
Defines functions .tabr_lilypond_api tabr_lilypond_api lilypond_version lilypond_root

Documented in lilypond_root lilypond_version tabr_lilypond_api

#' LilyPond installation information
#' Details about local LilyPond installation and package API.
#' Version information and installation directory are returned if the
#' installation can be found. The LilyPond API references the currently loaded
#' version of `tabr`.
#' @return a message or system standard output.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lilypond_root()
#' lilypond_version()
#' tabr_lilypond_api()
lilypond_root <- function(){
  x <- Sys.which("lilypond")
  if(x == "") return(message(.lp_not_found))
  message(normalizePath(x, winslash = "/"))

#' @rdname lilypond_root
#' @export
lilypond_version <- function(){
  x <- utils::capture.output(system("lilypond -v"))
  if(!length(x) || x != "[1] 0") return(message(.lp_not_found))

#' @rdname lilypond_root
#' @export
tabr_lilypond_api <- function(){

.tabr_lilypond_api <- function(){
  os <- Sys.info()[["sysname"]]
  if(grepl("Darwin", os, ignore.case = TRUE)) os <- "MacOS"
  x <- switch(
    Windows = .tabr_api_lp_versions$Windows,
    Linux = .tabr_api_lp_versions$Linux,
    MacOS = .tabr_api_lp_versions$MacOS
  x <- paste("LilyPond", x)

    "The tabr ", getNamespaceVersion("tabr"),
    " LilyPond API was built and tested against ", x, " on ", os, "."

.tabr_api_lp_versions <- list(
  Windows = "2.23.6",
  Linux   = "2.22.1-2",
  MacOS   = "2.24.2"

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tabr documentation built on June 30, 2024, 1:07 a.m.