
Defines functions music_lyrics music_tempo music_time music_key music_strings music_info music_notes .tabr_print3 summary.music print.music .music_info .music_notes .music_split .check_music_split music_split is_music .check_timesteps .music_infer_strings .asmusic as_music musical

Documented in as_music is_music musical music_info music_key music_lyrics music_notes music_split music_strings music_tempo music_time

#' Create music objects and check music string validity
#' Check whether a string is comprised exclusively of valid syntax for music
#' strings. A music object can be built from such a string. It combines a
#' noteworthy string and a note info string.
#' With note info strings, you are required to enter something at every
#' timestep, even if it is only the duration. This makes sense because if you
#' do not enter something, there is simply no indication of a timestep.
#' A nice feature of music strings is that explicit timesteps are achieved
#' just by having notes present, allowing you to leave out durations entirely
#' when they repeat, inheriting them from the previous timestep where duration
#' was given explicitly. There is no need to enter the same number across
#' consecutive timesteps; the first will suffice and the rest are automatically
#' filled in for you when the object is constructed.
#' `musical()` returns a scalar logical result indicating whether all timesteps
#' contain exclusively valid entries.
#' `as_music()` can be used to coerce to the `music` class. Coercion will fail
#' if the string is not musical. The `music` class has its own `print()` and
#' `summary()` methods. `music` objects are primarily intended to represent an
#' aggregation of a `noteworthy` object and a `noteinfo`. You can optionally
#' fold in a `lyrics` object as well. However, for music data analysis, any
#' operations will involve first splitting the object into its component parts.
#' The value of this class is for the more efficient data entry it provides.
#' When `accidentals` or `format` are `NULL`, these settings are inferred from
#' the musical string input. When mixed formats are present, flats are the
#' default for accidentals.
#' Other attributes are attached to a `music` object. `key` uses the `tabr`
#' syntax, e.g., `"c"`, `"b_"`, `"f#m"`, etc. `time` and `tempo` use the
#' LilyPond string format. For music programming and analysis, `key`, `time` and
#' `tempo` can most likely be ignored. They are primarily relevant when
#' rendering a music snippet directly from a `music` object with LilyPond.
#' These additional attributes provide more complete context for the rendered
#' sheet music.
#' If you plan to render music snippets from a `music` object that you are
#' defining from a new character string, and the context you have in mind is a
#' stringed and fretted instrument like guitar, you can specify string numbers
#' at the end of each timestep with numbers following a semicolon delimiter.
#' This would still precede any `*` timestep multiplier number. See examples.
#' Note that if you convert a music object to a phrase object, you are changing
#' contexts. The phrase object is the simplest LilyPond-format music structure.
#' Coercion with `phrase()` strips all attributes of a music object and
#' retains only notes, note info and string numbers.
#' @param x character or music, a string to be coerced or an existing music
#' object.
#' @param notes,info noteworthy and note info strings. For `as_music()`, a
#' complete music string is assumed for `notes` when `info = NULL`.
#' @param lyrics optional `lyrics` object or `NA`, attached to output as an
#' attribute.
#' @param key character, store the key signature as a music attribute. Defaults
#' to `"c"`. See details.
#' @param time character, store the time signature as a music attribute.
#' Defaults to `"4/4"`. See details.
#' @param tempo character or `NA`, defaults to `"2 = 60"`. See details.
#' @param accidentals `NULL` or character, represent accidentals, `"flat"` or
#' `"sharp"`.
#' @param format `NULL` or character, the timestep delimiter format, `"space"`
#' or `"vector"`.
#' @param labels character, text annotations to attach to timesteps using
#' `notate`.
#' @param at integer, timesteps for `labels`, defaults to starting from
#' time one.
#' @return depends on the function
#' @export
#' @name music
#' @seealso [music-helpers()], [note-checks()], [note-metadata()],
#' [note-summaries()], [note-coerce()]
#' @examples
#' # note durations inherit from previous timestep if missing
#' x <- "a#4-+ b_[staccato] c,x d''t8( e)( g_')- a4 c,e_,g, ce_g4. a~8 a1"
#' is_music(x)
#' musical(x)
#' x <- as_music(x)
#' is_music(x)
#' x
#' y <- lyrics_template(x)
#' y[3:8] <- strsplit("These are some song ly- rics", " ")[[1]]
#' y
#' x <- as_music(x, lyrics = y, accidentals = "sharp")
#' summary(x)
#' # Starting string = 5: use ';5'. Carries over until an explicit change.
#' x <- "a,4;5*5 b,4-+ c4[staccato] cgc'e'~4 cgc'e'1 e'4;2 c';3 g;4 c;5 ce'1;51"
#' x <- as_music_df(as_music(x))
#' x$string
musical <- function(x){
  if(is_music(x)) return(TRUE)
  .check_music_split(x, FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname music
as_music <- function(notes, info = NULL, lyrics = NA, key = "c", time = "4/4",
                     tempo = "2 = 60", accidentals = NULL, format = NULL,
                     labels = NULL, at = seq_along(labels)){
  null_args <- is.null(accidentals) & is.null(format)
  if(is.null(lyrics)) lyrics <- NA
  if(is.null(tempo)) tempo <- NA
  if(inherits(notes, "music") && null_args && music_key(notes) == key &&
     music_time(notes) == time &&
     identical(music_tempo(notes), tempo) &&
     identical(music_lyrics(notes), lyrics)) return(notes)
  if(is.null(format)) format <- .infer_time_format(notes)
    x <- .check_music_split(notes)
    notes <- x$notes
    info <- x$info
    s <- x$string
  } else {
    .check_timesteps(notes, info)
    s <- NULL
  .asmusic(notes, info, s, lyrics, key, time, tempo, accidentals, format,
           labels, if(!length(at)) NULL else at)

.asmusic <- function(x, y, s, lyrics = NA, key = "c", time = "4/4",
                     tempo = "2 = 60", accidentals = NULL, format = NULL,
                     labels = NULL, at = NULL){
  x <- .asnw(x, "tick", accidentals, "vector")
  if(!is.null(s)) s <- .music_infer_strings(x, s)
  y <- .asni(y, "vector")
  .check_timesteps(x, y)
      stop("`lyrics` must be a `lyrics`-class object or NA.", call. = FALSE)
    .check_timesteps(x, lyrics, "lyrics")
  ax <- c(attributes(x), list(key = key, time = time, tempo = tempo))
  x <- as.character(paste(x, y, sep = ""))
  if(format == "space"){
    x <- paste(x, collapse = " ")
    ax$format <- "space-delimited time"
      if(is_vector_time(lyrics)) lyrics <- as_space_time(lyrics)
  } else {
      if(is_space_time(lyrics)) lyrics <- as_vector_time(lyrics)
  ax$lyrics <- if(all(is.na(lyrics))) NA else lyrics
  if(!is.null(s)) ax$string <- s
  attributes(x) <- ax[names(ax) != "class"]
  class(x) <- unique(c("music", class(x)))
  if(inherits(labels, "character") & length(labels) == length(at)){
    x[at] <- purrr::map2_chr(as_vector_time(x)[at], labels, ~notate(.x, .y))

.music_infer_strings <- function(x, s){
  size <- chord_size(x)
  rests <- note_is_rest(x)
  idx <- which(nchar(s) == 1 & size > 1)
  if(length(idx)) s[idx] <- purrr::map2_chr(as.integer(s[idx]), size[idx], ~{
    x <- paste(seq(.x, by = -1, length.out = .y), collapse = "")
    if(grepl("[-0]", x)) stop("Invalid string number < 1.", call. = FALSE)
  idx <- !rests & !is.na(s) & nchar(s) != 0
    if(any(nchar(s[idx]) != size[idx]))
      stop("Number of strings and notes must match at each non-rest timestep.",
           call. = FALSE)

.check_timesteps <- function(x, y, ylab = "info"){
  nx <- n_steps(x)
  ny <- n_steps(y)
  if(nx > 1 & ny == 1) y <- rep(y, nx) else if(nx != ny)
    stop(paste0("`notes` and `", ylab, "` have unequal number of timesteps."),
         call. = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname music
is_music <- function(x){
  inherits(x, "music")

#' @export
#' @rdname music
music_split <- function(x){
    lyrics <- music_lyrics(x)
    key = music_key(x)
    time = music_time(x)
    tempo = music_tempo(x)
  } else {
    lyrics <- NA
    key <- "c"
    time <- "4/4"
    tempo = "2 = 60"
  x <- .check_music_split(x)
  c(x, list(lyrics = lyrics, key = key, time = time, tempo = tempo))

.check_music_split <- function(x, err = TRUE){
  format <- if(length(as.character(x) == 1)) "space" else "vector"
  s <- if(is_music(x)) attr(x, "string") else NA
  x <- .uncollapse(x)
  idx <- grep(";\\d+$", x)
    s <- rep(NA, length(x))
    s[idx] <- gsub(".*;(\\d+)$", "\\1", x[idx])
    s <- tidyr::fill(tibble::tibble(s), "s")$s
    s <- ifelse(is.na(s), "", s)
    x <- gsub(";\\d+$", "", x)
  } else {
    if(is.null(s)) s <- NA
  e1 <- "Invalid notes or note info found."
  art <- paste(tabr::articulations$value, collapse = "|")
  y <- gsub(paste0("\\[(", art, ")\\]|;\\^\".*\""), "", x)
  if(any(grepl("\\[.*\\]", y))){
    if(err) stop(e1, call. = FALSE) else return(FALSE)
    .music_split(x, s, format)
  } else {
    x <- tryCatch(.music_split(x, s, format), error = function(e) NULL)

.music_split <- function(x, s, format){
  x <- list(notes = .music_notes(x, format), info = .music_info(x, format))
  if(any(!is.na(s))) c(x, list(string = s)) else x

.music_notes <- function(x, format){
  notes <- gsub("^([a-grs_#,'~]+).*", "\\1", x)
  as_noteworthy(notes, format = format)

.music_info <- function(x, format){
  info <- gsub("^[a-grs_#~,']+(.*)", "\\1", x)
  has_time <- grepl("^(t|)\\d+", info)
    stop("First timestep must have a duration value.", call. = FALSE)
    x <- rep(NA, length(info))
    x[has_time] <- info_duration(info[has_time])
    for(i in seq_along(x)[-1]) if(is.na(x[i])) x[i] <- x[i - 1]
    info[!has_time] <- paste0(x[!has_time], info[!has_time])
  as_noteinfo(info, format)

#' @export
print.music <- function(x, ...){
  a <- attributes(x)
  col1 <- crayon::make_style("gray50")
  col2 <- col1$bold
  if(length(as.character(x)) == 1) x <- .uncollapse(x)
  cat(col2("<Music string>\n  Format: "), a$format, col2("\n  Values: "),
      col1(.tabr_print3(x)), "\n", sep = "")

#' @export
summary.music <- function(object, ...){
  a <- attributes(object)
  col1 <- crayon::make_style("gray50")
  col2 <- col1$bold
  lyrics <- a$lyrics
  if(is_lyrics(lyrics) && is_vector_time(lyrics))
    lyrics <- as_space_time(lyrics)
  if(!all(is.na(lyrics)) & length(lyrics) > 10)
    lyrics <- gsub("\\.{4}", "...", paste0(head(lyrics, 10), "..."))
  s <- a$string
  has_s <- any(!is.na(s))
    s[s == ""] <- "."
    n <- length(s)
    s <- paste(head(s, 10), collapse = " ")
    if(n > 10) s <- gsub("\\.{4}", "...", paste0(s, "..."))
  cat(col2("<Music string>\n  Timesteps: "), a$steps, " (",
      a$n_note, " ", paste0("note", ifelse(a$n_note == 1, "", "s")), ", ",
      a$n_chord, " ", paste0("chord", ifelse(a$n_chord == 1, "", "s"), ")"),
      col2("\n  Octaves: "), a$octave,
      col2("\n  Accidentals: "), a$accidentals,
      col2("\n  Key signature: "), a$key,
      col2("\n  Time signature: "), a$time,
      col2("\n  Tempo: "), a$tempo,
      col2("\n  Lyrics: "), lyrics,
      if(has_s) col2("\n  Strings: "), if(has_s) s,
      col2("\n  Format: "), a$format, col2("\n  Values: "),
      col1(.tabr_print3(.uncollapse(as.character(object)))), "\n", sep = "")

.tabr_print3 <- function(x){
  col1 <- crayon::make_style("gray50")
  col2 <- crayon::make_style("dodgerblue")$bold
  col3 <- crayon::make_style("orange2")
  x <- .uncollapse(x)
  notes <- .music_notes(x, "vector")
  info <- .music_info(x, "vector")
  idx <- is_chord(notes)
  notes <- col2(notes)
  if(any(idx)) notes[idx] <- paste0("<", notes[idx], ">")
  idx <- grepl(";\\^\"", info)
    info[idx] <- purrr::map_chr(strsplit(info[idx], ";\\^\""), ~{
      pat <- "([0-9t~x\\.\\(\\)]+|-([->\\^_!\\.\\+]|)|\\[[a-z]+\\])"
      x <- gsub(pat, col3("\\1"), .x[1])
      paste(paste0(x, col3(";^")), col1(paste0("\"", .x[2])), sep = "")
    pat <- "([0-9t~x\\.\\(\\)^]+|-([->\\^_!\\.\\+]|)|\\[[a-z]+\\])"
    info[!idx] <- gsub(pat, col3("\\1"), info[!idx])
  paste(paste0(notes, info), collapse = " ")

#' Accessing music object values and attributes
#' Helper functions for accessing music object values and attributes.
#' Note that while lyrics always shows as an attribute even when `NA`, `strings`
#' is completely absent as a value if it was not part of the object construction
#' from a new character string.
#' @param x music object.
#' @return depends on the function
#' @export
#' @name music-helpers
#' @seealso [music()], [note-checks()], [note-metadata()], [note-summaries()],
#' [note-coerce()]
#' @examples
#' # Starting string = 5: use ';5'. Carries over until an explicit change.
#' x <- "a,4;5*5 b,4- c4 cgc'e'~4 cgc'e'1 e'4;2 c';3 g;4 c;5 ce'1;51"
#' x <- as_music(x)
#' y <- lyrics_template(x)
#' y[3:8] <- strsplit("These are some song ly- rics", " ")[[1]]
#' y
#' x <- as_music(x, lyrics = y)
#' attributes(x)
#' music_split(x)
#' music_notes(x)
#' music_info(x)
#' music_key(x)
#' music_time(x)
#' music_tempo(x)
#' music_lyrics(x)
#' music_strings(x)
music_notes <- function(x){

#' @export
#' @rdname music-helpers
music_info <- function(x){

#' @export
#' @rdname music-helpers
music_strings <- function(x){

#' @export
#' @rdname music-helpers
music_key <- function(x){
  attr(x, "key")

#' @export
#' @rdname music-helpers
music_time <- function(x){
  attr(x, "time")

#' @export
#' @rdname music-helpers
music_tempo <- function(x){
  attr(x, "tempo")

#' @export
#' @rdname music-helpers
music_lyrics <- function(x){
  attr(x, "lyrics")

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