
Defines functions font.add.google font_add_google font.families.google font_families_google download_font_file search_db font_info_google google_font_db

Documented in font_add_google font.add.google font_families_google font.families.google font_info_google

## Object to store the Google Fonts database
.pkg.env$.google.db = NULL

google_font_db = function(db_cache = TRUE, handle = curl::new_handle())
    ## We need to use packages jsonlite and curl here
    ## If database already exists and db_cache = TRUE, return it
    if(!is.null(.pkg.env$.google.db) && db_cache)
    ## Else, download it

    ## Download the font database either from Google or from my own site
    db = paste(tempfile(), ".bz2", sep = "")
    db = tryCatch(
    ## First try to download the database
            # Fetch font database from Google API,
            # slow and relying on curl, but most up-to-date
            baseurl = "https://www.googleapis.com/webfonts/v1/webfonts"
            key = "AIzaSyDilHY_z1p7WltVNj5gOEHVHD3AIpW8R4o"
            apiurl = sprintf("%s?key=%s", baseurl, key)
            ret = curl::curl_fetch_memory(apiurl, handle = handle)
            # Write the content to a temporary file
            webfonts = rawToChar(ret$content)
            bz2 = bzfile(db, "wb")
            write(webfonts, bz2)
        } else {
            # Download from my own site, faster but not as up-to-date as Google
            curl::curl_download("https://statr.me/files/webfonts.bz2", db,
                                quiet = TRUE, mode = "wb", handle = handle)
    ## If not successful, use the built-in one
    error = function(e) {
        system.file("fonts", "webfonts.bz2", package = "sysfonts")
    con = bzfile(db, "rb")
    font_list = readLines(con)
    res = jsonlite::fromJSON(font_list, FALSE)
    .pkg.env$.google.db = res

#' Display Information of Available Google Fonts
#' This function returns a data frame that contains the metadata of
#' font families available in Google Fonts, for example the family name,
#' available font face variants, the version number, etc. When running this
#' function for the first time, it may take a few seconds to fetch the
#' database. This function requires the \pkg{jsonlite} and \pkg{curl} packages.
#' @param db_cache whether to obtain font metadata from a cache site. Using cache
#'                 is typically faster, but not as update-to-date as using the official
#'                 API. If \code{db_cache} is set to \code{FALSE}, then metadata
#'                 are retrieved from the Google Fonts API.
#' @param handle a curl handle object passed to \code{curl::curl_download()} and
#'               \code{curl::curl_fetch_memory()}.
#' @return A data frame containing metadata of Google Fonts.
#' @seealso \code{\link{font_families_google}()}
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{https://statr.me/}>
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' font_info_google()
#' }
font_info_google = function(db_cache = TRUE, handle = curl::new_handle())
    # db is a list parsed from JSON
    db = google_font_db(db_cache, handle)
    # Convert to a readable data frame
    to_df = function(item)
            family       = item$family,
            category     = item$category,
            num_variants = length(item$variants),
            variants     = paste(item$variants, collapse = ", "),
            num_subsets  = length(item$subsets),
            subsets      = paste(item$subsets, collapse = ", "),
            version      = item$version,
            lastModified = item$lastModified,
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    font_df = lapply(db[[2]], to_df)
    do.call(rbind, font_df)

search_db = function(family, db_cache, handle)
    gflist = font_info_google(db_cache, handle)
    gffamily = gflist$family
    ind = grep(sprintf("^%s$", family), gffamily, ignore.case = TRUE)
        ind = grep(family, gffamily, ignore.case = TRUE)
            cat("Do you mean one of the following font(s)?\n")
            cat(paste("  ", gffamily[ind], collapse = "\n"), "\n")
        stop("font not found")

# Download font file and return the path of destination
download_font_file = function(url, repo = "http://fonts.gstatic.com/", handle = curl::new_handle())
    ## We need to use curl package here
    dest = file.path(tempdir(), basename(url))
    if(repo != "http://fonts.gstatic.com/")
        url_repo = gsub("http://fonts.gstatic.com/", repo, url)
            ## Try the user-specified repository
                curl::curl_download(url_repo, dest, handle = handle)
            ## If not successful, use the default one
            error = function(e) {
                message("font not found in the user-provided repo, try default repo...")
                curl::curl_download(url, dest, handle = handle)
    } else {
        curl::curl_download(url, dest, handle = handle)

#' List Font Families Available in Google Fonts
#' @description The two versions of this function are equivalent, but the
#' "underscore" naming is preferred.
#' This function lists family names of the fonts that are currently
#' available in Google Fonts. When running this function for the first time, 
#' it may take a few seconds to fetch the font information database.
#' This function requires the \pkg{jsonlite} and \pkg{curl} packages.
#' @param db_cache whether to obtain font metadata from a cache site. Using cache
#'                 is typically faster, but not as update-to-date as using the official
#'                 API. If \code{db_cache} is set to \code{FALSE}, then metadata
#'                 are retrieved from the Google Fonts API.
#' @param handle a curl handle object passed to \code{curl::curl_download()} and
#'               \code{curl::curl_fetch_memory()}.
#' @return A character vector of available font family names in Google Fonts.
#' @seealso \code{\link{font_add_google}()}
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{https://statr.me/}>
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' font_families_google()
#' }
font_families_google = function(db_cache = TRUE, handle = curl::new_handle())
    font_info_google(db_cache, handle)$family

#' @rdname font_families_google
#' @export
font.families.google = function()
    deprecate_message_once("font.families.google()", "font_families_google()")

#' Load Google Fonts into 'sysfonts'
#' @description The two versions of this function are equivalent, but the
#' "underscore" naming is preferred.
#' This function will search the Google Fonts repository
#' (\url{https://fonts.google.com/}) for a specified
#' family name, download the proper font files, and then add them to \pkg{sysfonts}.
#' This function requires the \pkg{jsonlite} and \pkg{curl} packages.
#' @param name name of the font that will be searched in Google Fonts
#' @param family specifies the family name of this font in R. This can be any string,
#'               not necessarily the same as \code{name}. The value of this parameter
#'               will be used in R plotting functions. See the example code below.
#' @param regular.wt font weight for the regular font face, usually 400
#' @param bold.wt font weight for the bold font face, usually 700
#' @param repo the site that hosts the font files. Default is the official
#'             repository \code{http://fonts.gstatic.com/} provided by
#'             Google Fonts.
#' @param db_cache whether to obtain font metadata from a cache site. Using cache
#'                 is typically faster, but not as update-to-date as using the official
#'                 API. If \code{db_cache} is set to \code{FALSE}, then metadata
#'                 are retrieved from the Google Fonts API.
#' @param handle a curl handle object passed to \code{curl::curl_download()}.
#' @details There are thousands of open source fonts in the Google Fonts
#'          repository (\url{https://fonts.google.com/}).
#'          This function will try to search the font family specified
#'          by the \code{name} argument, and then automatically
#'          download the font files for all possible font faces
#'          ("regular", "bold", "italic" and "bold italic",
#'          but no"symbol").
#'          If fonts are found and downloaded successfully, they will be
#'          also added to \pkg{sysfonts} with the given family name.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{font_families_google}()}
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{https://statr.me/}>
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' font_add_google("Alegreya Sans", "aleg")
#' if(require(showtext))
#' {
#'     wd = setwd(tempdir())
#'     pdf("google-fonts-ex.pdf")
#'     showtext_begin()
#'     par(family = "aleg")
#'     plot(0:5,0:5, type="n")
#'     text(1:4, 1:4, "Alegreya Sans", font=1:4, cex = 2)
#'     showtext_end()
#'     dev.off()
#'     setwd(wd)
#' }
#' }
font_add_google = function(name, family = name, regular.wt = 400,
                           bold.wt = 700, repo = "http://fonts.gstatic.com/",
                           db_cache = TRUE, handle = curl::new_handle())
    name   = as.character(name)[1]
    family = as.character(family)[1]
    repo   = as.character(repo)[1]
    db = google_font_db(db_cache, handle)
    # Use db_cache = TRUE since the database has already been updated in google_font_db()
    ind = search_db(name, db_cache = TRUE, handle = handle)
    font = db[[2]][[ind]]
    ## Names of type variants to search in the db
    ## e.g., "regular", "700", "italic", 700italic", etc.
    regular = as.character(regular.wt)
    bold = as.character(bold.wt)
    italic = paste(regular, "italic", sep = "")
    bolditalic = paste(bold, "italic", sep = "")
    if(regular.wt == 400)
        regular = "regular"
        italic = "italic"
    ## Download regular font face
    r.url = font$files[[regular]]
        stop(sprintf("regular (weight=%d) variant of '%s' font not found", regular.wt, name))
    r.file = download_font_file(r.url, repo, handle = handle)
    ## Download bold font face
    b.url = font$files[[bold]]
    b.file = if(is.null(b.url)) NULL else download_font_file(b.url, repo, handle = handle)
    ## Download italic font face
    i.url = font$files[[italic]]
    i.file = if(is.null(i.url)) NULL else download_font_file(i.url, repo, handle = handle)
    ## Download bold-italic font face
    bi.url = font$files[[bolditalic]]
    bi.file = if(is.null(bi.url)) NULL else download_font_file(bi.url, repo, handle = handle)

    font_add(family, r.file, b.file, i.file, bi.file)

#' @rdname font_add_google
#' @export
font.add.google = function(name, family = name, regular.wt = 400,
                           bold.wt = 700, repo = "http://fonts.gstatic.com/",
                           handle = curl::new_handle())
    deprecate_message_once("font.add.google()", "font_add_google()")
    font_add_google(name, family, regular.wt, bold.wt, repo = repo, handle = handle)

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sysfonts documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:42 a.m.