
Defines functions as.oin as.oin.character oin_convert as.oin.oin as.oin.factor as.oin.numeric as.oin.default is.oin oin_ctrl oin_group

Documented in as.oin is.oin oin_ctrl oin_group

#' @title 
#' Parse organizational identity numbers
#' @description
#' Check and convert a vector of organizational identity numbers. 
#' @details 
#' The following format is accepted: 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item character: \code{GNNNNN-NNNC}
#' }
#' @param oin Vector with swedish organizational identity numbers in character format. See details.
#' @references 
#' \href{http://www.riksdagen.se/sv/dokument-lagar/dokument/svensk-forfattningssamling/lag-1974174-om-identitetsbeteckning-for_sfs-1974-174}{Lag (1974:174) om identitetsbeteckning for juridiska personer m.fl.}
#' @return
#' Character vector (of class \code{oin} and \code{AsIs}) with swedish organizational identity numbers.
#' @examples
#' ex_oin <- c("556000-4615", "232100-0156", "802002-4280", "8020024280", "AA2002-4280")
#' as.oin(ex_oin)
#' @export
as.oin <- function(oin){

#' @export
as.oin.character <- function(oin){
  formats <- character(2)
  # format 1: "NNNNNN-NNNC"
  formats[1] <- "^[0-9]{2}[2-9]{1}[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$"
  # format 2: "NNNNNNNNNC"
  formats[2] <- "^[0-9]{2}[2-9]{1}[0-9]{3}[0-9]{4}$"

  newoin <- rep(as.character(NA), length(oin))
  logi_format <- logical(length(oin))
  for (i in seq_along(formats)){ # i <- 1
    logi_format <- grepl(formats[i], x = oin)
    newoin[logi_format] <- oin_convert(oin[logi_format], format = i)

  # Warning for incorrect oin
  isna <- is.na(newoin)
  if(any(isna)) {
    warning("Erroneous oin(s) (set to NA).")
  # Add class
  class(newoin) <- c("AsIs", "oin", "character")

oin_convert <- function(oin, format){
  } else if(format==2){
    return(paste0(substr(oin, 1, 6), "-", substr(oin, 7, 10)))

#' @export
as.oin.oin <- function(oin){

#' @export
as.oin.factor <- function(oin){

#' @export
as.oin.numeric <- function(oin){

#' @export
as.oin.default <- function(oin){
  stop("Object of class ", paste(class(oin), collapse = ", "), 
       " can not be coerced to oin!"

#' @title
#' Test if a character vector contains correct \code{oin}
#' @description
#' Test which elements in a text vector that contains organization identity 
#' number.
#' @param oin Character vector to be tested if it is an \code{oin} of the right format.
#' @return
#' Logical vector indicating if the elements can be an organization identity number.
#' @examples
#' ex_oin <- c("556000-4615", "232100-0156", "802002-4280", "8020024280", "AA2002-4280")
#' is.oin(ex_oin)
#' @export
is.oin <- function(oin){
  inherits(oin, "oin")

#' @title
#' Check the control numbers for \code{oin}
#' @description
#' Calculates the control number using the Luhn algorithm and compare it with the control number in the organization identity number (oin).
#' @param oin A vector of class \code{oin}. See \link{as.oin}.
#' @param force_logical If TRUE, force all NA in oin to be FALSE. Default is FALSE.
#' @references 
#' \href{http://www.skatteverket.se/foretagochorganisationer/foretagare/startaochregistrera/organisationsnummer.4.361dc8c15312eff6fd235d1.html?q=organisationsnummer}{Organisationsnummer Skatteverket}
#' @return
#' Logical vector indicating if a oin is correct (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE})
#' @examples
#' ex_oin <- c("556000-4615", "232100-0156", "802002-4280", "232100-0157", "802002-4281")
#' oin_ctrl(ex_oin)
#' @export
oin_ctrl <- function(oin, force_logical = FALSE){
    if(!is.oin(oin)) oin <- suppressWarnings(as.oin(oin))
  } else {
    if(!is.oin(oin)) oin <- as.oin(oin)
  oin_char <- paste0(substr(oin,1,6), substr(oin,8,11))
  oin_char[is.na(oin)] <- NA
  res <- vapply(oin_char, luhn_algo, integer(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE, 
                multiplier = c(2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0))
  res <- as.integer(substr(oin, 11, 11)) == res
  if(force_logical) res[is.na(res)] <- FALSE

#' @title
#' Calculate organization group from \code{oin}
#' @description
#' Calculates the organization group from the organization number.
#' @inheritParams oin_ctrl
#' @references 
#' \href{http://www.skatteverket.se/foretagochorganisationer/foretagare/startaochregistrera/organisationsnummer.4.361dc8c15312eff6fd235d1.html?q=organisationsnummer}{Organisationsnummer Skatteverket}
#' @return
#' Factor with organization categories.
#' @examples
#' ex_oin <- c("556000-4615", "232100-0156", "802002-4280")
#' oin_group(ex_oin)
#' @export
oin_group <- function(oin){
  if(!is.oin(oin)) oin <- as.oin(oin)
  as.factor(vapply(X = oin, 
                   FUN = oin_group_element, 
                   FUN.VALUE = character(1), 
                   USE.NAMES = FALSE))

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sweidnumbr documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:24 p.m.