
Defines functions as_font_width as_font_weight match_font match_fonts

Documented in as_font_weight as_font_width match_font match_fonts

#' Find a system font by name and style
#' This function locates the font file (and index) best matching a name and
#' optional style. A font file will be returned even if a perfect match
#' isn't found, but it is not necessarily similar to the requested family and
#' it should not be relied on for font substitution. The aliases `"sans"`,
#' `"serif"`, `"mono"`, `"symbol"`, and `"emoji"` match to their respective 
#' system defaults (`""` is equivalent to `"sans"`). `match_font()` has been
#' deprecated in favour of `match_fonts()` which provides vectorisation, as well
#' as querying for different weights (rather than just "normal" and "bold") as
#' well as different widths.
#' @param family The name of the font families to match
#' @param italic logical indicating the font slant
#' @param weight The weight to query for, either in numbers (`0`, `100`, `200`, 
#' `300`, `400`, `500`, `600`, `700`, `800`, or `900`) or strings (`"undefined"`, 
#' `"thin"`, `"ultralight"`, `"light"`, `"normal"`, `"medium"`, `"semibold"`, 
#' `"bold"`, `"ultrabold"`, or `"heavy"`). `NA` will be interpreted as 
#' `"undefined"`/`0`
#' @param width The width to query for either in numbers (`0`, `1`, `2`, 
#' `3`, `4`, `5`, `6`, `7`, `8`, or `9`) or strings (`"undefined"`, 
#' `"ultracondensed"`, `"extracondensed"`, `"condensed"`, `"semicondensed"`, 
#' `"normal"`, `"semiexpanded"`, `"expanded"`, `"extraexpanded"`, or 
#' `"ultraexpanded"`). `NA` will be interpreted as `"undefined"`/`0`
#' @param bold logical indicating whether the font weight 
#' @return A list containing the paths locating the font files, the 0-based
#' index of the font in the files and the features for the font in case a 
#' registered font was located.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Get the system default sans-serif font in italic
#' match_fonts('sans', italic = TRUE)
#' # Try to match it to a thin variant
#' match_fonts(c('sans', 'serif'), weight = "thin")
match_fonts <- function(family, italic = FALSE, weight = "normal", width = "undefined") {
  if (!is.character(family) || anyNA(family)) stop("`family` must be a character vector without NA values", call. = FALSE)
  weight <- as_font_weight(weight)
  width <- as_font_width(width)
  n_max <- max(length(family), length(italic), length(weight), length(width))
    rep_len(family, n_max), 
    rep_len(as.logical(italic), n_max),
    rep_len(weight, n_max),
    rep_len(width, n_max)
#' @rdname match_fonts
#' @export
match_font <- function(family, italic = FALSE, bold = FALSE) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_soft("1.1.0", "match_font()", "match_fonts()")
  if (!is.character(family)) stop("family must be a string", call. = FALSE)
  match_font_c(family, as.logical(italic), as.logical(bold))

weights <- c("undefined", "thin", "ultralight", "light", "normal", "medium", "semibold", "bold", "ultrabold", "heavy")
#' Convert weight and width to numerics
#' It is often more natural to describe font weight and width with names rather 
#' than numbers (e.g. "bold" or "condensed"), but underneath these names are 
#' matched to numeric values. These two functions are used to retrieve the 
#' numeric counterparts to names
#' @param weight,width character vectors with valid names for weight or width
#' @return An integer vector matching the length of the input
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' as_font_weight(
#'   c("undefined", "thin", "ultralight", "light", "normal", "medium", "semibold", 
#'     "bold", "ultrabold", "heavy")
#' )
as_font_weight <- function(weight) {
  if (is.factor(weight)) weight <- as.character(weight)
  if (is.logical(weight) && all(is.na(weight))) weight <- "undefined"
  if (is.character(weight)) {
    weight[is.na(weight)] <- "undefined"
    weight <- match(tolower(weight), weights)
    if (anyNA(weight)) {
      stop(paste0("`weight` must be one of ", paste('"', weights[1:9], '"', collapse = ", ", sep = ''), ', or "', weights[10], '"'), call. = FALSE)
    weight <- (weight - 1L) * 100L
  } else if (is.numeric(weight) || is.integer(weight)) {
    weight[is.na(weight)] <- 0
    if (any((weight %% 100) != 0)) {
      stop(paste0("`weight` must be one of ", paste((seq_len(9)-1)*100, collapse = ", "), ", or ", 900), call. = FALSE)
    weight <- as.integer(weight)
  } else {
    stop("Can't convert this object to a font weight", call. = FALSE)
widths <- c("undefined", "ultracondensed", "extracondensed", "condensed", "semicondensed", "normal", "semiexpanded", "expanded", "extraexpanded", "ultraexpanded")
#' @rdname as_font_weight
#' @export
#' @examples
#' as_font_width(
#'   c("undefined", "ultracondensed", "extracondensed", "condensed", "semicondensed", 
#'   "normal", "semiexpanded", "expanded", "extraexpanded", "ultraexpanded")
#' )
as_font_width <- function(width) {
  if (is.factor(width)) width <- as.character(width)
  if (is.logical(width) && all(is.na(width))) width <- "undefined"
  if (is.character(width)) {
    width[is.na(width)] <- "undefined"
    width <- match(tolower(width), widths)
    if (anyNA(width)) {
      stop(paste0("`width` must be one of ", paste('"', widths[1:9], '"', collapse = ", ", sep = ''), ', or "', widths[10], '"'), call. = FALSE)
    width <- width - 1L
  } else if (is.numeric(width) || is.integer(width)) {
    width[is.na(width)] <- 0
    if (any((width %% 1) != 0)) {
      stop(paste0("`width` must be one of ", paste((seq_len(9)-1), collapse = ", "), ", or ", 9), call. = FALSE)
    width <- as.integer(width)
  } else {
    stop("Can't convert this object to a font width", call. = FALSE)

Try the systemfonts package in your browser

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systemfonts documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:20 a.m.