#' Kostka number
#' @description Computes a Kostka number.
#' @param lambda an integer partition
#' @param mu an integer vector whose sum equals the weight (i.e. the sum) of
#' \code{lambda}
#' @return The Kostka number corresponding to \code{lambda} and \code{mu}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @seealso \code{\link{KostkaNumbers}}, \code{\link{KostkaNumbersWithGivenMu}},
#' \code{\link{KostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda}},
#' \code{\link{skewKostkaNumbers}}.
#' @details
#' The Kostka number \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)} is the number of semistandard
#' Young tableaux with shape \eqn{\lambda} and weight \eqn{\mu}. It does
#' not depend on the order of the elements of \eqn{\mu} (so one can always
#' take an integer partition for \eqn{\mu}). The \emph{weight} is the
#' vector whose \eqn{i}-th element is the number of occurrences of \eqn{i}
#' in the tableau.
#' @examples
#' KostkaNumber(c(3,2), c(1,1,1,2))
#' KostkaNumber(c(3,2), c(1,1,2,1))
#' KostkaNumber(c(3,2), c(1,2,1,1))
#' KostkaNumber(c(3,2), c(2,1,1,1))
#' lambda <- c(4, 3, 1)
#' mu <- rep(1, sum(lambda))
#' KostkaNumber(lambda, mu) == count_sytx(lambda) # should be TRUE
KostkaNumber <- function(lambda, mu) {
lambda <- checkPartition(lambda)
mu <- as.integer(mu)
wmu <- sum(mu)
wlam <- sum(lambda)
if(wlam == 0L) {
return(as.integer(wmu == 0L))
if(wmu != wlam) { #|| !jack:::isDominated(mu, lambda)) {
nlam <- length(lambda)
nmu <- length(mu)
n <- max(nlam, nmu)
lambda <- c(lambda, rep(0L, n - nlam))
mu <- c(mu, rep(0L, n - nmu))
revlam <- rev(lambda)
boundedNonIncrSeqs <- function(h0, aas, bbs) {
if(length(aas) == 0L || length(bbs) == 0L) {
} else {
a <- aas[1L]
b <- bbs[1L]
as <- aas[-1L]
bs <- bbs[-1L]
h_ <- .rg(max(0L, a), min(h0, b)), lapply(h_, function(h) {
lapply(boundedNonIncrSeqs(h, as, bs), function(hs) {
c(h, hs)
worker <- function(rlrls, smusmus, aacc, lastx0lastrowt) {
if(length(rlrls) <= 1L) {
} else {
x0 <- smusmus[1L] - aacc[1L]
rl <- rlrls[1L]
rls <- rlrls[-1L]
smus <- smusmus[-1L]
acc <- aacc[-1L]
nacc <- length(acc)
lastx0 <- lastx0lastrowt[1L]
lastrowt <- lastx0lastrowt[-1L]
aas <- vapply(c(max(lastx0, x0), lastrowt), function(i) {
max(rl, i)
}, integer(1L))
rows <- boundedNonIncrSeqs(x0, aas, lambda)
sum(vapply(rows, function(row) {
l <- length(row) - 1L
trow <- tail(row, l)
irow <- head(row, l)
m <- min(nacc, l)
worker(rls, smus, head(acc, m) + head(trow, m), irow)
}, integer(1L)))
worker(revlam, cumsum(mu), rep(0L, n-1L), rep(0L, n))
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @noRd
.pieriRule <- function(lambda, n) {
if(n == 0L) {
if(n < 0L) {
go <- function(k, d_ds, p_ps, l_ls) {
elld_ds <- length(d_ds)
if(elld_ds == 0L) {
if(k == 0L) {
} else {
d <- d_ds[1L]
l <- l_ls[1L]
if(elld_ds == 1L) {
if(k <= d) {
if((lpk <- l + k) > 0L) {
} else {
} else {
if(k > p_ps[1L]) {
ps <- p_ps[-1L]
q <- ps[1L]
ds <- d_ds[-1L]
ls <- l_ls[-1L]
as <- .rg(max(0L, k-q), min(d, k))
lapply(as, function(a) {
h <- l + a
tls <- go(k-a, ds, ps, ls)
lapply(tls, function(tl) {
c(h, tl)
ellLambda <- length(lambda)
if(ellLambda == 0L) {
diffs <- n
} else if(ellLambda == 1L) {
diffs <- c(n, lambda)
} else {
diffs <- c(n, head(lambda, -1L) - tail(lambda, -1L), lambda[ellLambda])
dsums <- rev(cumsum(rev(diffs)))
go(n, diffs, dsums, c(lambda, 0L))
.iteratedPieriRulepp <- function(plambda, coeff0, ns) {
f <- function(t0, c_ps) {
c <- c_ps[[1L]]
ps <- c_ps[[2L]]
g <- function(t, p) {
pAsString <- partitionAsString(p)
if(pAsString %in% names(t)) {
t[[pAsString]][["value"]] <- t[[pAsString]][["value"]] + c
} else {
t[[pAsString]] <- list("lambda" = p, "value" = c)
Reduce(g, ps, init = t0)
worker <- function(old, n_ns) {
if(length(n_ns) == 0L) {
n <- n_ns[1L]
stuff <- lapply(old, function(lam_coeff) {
list(lam_coeff[["value"]], .pieriRule(lam_coeff[["lambda"]], n))
new <- Reduce(f, stuff, init = list())
worker(new, n_ns[-1L])
worker(list(list("lambda" = plambda, "value" = coeff0)), ns)
.iteratedPieriRulep <- function(plambda, ns) {
.iteratedPieriRulepp(plambda, 1L, ns)
.iteratedPieriRule <- function(ns) {
.iteratedPieriRulep(integer(0L), ns)
.KostkaNumbersWithGivenMu <- function(mu) {
#' @title Kostka numbers with given \eqn{\mu}
#' @description Lists all positive Kostka numbers \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)} with
#' a given partition \eqn{\mu}.
#' @param mu integer partition
#' @param output the format of the output, either \code{"vector"} or
#' \code{"list"}
#' @return If \code{output="vector"}, this function returns a named vector.
#' This vector is made of the positive Kostka numbers
#' \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)} and its names encode the partitions \eqn{\lambda}.
#' If \code{output="list"}, this function returns a list of lists.
#' Each of these lists has two
#' elements. The first one is named \code{lambda} and is an integer
#' partition, and the second one is named \code{value} and is a positive
#' integer, the Kostka number \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)}. It is faster to
#' compute the Kostka numbers with this function than computing the
#' individual Kostka numbers with the function \code{\link{KostkaNumber}}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{KostkaNumber}}, \code{\link{KostkaNumbers}},
#' \code{\link{KostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda}}.
#' @examples
#' KostkaNumbersWithGivenMu(c(2, 1, 1))
KostkaNumbersWithGivenMu <- function(mu, output = "vector") {
output <- match.arg(output, c("vector", "list"))
kNumbers <- .KostkaNumbersWithGivenMu(removeTrailingZeros(as.integer(mu)))
if(output == "vector") {
vapply(kNumbers, `[[`, integer(1L), "value", USE.NAMES = TRUE)
} else {
#' @title Kostka numbers with given \eqn{\lambda}
#' @description Lists all positive Kostka numbers \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)} with
#' a given partition \eqn{\lambda}.
#' @param lambda integer partition
#' @param output the format of the output, either \code{"vector"} or
#' \code{"list"}
#' @return If \code{output="vector"}, this function returns a named vector.
#' This vector is made of the non-zero (i.e. positive) Kostka numbers
#' \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)}, which are integers, and its names encode the
#' partitions \eqn{\mu}.
#' If \code{output="list"}, this function returns a list of lists.
#' Each of these lists has two
#' elements. The first one is named \code{mu} and is an integer
#' partition, and the second one is named \code{value} and is a positive
#' integer, the Kostka number \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)}. It is faster to
#' compute the Kostka numbers with this function than computing the
#' individual Kostka numbers with the function \code{\link{KostkaNumber}}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom partitions conjugate
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @seealso \code{\link{KostkaNumber}}, \code{\link{KostkaNumbers}},
#' \code{\link{KostkaNumbersWithGivenMu}}.
#' @examples
#' KostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda(c(2, 1, 1))
KostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda <- function(lambda, output = "vector") {
output <- match.arg(output, c("vector", "list"))
lambda <- removeTrailingZeros(as.integer(lambda))
mus <- rev(.dominatedPartitions(lambda))
nmus <- length(mus)
kNumbers <- rep(1L, nmus)
musAsStrings <-
vapply(mus, partitionAsString, character(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
names(kNumbers) <- musAsStrings
ellLambda <- length(lambda)
if(nmus >= 2L && ellLambda >= 2L) {
names(mus) <- musAsStrings
lambdap <- conjugate(lambda)
nlambda <- sum(seq_len(ellLambda - 1L) * tail(lambda, -1L))
nlambdap <- sum(seq_len(lambda[1L] - 1L) * tail(lambdap, -1L))
elambda <- nlambdap - nlambda
for(muAsString in tail(musAsStrings, -1L)) {
mu <- mus[[muAsString]]
mup <- conjugate(mu)
ellMu <- mup[1L]
i_ <- seq_len(ellMu - 1L)
nmu <- sum(i_ * tail(mu, -1L))
nmup <- sum(seq_len(mu[1L] - 1L) * tail(mup, -1L))
emu <- nmup - nmu
ee <- elambda - emu
x <- 0L
for(i in i_) {
mu_i <- mu[i]
for(j in (i+1L):ellMu) {
mu_j <- mu[j]
dmuij <- mu_i - mu_j
kappa <- mu
for(t in seq_len(mu_j - 1L)) {
kappa[i] <- mu_i + t
kappa[j] <- mu_j - t
kappaOrd <- sort(kappa, decreasing = TRUE)
kappaOrdAsString <- partitionAsString(kappaOrd)
if(kappaOrdAsString %in% musAsStrings){
x <- x + kNumbers[kappaOrdAsString] * (dmuij + 2L*t)
mu_i_plus_mu_j <- mu_i + mu_j
kappa[i] <- mu_i_plus_mu_j
kappaOrd <- sort(kappa[-j], decreasing = TRUE)
kappaOrdAsString <- partitionAsString(kappaOrd)
if(kappaOrdAsString %in% musAsStrings){
x <- x + kNumbers[kappaOrdAsString] * mu_i_plus_mu_j
kNumbers[muAsString] <- x %/% ee
if(output == "list") {
kNumbers <- mapply(
function(kNumber, mu) {
list("mu" = mu, "value" = kNumber)
kNumbers, mus,
#' @title Kostka numbers for all partitions of a given weight
#' @description Computes the Kostka numbers for all integer partitions
#' of a given weight.
#' @param n positive integer, the weight of the partitions
#' @return An integer matrix, whose row names and column names encode the
#' partitions \eqn{\lambda} and \eqn{\mu} and whose entries are the
#' Kostka numbers \eqn{K(\lambda,\mu)}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{KostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda}},
#' \code{\link{KostkaNumbersWithGivenMu}}, \code{\link{skewKostkaNumbers}}.
#' @examples
#' KostkaNumbers(4)
KostkaNumbers <- function(n) {
if(n == 0L) {
Knumbers <- matrix(1L)
colnames(Knumbers) <- rownames(Knumbers) <- partitionAsString(integer(0L))
lambdas <- listOfPartitions(n)
lambdasAsStrings <-
vapply(lambdas, partitionAsString, character(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
zeros <- rep(0L, length(lambdas))
names(zeros) <- lambdasAsStrings
Knumbers <-
lapply(lambdas, function(lambda) {
kNumbersLambda <-
KostkaNumbersWithGivenLambda(lambda, output = "vector")
zeros[names(kNumbersLambda)] <- kNumbersLambda
colnames(Knumbers) <- rownames(Knumbers) <- lambdasAsStrings
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