
Defines functions updateManifest switchrManifest switchrBaseDir findCompEnv

Documented in switchrBaseDir switchrManifest updateManifest

findCompEnv = function(url = NULL, name, rvers = NULL, allMatches = FALSE) {
    if(missing(url) && missing(name) || is.null(url) && is.null(name))
        stop("Must specify either a url or a name for the desired context")
    man = switchrManifest()
        man = man[man$rversion == rvers,]

    i = numeric()

    i = which(name == man$name)
    else {
        manrow = man[i,]
            return(mapply(SwitchrCtx, name = manrow$name,
                          seed = list(NULL), ## XXX TODO
                          libpaths = lapply(manrow$paths,
                              function(x) strsplit(x, ";")[[1]]),
                          exclude.site = manrow$excl.site))
            return(SwitchrCtx(name = manrow$name,
                                 seed = NULL, ## XXX TODO
                                 libpaths = strsplit(manrow$paths, ";")[[1]],
                                 exclude.site = manrow$excl.site))

##' Get or set the base directory for switchr libraries
##' @param value A new value for the base directory
##' @details If \code{value} is missing, the current base directory
##' is returned. Otherwise the \code{value} is set as the default directory
##' and returned.
##' @export
##' @return The current base directory for switchr to create context-specific
##' library paths under (\emph{after} setting it if \code{value} is not missing).
switchrBaseDir = function(value) {
        if(is.null(switchrOpts$basedir)) "~/.switchr" else switchrOpts$basedir
    else {
            dir.create(value, recursive=TRUE)
        switchrOpts$basedir = value

##' switchrManifest
##' Generate a manifest of all currently available (existing) swtichr libraries.
##' @return A data.frame with information about the located switchr libraries
##' @note This function reads cached metadata from the current switchr base
##' directory (~/.switchr by default). This cache is updated whenever
##' the switchr framework is used to create or destroy a switchr library,
##' but will not be updated if one is added or removed manually. In
##' such cases \code{\link{updateManifest}} must be called first
##' @export
switchrManifest = function() {
    dir = switchrBaseDir()
    manfile = file.path(dir, "manifest.dat")

    if(!file.exists(manfile) || length(readLines(manfile)) == 0)
        data.frame(url = character(), name = character(), libpaths = character(),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE, rversion = character())
        read.table(file.path(dir, "manifest.dat"), header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

##' updateManifest
##' Update the cached information regarding available switchr libraries.
##' @return NULL, used for it's side-effect of updating the switchr library
##' metadata cache.
##' @importFrom utils write.table
updateManifest = function() {
    dirs = list.dirs(switchrBaseDir(), recursive=FALSE)
    fils = file.path(dirs, "lib_info")
    fils = fils[file.exists(fils)]

    man = do.call(rbind.data.frame, lapply(fils, function(x) read.table(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)))
    if(nrow(man) > 0)
        write.table(man, file = file.path(switchrBaseDir(), "manifest.dat"))
        file.remove(file.path(switchrBaseDir(), "manifest.dat"))

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switchr documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:13 p.m.