ncensor.plot.height = ncensor.plot.height)
  # should have length 1 exactly

# Returns a c(row, columns) to layout n items in 2,3 or 4 columns
# For 1-4 items, this is the number of columns.
# For >4 and <8 items, uses 2 or 3 columns.
# For >=8 items, used 3 or 4 columns.
gridAutoLayout <- function(n)
  cols <- ifelse(n>4,
                 ifelse(n %% 3,
                        ifelse(n >=8,
                               ifelse(n %% 3,
  rows <- ceiling(n/cols)
  return(c(rows, cols))

gridLayoutUnderspecified <- function(n, rows = NULL, cols = NULL)
  if (is.null(rows) && is.null(cols))
    stop("Both rows and cols are NULL: layout is not specified at all.")
  if (is.null(rows))
    rows <- ceiling(n/cols)
    cols <- ceiling(n/rows)

  c(rows, cols)

#' Grid layouting
#' Creates a grid layout nrow x ncol
#' for n items.
#' @param n Number of items in grid
#' @param rows,cols Pass one of rows or cols, or none, in which case auto layout is used.
#' @return A numeric vector of length 2: rows, cols
#' @export
#' @examples
#' grid_layout(24, cols=4)
#' grid_layout(24)
#' grid_layout(24, rows=2)
grid_layout <- function(n, rows = NULL, cols = NULL)
  if (is.null(rows) && is.null(cols))
  else if (is.null(rows) || is.null(cols))
    return(gridLayoutUnderspecified(n, rows, cols))
  c(rows, cols)

.survivalScaleConstants <- function()
  scaleByMonths <- 30.5
  scaleByYears <- 365.25
  breakByYears <- 365.25
  breakByHalfYear <- 6*scaleByMonths
  breakByQuarterYear <- 3*scaleByMonths

.survivalSuggestedSurvminerArgs <- function()
    ylab = "Cumulative Survival",
    xscale = scaleByMonths,
    break.time.by = "breakByMonth",
    pval = TRUE, pval.size = 3,
    legend = c(0.8, 0.8), legend.title = "",
    axes.offset = TRUE, censor.shape = "|", censor.size = 3))

.survivalDoSurvminerPlot <- function(result,
  # a list of arguments that the user can override
  suggestedArgs <- .survivalSuggestedSurvminerArgs()

  text_element <- NULL
  if ("ggtheme" %in% names(survminerArgs))
    text_element <- calc_element("text", survminerArgs$ggtheme)
    suggestedArgs[["font.family"]] <- text_element$family

  if ("table.layout" %in% names(survminerArgs))
    if (survminerArgs[["table.layout"]] == "clean")
      table_font_size <- 8
      table_font_family <- "Arial"
      if (!is_null(text_element))
        table_font_size <- round(text_element$size * 0.8)
        table_font_family <- text_element$family
      table_theme <- theme_survminer() +
        theme_cleantable(base_size = table_font_size,
                         base_family = table_font_family) +
          axis.text.y = element_blank(),
          axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_blank(),
          plot.margin = margin(0,0,2,0)
      table_args <- list(risk.table.title="",
                         tables.y.text = FALSE,
                         tables.theme = table_theme,
                         tables.height = 0.1)
      # we add this to the suggested args such that still all settings can be fine-tuned by the user
      suggestedArgs <- list_modify(suggestedArgs, !!!table_args)
      warning("Unknown value for argument table.layout: ", survminerArgs[["table.layout"]])
  survminerArgs <- list_modify(suggestedArgs, !!!survminerArgs)

  factorId <- pluck(result, "data_attributes", "factor_id")

  if ("break.time.by" %in% names(survminerArgs) && is.character(survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]]) )
    if (startsWith(survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]], "breakByYear"))
      survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]] <- breakByYears
    else if (startsWith(survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]], "breakByHalfYear"))
      survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]] <- breakByHalfYear
    else if (startsWith(survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]], "breakByQuarterYear"))
      survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]] <- breakByQuarterYear
    else if (startsWith(survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]], "breakByMonth"))
      survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]] <- scaleByMonths
      stop("Unsupported text argument to break.time.by: ", survminerArgs[["break.time.by"]])
  if ("xscale" %in% names(survminerArgs) && is.character(survminerArgs[["xscale"]]) )
    if (startsWith(survminerArgs[["xscale"]], "scaleByYear"))
      survminerArgs[["xscale"]] <- "d_y"
    else if (startsWith(survminerArgs[["xscale"]], "scaleByMonth"))
      survminerArgs[["xscale"]] <- "d_m"
    # else leave as is

  if (factorId == "1")
    survminerArgs[["pval"]] <- F
    if (!"legend.labs" %in% names(survminerArgs))
      survminerArgs[["legend.labs"]] <- result$factorLabels
    if ("pval" %in% names(survminerArgs) && is.logical(survminerArgs[["pval"]]) && survminerArgs[["pval"]])
      # pass value instead of letting survminer calculate the p-value, which fails sometimes
      survminerArgs[["pval"]] <- survivalFormatPValue(pValueOfSurvDiff(result$diff), with_prefix = TRUE,
                                                      p.lessthan.cutoff = p.lessthan.cutoff)
    if ("hazard.ratio" %in% names(survminerArgs))
      if (is.logical(survminerArgs[["hazard.ratio"]]))
        if (survminerArgs[["hazard.ratio"]] && .has_strata(result))
          df <- .per_stratum_hrs(result,
                                 format_numbers = TRUE,
                                 p_precision = 3,
                                 hr_precision =  2,
                                 p_less_than_cutoff = 0.001)
          if (.n_strata(result) == 2)
            df[1,] %$%
              str_c("HR = ", HR, " (CI ", Lower.CI, " \U2013 ", Upper.CI, ")") %>%
              {str_c(survminerArgs[["pval"]], ., sep="\n")} ->
            # omit every second row, which contains the inverted HRs
            df[seq(1, nrow(df), 2),] %$%
              str_c(label, ": HR = ", HR, " (CI ", Lower.CI, " \U2013 ", Upper.CI, ")", collapse = "\n") %>%
              {str_c(survminerArgs[["pval"]], ., sep="\n")} ->
        survminerArgs[["pval"]] <- str_c(survminerArgs[["pval"]], survminerArgs[["hazard.ratio"]], sep = " ")

  if (!"ggtheme" %in% names(survminerArgs))
    survminerArgs[["ggtheme"]] <- theme_bw(base_size = 10, base_family="Arial")
  if ("xlab" %in% names(survminerArgs))
    if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".OS.days")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Overall Survival (days)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".TTF.days")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Time to Treatment Failure (days)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".PFS.days")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Progression Free Survival (days)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".DFS.days")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Disease Free Survival (days)"
    if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".OS.months")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Overall Survival (months)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".TTF.months")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Time to Treatment Failure (months)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".PFS.months")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Progression Free Survival (months)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".DFS.months")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Disease Free Survival (months)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".OS.years")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Overall Survival (years)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".TTF.years")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Time to Treatment Failure (years)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".PFS.years")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Progression Free Survival (years)"
    else if (survminerArgs[["xlab"]] == ".DFS.years")
      survminerArgs[["xlab"]] <- "Disease Free Survival (years)"

  tickslab.x <- survminerArgs[["tickslab.x"]]
  tickslab.y <- survminerArgs[["tickslab.y"]]
  survminerArgs[["tickslab.x"]] <- NULL
  survminerArgs[["tickslab.y"]] <- NULL
  papersize <- survminerArgs[["papersize"]]
  survminerArgs[["papersize"]] <- NULL

  survplotArgs <- c(list(result$fit, data = result$data), survminerArgs)
  plot <- do.call(ggsurvplot, survplotArgs)

  if (!is.null(tickslab.x) && tickslab.x == FALSE)
    plot$plot <- plot$plot + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())
  if (!is.null(tickslab.y) && tickslab.y == FALSE)
    plot$plot <- plot$plot + theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())

  if (!is.null(papersize))
    if (!is.numeric(papersize) || length(papersize) != 2)
      warning("papersize must be a numeric vector of length 2. Ignoring.")
      plot %<>%
        structure(papersize = papersize)


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survivalAnalysis documentation built on Feb. 11, 2022, 5:07 p.m.