
Defines functions swagger_spec swagger_index swagger_path match_version

Documented in swagger_index swagger_path swagger_spec

match_version <- function(version = "5") {
  version <- as.character(version)
  match.arg(version, c("3", "4", "5"), several.ok = FALSE)

#' Path to Swagger Resources
#' Retrieves the path to swagger resources.
#' @template param-version
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   browseURL(swagger_path())
#' } else {
#'   print(paste("You can explore swagger resources under: ", swagger_path()))
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname swagger_path
swagger_path <- function(version = "5") {
    paste0("dist", match_version(version)),
    package = "swagger"

#' Path to Swagger Index
#' Retrieves the path to the swagger index file.
#' @template param-version
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   browseURL(swagger_index())
#' } else {
#'   print(paste("You can use swagger under: ", swagger_index()))
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname swagger_index
swagger_index <- function(version = "5") {
  file.path(swagger_path(version = version), "index.html")

#' Swagger Index File with OpenAPI Path
#' Produces the content for a \code{index.html} file that will attempt
#' to access a provided API path.
#' @param api_path Path to paste into the an OpenAPI specification file
#' @template param-version
#' @return large string containing the contents of \code{\link{swagger_index}()} with
#'   the appropriate specification path changed to the \code{api_path} value.
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   swagger_spec("https://developer.uspto.gov/ibd-api/swagger.json")
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname swagger_spec
swagger_spec <- function(
  api_path = "\"http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json\"",
  version = "5"
) {

  index_file <- swagger_index(version = version)
  index_txt <- paste0(readLines(index_file), collapse = "\n")

  if (version %in% c("3", "4", "5")) {
    index_txt <-
  } else {
    stop("swagger_spec not implemented for version: ", version)


Try the swagger package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

swagger documentation built on June 29, 2024, 1:07 a.m.