
Defines functions .TempEnv .getTemp .assignTemp .runTest .writeTest .writeTearDown .writeSetUp .prepareUnit .logTestData .logTest .formatResult .formatTime .kindMax .kind .compareVersion .installUpgradeKomodoExtension .onUnload .onLoad

.onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) { # nocov start
  # The default exclusion list, if it is not defined yet
  # Although there are unit tests defined in these packages (as examples),
  # we don't want to include them, by default, in our test suite!
  if (is.null(getOption("svUnit.excludeList")))
    options(svUnit.excludeList = c("package:sv", "package:RUnit"))
  # Look if the SciViews-K Unit Komodo extension is installed
  # TODO: this causes more problems than solutions => temporarily deactivated!
  # Install a callback to update the list of units automatically in the GUI
  # Use the mechanism introduced in svSocket 0.9-48 to allow execution of
  # this task callback from a socket client too
  h <- .getTemp(".svTaskCallbackManager", default = NULL)
  if (!is.null(h))
    h$add(guiSuiteAutoList, name = "guiSuiteAutoList")
} # nocov end

.onUnload <- function(libpath) { # nocov start
  # Delete the task callback
  h <- .getTemp(".svTaskCallbackManager", default = NULL)
  if (!is.null(h))
  # Clear the list of units in the GUI client
  if (exists("koCmd", mode = "function"))
} # nocov end

.packageName <- "svUnit"

.komodoExtensionMinVersion <- "0.7.3"

.installUpgradeKomodoExtension <- function() { # nocov start
  if (!exists("koCmd", mode = "function"))
  # Look if the SciViews-K Unit Komodo extension is installed and is of the
  # right version. Otherwise, propose to install, or update it
  xpiFile <- system.file("komodo", "sciviewskunit-ko.xpi", package = "svUnit")
  # Bug: sometimes this fails, preventing svUnit to load, despite it would
  # work well past this point. So, I put this in a try() to silently catch
  # the error and continue loading svUnit anyway (thanks Claudia Beleites)
  koVersion <- try(
    get("koCmd")('sv.socket.serverWrite(sv.r.unit.version + "." + sv.r.unit.release);'),
    silent = TRUE)
  if (inherits(koVersion, "try-error"))
  if (koVersion == "undefined.undefined") {
    # We need to install the extension
    cmd <- 'var res = ko.dialogs.okCancel("The SciViews-K Unit extension is required by svUnit",'
    cmd <- paste(cmd, '"OK", "Do you want to install the SciViews-K Unit extension now in Komodo?')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, 'You will be prompted for confirmation (click \'Install Now\')')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, 'and will have to restart Komodo at the end of the installation')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, '(click \'Restart Komodo\').", "svUnit");')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, ' if (res == "OK") { ko.open.URI("<<<data>>>"); }', sep = "")
    get("koCmd")(cmd, data = xpiFile)
  } else if (.compareVersion(koVersion, .komodoExtensionMinVersion) == -1) {
    # We need to upgrade the extension
    cmd <- 'var res = ko.dialogs.okCancel("A newer SciViews-K Unit extension is required by svUnit",'
    cmd <- paste(cmd, '"OK", "Your SciViews-K Unit extension is too old for this version of svUnit.')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, 'Do you want to upgrade it now?')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, 'You will be prompted for confirmation (click \'Install Now\')')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, 'and will have to restart Komodo at the end of the installation')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, '(click \'Restart Komodo\').", "svUnit");')
    cmd <- paste(cmd, ' if (res == "OK") { ko.open.URI("<<<data>>>"); }', sep = "")
    get("koCmd")(cmd, data = xpiFile)
} # nocov end

.compareVersion <- function(a, b) {
  # This is the same as utils::compareVersion(), but we don't want
  # dependencies on utils
  if (is.na(a))
  if (is.na(b))
  a <- as.integer(strsplit(a, "[\\.-]")[[1]])
  b <- as.integer(strsplit(b, "[\\.-]")[[1]])
  for (k in 1:length(a)) {
    if (k <= length(b)) {
      if (a[k] > b[k]) {
      } else if (a[k] < b[k]) {
    } else {
  if (length(b) > length(a)) {
  } else {

.kindLevels <- c("OK", "**FAILS**", "**ERROR**", "DEACTIVATED")

.kind <- function(val = TRUE) {
  # TRUE or 1 -> 1 = "OK"
  # FALSE or 0 -> 2 = "**FAILS**"
  # -1 -> 3 = "**ERROR**"
  # -2 -> 4 = "DEACTIVATED"
  factor(.kindLevels[-(as.integer(val) - 2)], levels = .kindLevels)

.kindMax <- function(kinds) {
  # If there are no record, must be because all tests succeed!
  if (length(kinds) == 0)
  Kinds <- as.numeric(kinds)
  if (sum(Kinds, na.rm = TRUE) == 0)
  factor(.kindLevels[max(as.numeric(kinds), na.rm = TRUE)],
    levels = .kindLevels)

.formatTime <- function(x, secDigits = 0, minSec = 10^-secDigits,
prepend = " run in") {
  # x is given in seconds, and it returns a pretty formatted string with time
  if (is.null(x) || is.na(x)[1])
  x <- as.numeric(x)
  Sec <- round(x %% 60, digits = secDigits)
  Min <- x %/% 60
  Hour <- Min %/% 60
  Min <- Min %% 60
  Time <- prepend
  Time <- ifelse(Hour > 0, paste(Time, Hour, "h"), Time)
  Time <- ifelse(Min > 0 | Time != prepend, paste(Time, Min, "min"), Time)
  Time <- ifelse(Sec > minSec | Time != prepend, paste(Time, Sec, "sec"), Time)
  Time <- ifelse(Time == prepend, paste(prepend, "less than", minSec, "sec"), Time)
  Time[is.na(Time)] <- ""
# Test: .formatTime((0:10) * 400 + 0.56)

.formatResult <- function(result, level = getOption("svUnit.strLevel")) {
  if (is.null(level)) {
    level <- 1
  } else {
    level <- as.integer(level[1])
  if (level < 1)
  # Capture the report returned by the str() function
  capture.str <- function(data, level) {
    rval <- NULL
    file <- textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE)
    sink(file, type = "output")
    sink(file, type = "message")
      sink(type = "output")
      sink(type = "message")
    str(data, max.level = level)
  Str <- capture.str(result, level)
  paste(Str, collapse = "\n")

.logTest <- function(timing, test, msg = "", description = NULL) {
  .Log <- Log(description = description)
  # Determine the name of the test
  if (missing(test)) {# Is it defined globally?
    if (exists("..Test", envir = .Log, inherits = FALSE)) {
      test <- .Log$..Test
    } else {# Try to guess it from the call
      ret <- try(test <- as.character(sys.call(-2))[1], silent = TRUE)
      if (inherits(ret, "try-error") || is.na(test)) {
        # check...() probably called directly at the command line
        test <- "eval"
        # Convenient for collecting these tests together with tests run
        # inside runit*.R files (not embedded in test functions)
      } else if (test == "runTest") {
        # Special case for runTest(myTest) or runTest(test(foo))
        test <- as.character(sys.call(-2))[2]
      } else if (test == "eval.with.vis") {
        test <- "eval"
  # Do we need to create 'test'?
  if (!exists(test, envir = .Log, inherits = FALSE)) {
    if (msg == "")
      msg <- .Log$..Msg
    .Log[[test]] <- structure(
        msg = character(),
        call = character(),
        timing = numeric(),
        kind = .kind(logical()),
        res = character(),
        obj = character(),
        file = character(),
        tag = character(),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
      time = Sys.time(),
      stats = c(tests = 1, timing = timing),
      context = c(unit = as.character(.Log$..Unit), test = test,
      msg = paste(msg, collapse = "\n")),
      class = c("svTestData", "data.frame"))
  } else {
    # Just update stats
    attr(.Log[[test]], "stats") <- attr(.Log[[test]], "stats") + c(1, timing)

.logTestData <- function(test, msg, call, timing, val, kind = .kind(val), res,
obj = .Log$..Obj, file = .Log$..File, tag = .Log$..Tag,
printTest = getOption("svUnit.printTest")) {
  # Add these data to .lastTest
  .Log$.lastTest <- structure(data.frame(
    msg = msg, call = call, timing = timing, kind = kind, res = res,
    obj = obj, file = file, tag = tag, stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
    class = c("svTestData", "data.frame"),
    row.names = as.character(attr(.Log[[test]], "stats")["tests"]))
  # Add them also to the log of my test
  .Log[[test]][nrow(.Log[[test]]) + 1, ] <- .Log$.lastTest
  # Do we print detailed results for this test?
  if (is.null(printTest))
    printTest <- !interactive() # Guess it from context
  if (isTRUE(printTest))

.prepareUnit <- function(name, dir) {
  # Prepare for writing a test unit file
  dir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", as.character(dir)[1])
  # Check that dir exists (do not create it!)
  if (!file.exists(dir) || !file.info(dir)$isdir)
    stop("'dir' must be an existing directory")
  # If dir is tempdir(), then, make sure there are no other runit*.R files
  # left (should not!) - One can store only one unit at a time in tempdir()!
  if (dir == gsub("\\\\", "/", tempdir())) {
    runitfiles <- list.files(dir, pattern = "^runit.*\\.[r|R]$",
      full.names = TRUE)
  Unit <- file.path(dir, paste("runit", name, ".R", sep = ""))
  cat("## Test unit '", name, "'\n", sep = "", file = Unit)

.writeSetUp <- function(unit, file = "", msg = "", tag = "", code = NULL) {
  # Write the .setUp() function in the test unit file
  # Here, we write a context to localize tested objects and test unit files
  catUnit <- function(...)
    cat(..., sep = "", file = unit, append = TRUE)
  catUnit('\n.setUp <-\n')
  catUnit('function () {\n')
  catUnit('\t## Specific actions for svUnit: prepare context\n')
  catUnit('\tif ("package:svUnit" %in% search()) {\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log <- Log() ## Make sure .Log is created\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Unit <- "', unit, '"\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..File <- "', as.character(file)[1], '"\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Obj <- ""\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Tag <- "', tag, '"\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Msg <- "', paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), '"\n')
  catUnit('\t\trm(..Test, envir = .Log)\n')
  if (!is.null(code))
    catUnit(paste("\t", code, collapse = "\n"))

.writeTearDown <- function(unit, code = NULL, rm.unit = TRUE, rm.file = TRUE) {
  # Write the .tearDown() function in the test unit file
  # Here, we undo what was done in .setUp()
  catUnit <- function(...)
    cat(..., sep = "", file = unit, append = TRUE)
  catUnit('\n.tearDown <-\n')
  catUnit('function () {\n')
  if (!is.null(code))
    catUnit(paste("\t", code, collapse = "\n"))
  catUnit('\t## Specific actions for svUnit: clean up context\n')
  catUnit('\tif ("package:svUnit" %in% search()) {\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Unit <- ""\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..File <- ""\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Obj <- ""\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Tag <- ""\n')
  catUnit('\t\t.Log$..Msg <- ""\n')
  catUnit('\t\trm(..Test, envir = .Log)\n')

.writeTest <- function(unit, objname, pos = .GlobalEnv, obj = NULL) {
  # Make sure that the name of a test function is syntactically correct
  # and starts with 'test'
  if (regexpr("^test", objname) > -1) {
    testname <- objname
  } else {
    testname <- paste("test", objname, sep = "")
  # Write the first line in the file
  catUnit <- function(...)
    cat(..., file = unit, append = TRUE)
  catUnit('\n"', testname, '" <-\n', sep = "")
  # Get the object
  if (missing(obj)) {
    # Look for 'objname' in 'pos'
    if (!exists(objname, where = pos)) {
      Test <- ""
    } else {
      Test <- test(get(objname, pos = pos))
  } else {
    Test <- test(obj)
  if (is.character(Test)) {
    # Create a dummy test with DEACTIVATED entry indicating missing object
    body <- c(
      'function() {',
      paste('\tDEACTIVATED("Object', objname, 'not found!")'),
  } else if (is.null(Test)) {
    # Create a dummy test with DEACTIVATED entry indicating missing test
    body <- c(
      'function() {',
      paste('\tDEACTIVATED("Object', objname, 'has no tests!")'),
  } else {
    # Get the body of the test function
    capture.body <- function(Data) {
      rval <- NULL
      File <- textConnection("rval", "w", local = TRUE)
      dput(Data, file = File, control = "useSource")
    body <- capture.body(Test)
  # Write the body of the test function in the file
  catUnit(body, sep = "\n")

.runTest <- function(x, envir, test, objfile = "", unit = "", tag = "",
msg = "") {
  # Run one test in a protected environment catching errors and warnings
  # and preparing a suitable context
  name <- sub("^test\\.(.+)\\.$", "\\1", test)

  # The context is written in the .Log, but previous context is saved
  # and restored on return
  .Log <- Log()  # Make sure that .Log exists, or create a new one
  oContext <- c(Unit = .Log$..Unit, Obj = .Log$..Obj, File = .Log$..File,
    Msg = .Log$..Msg, Tag = .Log$..Tag)
    .Log$..Unit <- as.character(oContext[1])
    .Log$..Obj <- as.character(oContext[2])
    .Log$..File <- as.character(oContext[3])
    .Log$..Msg <- as.character(oContext[4])
    .Log$..Tag <- as.character(oContext[5])
  .Log$..Unit <- unit          # The unit file
  .Log$..Obj <- name           # Name of the tested object
  .Log$..File <- objfile       # Where is the code source of 'name'?
  .Log$..Msg <- paste(msg, collapse = "\n") # Message for this test
  .Log$..Tag <- tag            # A tag in objfile to locate code
  # Define the test and save possible existing definition to restore it
  if (exists("..Test", envir = .Log, inherits = FALSE)) {
    oTest <- .Log$..Test
    on.exit(.Log$..Test <- oTest, add = TRUE)
  } else on.exit(rm("..Test", envir = .Log), add = TRUE)
  .Log$..Test <- test          # Define the name of the test

  if (missing(envir)) {
    # The environment where the test is run
    envir <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
    envir[[test]] <- x                # A copy of the test code
    envir$.setUp <- function() {}     # Fake .setUp
    envir$.tearDown <- function() {}  # Fake .tearDown
  # We need this installed in our sandbox .TestEnv to run the test
  envir$.LogWarnings <- list()        # A list to collect warnings

  # Clear the corresponding log, if it exists
  if (exists(test, envir = .Log, inherits = FALSE))
    rm(list = test, envir = .Log)

  # Evaluate the test function in .testEnv, catching errors
  owarn <- getOption("warn")
  on.exit(options(warn = owarn), add = TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(getOption("svUnit.StopOnWarning"))) {
    nwarn <- 2
  } else {
    nwarn <- -1
  options(warn = nwarn)

  # Evaluate the test function in the .TestEnv environment
  cmd <- paste("evalq(.LogRes <- try( { .setUp(); `", test,
    "`(); .tearDown() }, silent = TRUE), envir = envir)", sep = "")
  eval(parse(text = cmd))

  # Analyze error => is it a deactivation or error in the code?
  Res <- envir$.LogRes
  if (inherits(Res, "try-error")) {
    # We record this as a test returning **ERROR** or DEACTIVATED
    .logTest(0, test)
    # Did we encountered a DEACTIVATED() command or something else?
    if (regexpr("DEACTIVATED\\(", Res) > -1) {
      Msg <- sub("^[^:]+: *", "", as.character(Res))
      Msg <- sub("\n$", "", Msg)
      .logTestData(test, msg = Msg, call = "", timing = NA,
        val = -2, res = "\n")
    } else {
      # This is an error (something wrong with the code in the test fun)
      .logTestData(test, msg = "", call = deparse(sys.call()),
        timing = NA, val = -1, res = paste(Res, collapse = "\n"))

.assignTemp <- function(x, value)
    assign(x, value, envir = .TempEnv())

.getTemp <- function(x, default = character(0)) {
  if  (exists(x, envir = .TempEnv(), inherits = FALSE)) {
    return(get(x, envir = .TempEnv(), inherits = FALSE))
  } else {# Variable not found, return the default value

.TempEnv <- function() {
  pos <-  match("SciViews:TempEnv", search())
  if (is.na(pos)) {# Must create it
    `SciViews:TempEnv` <- list()
    Attach <- function(...)
      get("attach", mode = "function")(...)
    Attach(`SciViews:TempEnv`, pos = length(search()) - 1)
    pos <- match("SciViews:TempEnv", search())

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svUnit documentation built on April 19, 2021, 9:06 a.m.