
#' tabit_1
#' Function to do frequency tables for single vectors or to do multiple frequency
#' tabulations one for each column.
#' @param x the thing to be tabulated
#' @param sort should
#' @param digits the number of digits to round percentages to
#' @param ... further optional arguments passed through to methods
#' @param as_df if more than one vector has been tabulated at once, should
#'     the results be combined into a data.frame before returning
#' @param na_to_char transform NA values to "NA" character string or not, defaults to TRUE
#' @param pct add percentage columns
#' @param useNA how to handle NAs, defaults to "always" to always include NA as category
#' @export
#' @return Returns a data frame with columns
#'  \code{.variable} (the variable the values stem from),
#'  \code{.value} (the values tabulated by),
#'  \code{.count} (the number of times a value occurred),
#'  \code{.pct} (the percentage that value occurred excluding NAs) and
#'  \code{.pct_incl_na} (the percentage that value occurred including NAs)
#' @examples
#' tabit_1(mtcars$cyl)
#' ##   .variable .value .count     .pct  pct_incl_na
#' ## 3         .      8     14    43.75        43.75
#' ## 1         .      4     11    34.38        34.38
#' ## 2         .      6      7    21.88        21.88
#' ## 4         .     NA      0       NA         0.00
#' tabit_1(mtcars[, c("cyl", "am")])
#' ##   .variable .value .count   .pct  .pct_incl_na
#' ## 1       cyl      8     14  43.75         43.75
#' ## 2       cyl      4     11  34.38         34.38
#' ## 3       cyl      6      7  21.88         21.88
#' ## 4       cyl     NA      0     NA          0.00
#' ## 5        am      0     19  59.38         59.38
#' ## 6        am      1     13  40.62         40.62
#' ## 7        am     NA      0     NA          0.00
tabit_1 <-
  function (x, sort = 1, digits = 2, ...) {
    UseMethod("tabit_1", x)

#' tabit_1.data.frame
#' @rdname tabit_1
#' @export
tabit_1.data.frame <-
  function (x, sort = 1, digits = 2, ..., as_df = TRUE ) {
    tabit_1(as.list(x), sort = sort, digits = digits, ..., as_df = as_df)

#' tabit_1.list
#' @rdname tabit_1
#' @export
tabit_1.list <-
  function (x, sort = 1, digits = 2, ..., as_df = TRUE) {
    x   <- as.data.frame(x,  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    tmp <- lapply(x, tabit_1, sort = sort, ...)

    nam <- names(x)
    for ( i in seq_along(nam) ){
      tmp[[i]]$.variable <- nam[i]

    if ( as_df == TRUE ){
      tmp            <-
          what = rbind,
          args =
                  .variable     = character(0),
                  .value        = character(0),
                  .count        = integer(0),
                  .pct          = numeric(0),
                  .pct_incl_na  = numeric(0),
                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      row.names(tmp) <- NULL
    } else {

#' tabit_1.default
#' @rdname tabit_1
#' @export
tabit_1.default <-
  function (x, sort = 1, digits = 2, useNA = "always", pct = TRUE, na_to_char = TRUE, ...) {

    # execute tabulations
    tmp     <- table(x, useNA = useNA)
    tmp_nam <- names(tmp)
    tmp_val <- as.integer(tmp)

    # generate data.frame
    tmp <-
        .variable = rep(".", length(tmp_val)),
        .value    = tmp_nam,
        .count    = tmp_val,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    # add percentages
    if ( pct == TRUE ){
      sub_set <- !is.na(tmp_nam)
      tmp$.pct[sub_set] <-
        round(tmp_val[sub_set] / sum(tmp_val[sub_set]) * 100, digits)

      tmp$.pct_incl_na <-
        round(tmp_val / sum(tmp_val) * 100, digits)

    # transform NA values to "NA" string
    if ( na_to_char == TRUE ){
      tmp$.value[is.na(tmp$.value)] <- "NA"

    # return - ordered by count, in descending order, or not
    if ( sort < 0 ){
      return(tmp[order( tmp$.count), ])
    } else if ( sort > 0 ){
      return(tmp[order(-tmp$.count), ])
    } else {

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tabit documentation built on March 31, 2020, 5:20 p.m.