#' SciViews-R log management functions
#' These functions define the code of test functions. They are designed to check
#' the result of some test calculation.
#' @param description A (short) character string describing this test suite log.
#' @param deleteExisting Do we delete an existing a `.Log` object already
#' defined in `.GlobalEnv` (no, by default)?
#' @param stopit Do we issue an error ([stop()] in case of any error or failure?
#' This is particularly useful if you want to interrupt R CMD check on packages,
#' when you included one or more test suites in examples (see `?unitTests`).
#' @param summarize Should the summary of the log be printed in case we stop
#' execution of the code when an error is found (see `stopit =` argument. It is,
#' indeed, useful to indicate at this time which tests failed or raised an
#' error. So, this argument should usually be left at its default value.
#' @return
#' [Log()] and [createLog()] return the `.Log` object defined in `.GlobalEnv` by
#' reference (it is indeed an environment). So, you can use its content (and
#' change it, if you write functions to manipulate this log).
#' [clearLog()] return invisibly `TRUE` or `FALSE`, depending if an existing log
#' object was deleted or not.
#' [errorLog()] is mainly used for its side-effect of stopping code execution
#' and/or printing a summary of the test runs in the context of example
#' massaging in R CMD check (see the "Writing R extensions" manual). However,
#' this function also returns invisibly a contingency table with the number of
#' successes, failures, errors and deactivated tests recorded so far.
#' [lastTest()] and [lastSuite()] recall results of last test and last suite
#' run, respectively.
#' @details
#' svUnit records results of assertions (using the checkxxx() functions) in a
#' 'svSuiteData' object named `.Log` and located in .GlobalEnv. Hence, this log
#' is easy to access. However, in order to avoid errors in your code in case
#' this object was deleted, or not created, it is better to access it using
#' [Log()] which take care to create the object if it is missing.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils sessionInfo str
#' @author Philippe Grosjean
#' @seealso [svSuiteData()], [svSuite()], [svTest()], [checkEquals()]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @concept unit testing
#' @examples
#' clearLog() # Clear the svUnit log
#' # Two correct tests
#' (checkTrue(1 < 2))
#' (checkException(log("a")))
#' errorLog() # Nothing, because there is no error
#' \dontrun{
#' (checkTrue(1 > 2)) # This test fails
#' lastTest() # Print results of last test
#' errorLog() # Stop and summarize the tests run so far
#' }
#' clearLog()
Log <- function(description = NULL) {
if (!exists(".Log", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
createLog(description = description)
get(".Log", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @rdname Log
createLog <- function(description = NULL, deleteExisting = FALSE) {
# Create a log consisting in an environment with class svSuiteData
if (isTRUE(deleteExisting) && exists(".Log", envir = .GlobalEnv,
inherits = FALSE)) rm(.Log, envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (!exists(".Log", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
.Log <<- structure(new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv),
class = c("svSuiteData", "environment"))
# Add general informations and variables to it
.Log$.time <- Sys.time() # Creation time of the log
.Log$.R.version <- R.version # R version
.Log$.sessionInfo <- sessionInfo() # Information about current session
.Log$.description <- description # Optional description of this log
# Create variables used for test context
# Note: never delete or put NULL in these variables, use "" instead
.Log$..Unit <- ""
.Log$..Msg <- ""
.Log$..Obj <- ""
.Log$..File <- ""
.Log$..Tag <- ""
# Create .lastTest that contains details from last check...()
naChr <- as.character(NA)
.Log$.lastTest <- structure(
data.frame(msg = naChr, call = naChr,
timing = as.numeric(NA), kind = .kind(NA), res = naChr,
obj = naChr, file = naChr, tag = naChr,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
class = c("svTestData", "data.frame"))
# Create .lastSuite with an empty list of test units to run
.Log$.lastSuite <- list()
#' @export
#' @rdname Log
clearLog <- function() {
if (exists(".Log", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
rm(list = ".Log", envir = .GlobalEnv)
res <- TRUE
} else {
res <- FALSE
#' @export
#' @rdname Log
errorLog <- function(stopit = TRUE, summarize = TRUE) {
.Log <- Log()
Res <- table(stats(.Log)$kind)
if (isTRUE(stopit) && any(Res[2:3] > 0)) {
if (isTRUE(summarize))
msg <- paste(Res[2], "failure(s) and", Res[3], "error(s)")
} else if (interactive()) {
cat("Summary statistics on all tests run:\n")
#' @export
#' @rdname Log
lastTest <- function() {
# Return a svTestData object with data from last recorded test
#' @export
#' @rdname Log
lastSuite <- function() {
# Return data about last suite run
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