
Defines functions .music21_accidentals .music21_notes_step .music21_notes .music21_time .music21_uncollapse .music21_tuplets .music21_strip_timesig .music21_timesig .convert_music21 .music21_check from_music21 .set_alt_bass .get_alt_bass .process_key from_chorrrds to_tabr

Documented in from_chorrrds from_music21 to_tabr

#' Music notation syntax converters
#' Convert alternative representations of music notation to `tabr` syntax.
#' @details
#' These functions convert music notation from other data sources into the style
#' used by `tabr` for music analysis and sheet music transcription.
#' @section Syntax converter for chorrrds:
#' The input `x` is a character vector of chords output from the `chorrrds`
#' package, as shown in the examples. Output is a noteworthy string object.
#' Some sources do not offer as complete or explicit information in order to
#' make sheet music. However, what is available in those formats is converted
#' to the extent possible and available function arguments can allow the user
#' to add some additional specification. Different input syntax makes use of a
#' different syntax converter. Depending on the format, different arguments
#' may be available and/or required. The general wrapper function for all of
#' the available syntax converters is `to_tabr()`. This function takes an
#' `id` argument for the appropriate converter function. See examples.
#' For example, output from the `chorrrds` package that scrapes chord
#' information from the Cifraclub website only provides chords, not note for
#' note transcription data for any particular instrument. This means the result
#' of syntax conversion still yields only chords, which is fine for data
#' analysis but doesn't add anything useful for sheet music transcription.
#' The input in this case also does not specify distinct pitches by assigning
#' octaves numbers to a chord's notes, not even the root note. It remains up to
#' the user if they want to apply the information. By default, every chord
#' starts in octave three. It is also ambiguous how the chord is played since
#' all that is provided is a generic chord symbol. By default a standard chord
#' is constructed if it can be determined.
#' Setting `guitar = TRUE` switches to using the [guitarChords()] dataset to
#' find matching guitar chords using [gc_info()], which can be provided
#' additional arguments in a named list to `gc_args`. For guitar, this allows
#' some additional control over the actual structure of the chord, its shape and
#' position on the guitar neck. The options will never work perfectly for all
#' chords in `chords`, but at a minimum, typical default component pitches
#' will be determined and returned in `tabr` notation style.
#' @section Syntax converter for music21:
#' The input `x` is a character vector of in music21 tiny notation syntax,
#' as shown in the examples. Default output is a music object. Setting
#' `output = "list"` returns a list of three elements: a noteworthy string,
#' a note info string, and the time signature.
#' The recommendation for music21 syntax is to keep it simple. Do not use the
#' letter `n` for explicit natural notes. Do not add text annotations such
#' as lyrics. Double flats and sharps are not supported. The examples
#' demonstrate what is currently supported.
#' @param x character, general syntax input. See details and examples for how
#' inputs are structured for each converter.
#' @param key key signature, used to enforce consistent use of flats or sharps.
#' @param guitar logical, attempt to match input chords to known guitar chords
#' in [guitarChords()]. Otherwise by default standard piano chords of
#' consecutive pitches covering minimum pitch range are returned.
#' @param gc_args named list of additional arguments passed to [gc_info()], used
#' when `guitar = TRUE`.
#' @param accidentals character, represent accidentals, `"flat"` or `"sharp"`.
#' @param output character, type of output when multiple options are available.
#' @param id character, suffix of `from_*` function, e.g., `"chorrrds"`
#' @param ... arguments passed to the function matched by `id`.
#' @return noteworthy string for chorrrds; music string or list for music21.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # chorrrds package output
#' chords <- c("Bb", "Bbm", "Bbm7", "Bbm7(b5)", "Bb7(#5)/G", "Bb7(#5)/Ab")
#' from_chorrrds(chords)
#' to_tabr(id = "chorrrds", x = chords)
#' from_chorrrds(chords, guitar = TRUE)
#' to_tabr(id = "chorrrds", x = chords, guitar = TRUE)
#' # music21 tiny notation
#' x <- "4/4 CC#FF4.. trip{c#8eg# d'- e-' f g a'} D4~# D E F r B16"
#' from_music21(x)
#' from_music21(x, accidentals = "sharp")
#' from_music21(x, output = "list")
to_tabr <- function(id, ...){
  x <- paste0("from_", id)
  f <- tryCatch(utils::getFromNamespace(x, "tabr"), error = function(e) NULL)
    stop(paste0("Function `tabr::", x, "` not found."), call. = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname to_tabr
from_chorrrds <- function(x, key = "c", guitar = FALSE, gc_args = list()){
  key <- .process_key(key)
  x <- tolower(gsub("\\(|\\)", "", gsub("b", "_", x)))
  alt_bass <- .get_alt_bass(x)
  x <- gsub("/.*", "", x)
  x <- gc_name_split(x)
  xfuns <- paste0("x", gsub("#", "s", gsub("_", "b", x$mod)))
  xfuns <- lapply(xfuns, utils::getFromNamespace, ns = "tabr")
    x <- paste0(x$root, x$mod)
    x <- purrr::map(x, ~do.call(gc_info, c(list(name = .x), gc_args))$notes[1])
  } else {
    x <- purrr::map2_chr(x$root, xfuns, ~.y(.x, key))
      warning("Alternate bass note detected, but ignored when `guitar = TRUE`.",
              call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      idx <- which(!is.na(alt_bass))
      x[idx] <- .set_alt_bass(x[idx], alt_bass[idx], key)
  acc <- if(key_is_sharp(key)) "sharp" else "flat"
  .asnw(x, "tick", acc, "space")

.process_key <- function(key){
  key <- tolower(key)
  minor <- grepl("m", key)
  key <- gsub("m|M", "", key)
  if(nchar(key) == 2) key <- gsub("([a-g])b", "\\1_", key)
  if(minor) key <- paste0(key, "m")

.get_alt_bass <- function(x){
  x <- strsplit(x, "/")
  alt_bass <- rep(NA, length(x))
  idx <- sapply(x, function(x) length(x) == 2)
  alt_bass[idx] <- sapply(x[idx], "[", 2)

.set_alt_bass <-function(x, alt_bass, key){
  purrr::map2_chr(x, alt_bass, ~{
    pitches <- .split_chords(.x)
    notes <- .pitch_to_note(pitches)
    n <- length(notes)
    y <- .y
    drop_top <- notes[n] == .pitch_to_note(.y)
    acc <- if(key_is_sharp(key)) "sharp" else "flat"
    while(.pitch_semitones(y, accidentals = acc) > .pitch_semitones(
      pitches[1], accidentals = acc)){
      y <- as.character(transpose(y, -12, key = key))
    if(drop_top) pitches <- pitches[-n]
    paste(c(y, pitches), collapse = "")

#' @export
#' @rdname to_tabr
from_music21 <- function(x, accidentals = c("flat", "sharp"),
                         output = c("music", "list")){
  a <- match.arg(accidentals)
  out <- match.arg(output)
  .convert_music21(x, a, out)

.music21_check <- function(x){
  if(any(grepl("--|##", x)))
    stop("Double flat/sharp currently not allowed", call. = FALSE)

.convert_music21 <- function(x, a, out){
  tsig <- .music21_timesig(x[1])
  x <- .music21_uncollapse(.music21_strip_timesig(x))
  time <- .music21_time(x)
  x <- gsub("t\\d+|\\d+|\\.+", "", x)
  trp <- grep("\\{", x)
    x <- gsub("\\{|\\}", "", x)
    x <- .uncollapse(paste(x, collapse = " "))
  x <- .music21_notes(x, a)
  x <- as_music(x, time, accidentals = a, time = tsig, format = "space")
  if(out == "list") x <- music_split(x)

.music21_timesig <- function(x){
  idx <- grep("(\\d+/\\d+).*", x)
  if(!length(idx)) return("4/4")
  x <- gsub("(\\d+/\\d+|).*", "\\1", x)
  x <- x[x != ""]
  if(length(x)) x else "4/4"

.music21_strip_timesig <- function(x){
  if(length(x) > 1 & grepl("^\\d+/\\d+$", x[1])){
  } else if(length(x) > 1){
  } else {
    gsub("^\\d+/\\d+ (.*)", "\\1", x)

.music21_tuplets <- function(x, sep = "+"){
  idx <- grepl("trip\\{", x)
    time <- gregexpr("\\d+", x[idx])
    a <- as.integer(sapply(time, "[", 1))
    b <- a + purrr::map_int(time, ~as.integer(attr(.x, "match.length")[1])) - 1
    time <- purrr::map2_chr(a, b, ~substr(x[idx], .x, .y))
    notes <- gsub("\\d+", "", gsub("trip\\{(.*)", "\\1", x[idx]))
    if(sep != " ") notes <- gsub(" ", sep, notes)
    x[idx] <- gsub("trip\\{.*", paste0("t", time, "{", notes), x[idx])

.music21_uncollapse <- function(x){
  if(length(x) > 1) x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")
  x <- strsplit(x, "(?<=.)(?=\\})", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  if(length(x) > 1){
    x <- purrr::map(x, ~strsplit(.x, "(?<=.)(?=trip\\{)", perl = TRUE)[[1]]) |>
    idx <- grep("^trip\\{", x)
    x[idx] <- sapply(x[idx], .music21_tuplets, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
    x <- paste(x, collapse = "")
  x <- gsub("\\+", " ", strsplit(x, " ")[[1]])

.music21_time <- function(x){
  trp <- grep("\\{", x)
    trp_n <- purrr::map_int(x[trp], ~length(strsplit(.x, " ")[[1]]))
  x <- gsub("[-#a-gnrA-G~\\{\\}' ]", "", x)
  x[x == ""] <- NA
  if(length(x) > 1) for(i in seq_along(x)[-1]) if(is.na(x[i])) x[i] <- x[i-1]
    x[trp] <- purrr::map2_chr(x[trp], trp_n, ~{
      paste(rep(.x, .y), collapse = " ")
    x <- strsplit(paste(x, collapse = " "), " ")[[1]]

.music21_notes <- function(x, a){
  sapply(x, .music21_notes_step, a = a, USE.NAMES = FALSE)

.music21_notes_step <- function(x, a){
  x <- strsplit(x, "")[[1]]
  y <- rle(x)
  uc <- grepl("[A-G]", y$values)
  y$values[uc] <- purrr::map2_chr(tolower(y$values[uc]), y$lengths[uc], ~{
    paste0(c(.x, rep(",", .y)), collapse = "")
  y$lengths[grepl("[a-g]", y$values)] <- 1L
  x <- purrr::map2_chr(y$values, y$lengths, ~{
    if(.y == 1) return(.x)
    paste(rep(.x, .y), collapse = "")
  }) |> paste(collapse = "")
  x <- strsplit(x, "(?<=.)(?=[a-g])", perl = TRUE)[[1]]
  x <- .music21_accidentals(x, TRUE, a)
  x <- .music21_accidentals(x, FALSE, a)
  paste(x, collapse = "")

.music21_accidentals <- function(x, flat, a){
  pat <- if(flat) "-" else "#"
  acc <- grep(pat, x)
  if(!length(acc)) return(x)
  x[acc] <- gsub(pat, "", x[acc])
  x[acc] <- transpose(x[acc], if(flat) -1 else 1, accidentals = a)

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tabr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:18 a.m.