
Defines functions guiTestFeedback guiSuiteAutoList guiSuiteList guiTestReport

Documented in guiSuiteAutoList guiSuiteList guiTestFeedback guiTestReport

#' Report or give feedback to the GUI client about running test units
#' These functions are usually not called from the command line. They return
#' data to compatible GUI clients, like Komodo Edit with the SciViews-K
#' extension.
#' @param object a 'svUnitData' object.
#' @param sep Field separator to use in the results.
#' @param path Path where to write a 'Suites.txt' file with the list of
#' currently available test suites (to be used by the GUI client). If `NULL`,
#' no file is written (by default).
#' @param ... Not used currently.
#' @param compare Do we compare the list of available test suite and return
#' something to the GUI client only if there are changes in the list? This is
#' used (when `TRUE`) to avoid unnecessary multiple processing of the same list
#' by the GUI client.
#' @return
#' [guiSuiteList()] returns the list of available test suites invisibly.
#' [guiSuiteAutoList()] is used to establish a callback to automatically list
#' the available test suites in the GUI. It is not intended to be called
#' directly by the user. The other functions just return `TRUE` invisibly.They
#' are used for their side effect of sending data to compatible GUI clients.
#' @export
#' @author Philippe Grosjean
#' @seealso [svTest()], [svSuite()], [koUnit_version()]
#' @keywords utilities
#' @concept unit testing
guiTestReport <- function(object, sep = "\t", path = NULL, ...) {
  # Report the results of a test to the GUI client
  if (!is.svSuiteData(object))
    stop("'object' must be a 'svSuiteData' object")

  # For all 'svTestData' objects, create a table with test results for the GUI
  # Indicate global results of the Unit Test
  Tests <- ls(object)
  if (length(Tests) == 0) {
    Res <- "<<<svUnitSummary>>>|||0|||0|||0|||0"
  } else {
    # Get general information about the tests
    Stats <- stats(object)
    Tests <- rownames(Stats)  # To make sure we use the same!
    Stats$label <- paste(">", sub("^test", "", Tests), " (",
      round(Stats$timing, 3), " sec)", sep = "")
    State <- table(Stats$kind)
    Res <- paste("<<<svUnitSummary>>>|||", State[1], "|||", State[2],
      "|||", State[3], "|||", State[4], sep = "")
    Kinds <- as.numeric(Stats$kind)
    Kinds[Kinds == 4] <- 0   # Use 0 instead of 4 for deactivated tests
    Stats$kind <- Kinds
    # Get the type for the objects
    Units <- Stats$unit
    Types <- rep("units in packages", length(Units))
    Types[Units == ""] <- "other objects"
    # TODO: include also dirs!
    Dir1 <- gsub("\\\\", "/", dirname(Units))
    Dir2 <- dirname(Dir1)
    Dir3 <- dirname(Dir2)
    TempDir <- gsub("\\\\", "/", tempdir())
    Types[Dir1 == TempDir] <- "objects in .GlobalEnv"
    Types[tolower(basename(Dir2)) == "inst" ||
      tolower(basename(Dir3)) == "inst"] <- "units in sources"
    # Keep only "*" in Units
    Units <- basename(Units)
    Units[regexpr("^runit.+\\.[rR]$", Units) == -1] <- ""
    Units[Dir1 == TempDir] <- "" # No second level for objects in .GlobalEnv
    Units <- sub("^runit(.+)\\.[rR]$", "\\1", Units)
    change <- Units != ""
    Units[change] <- paste(">unit", Units[change])
    # Complete label is Type<Unit<Test (x.xxx sec)
    Stats$label <- paste(Types, Units, Stats$label, sep = "")
    # Sort Tests and Stats according to label alphabetically
    ord <- order(Stats$label)
    Stats <- Stats[ord, ]
    Tests <- Tests[ord]
    # Get detailed information about each test
    lastUnit <- ""
    for (Test in Tests) {
      Data <- Stats[Test, ]
      # Calculate Info
      tData <- Log()[[Test]]
      tStats <- stats(tData)
      Info <- paste(c("Pass:", "Fail:", "Errors:"), tStats$kind[1:3],
        collapse = " ")
      # Don't print tests that succeed if !all
      tData <- tData[tData$kind != "OK", ]
      # Get info about each individual filtered test
      if (nrow(tData) > 0) {
        Result <- ifelse(tData$res == "", "",
          paste("\n", tData$res, sep = ""))
        Info <- paste(Info, "\n", paste("* ", tData$msg, ": ",
          tData$call, .formatTime(tData$timing, secDigits = 3),
          " ... ", as.character(tData$kind), Result, sep = "",
          collapse = "\n"), sep = "")
      # Calculate URI (currently, the name of the unit file
      # and the name of the test function)
      if (Data$unit == "") {
        URI <- Data$unit
      } else {
        URI <- paste(Data$unit, Test, sep = "#")
      if (Data$unit != lastUnit) {
        lastUnit <- Data$unit
        Res <- c(Res, paste("<<<svUnitFile>>>|||", Data$unit,
          "|||||||||", sep = ""))
      Res <- c(Res, paste("<<<svUnitTest>>>|||", Data$label, "|||",
        Data$kind, "|||", Info, "|||", URI, sep = ""))
  Res <- paste(gsub("\t", "    ", Res), collapse = sep)
  if (is.null(path)) {
  } else {
    cat(Res, file = path)

#' @export
#' @rdname guiTestReport
guiSuiteList <- function(sep = "\t", path = NULL, compare = TRUE) {
  Suites <- svSuiteList()

  if (compare) {
    oldSuites <- .getTemp(".guiSuiteListCache", default = "")
    # Compare both versions
    if (!identical(Suites, oldSuites)) {
      # Keep a copy of the last version in SciViews:TempEnv
      .assignTemp(".guiSuiteListCache", Suites)
      Changed <- TRUE
    } else Changed <- FALSE
  } else {
    Changed <- TRUE
    .assignTemp(".guiSuiteListCache", Suites)

  if (is.null(path)) {# Return result, as a single character string with sep
    if (Changed) {
      if (!is.null(sep))
        Suites <- paste(Suites, collapse = sep)
    } else {
  } else {# Write to a file called 'Suites.txt' in this path
    file <- file.path(path, "Suites.txt")
    if (Changed) {
      if (is.null(sep))
        sep <- "\n"
      cat(Suites, sep = sep, file = file)

#' @export
#' @rdname guiTestReport
guiSuiteAutoList <- function(...) {
  # Is koCmd() available?
  if (!exists("koCmd", mode = "function"))

  # Is it something changed in the unit list?
  res <- guiSuiteList(sep = ",", path = NULL, compare = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(res))
    ret <- get("koCmd")('sv.r.unit.getRUnitList_Callback("<<<data>>>");',
      data = res)

#' @export
#' @rdname guiTestReport
guiTestFeedback <- function(object, path = NULL, ...) {
  # Give feedback to client about the currently running tests
  # TODO: feedback about test run

Try the svUnit package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

svUnit documentation built on April 19, 2021, 9:06 a.m.