Man pages for targeted
Targeted Inference

aipwAIPW estimator
aleanAssumption Lean inference for generalized linear model...
ateAIPW (doubly-robust) estimator for Average Treatement Effect
calibrationCalibration (training)
calibration-classcalibration class object
cateConditional Average Treatment Effect estimation
cate_linkConditional Relative Risk estimation
cross_validated-classcross_validated class object
crrConditional Relative Risk estimation
designExtract design matrix
expand.listCreate a list from all combination of input variables
MLML model
ml_modelR6 class for prediction models
NBNaive Bayes
NB-classNB class object
nondomFind non-dominated points of a set
pavaPooled Adjacent Violators Algorithm
predict.densityPrediction for kernel density estimates
predict.NBPredictions for Naive Bayes Classifier
RATEResponder Average Treatment Effect
RATE.survResponder Average Treatment Effect
riskregRisk regression
riskreg_censBinary regression models with right censored outcomes
ScoringPredictive model scoring
SLSuperLearner wrapper for ml_model
softmaxSoftmax transformation
solve_odeSolve ODE
specify_odeSpecify Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE)
targeted-classtargeted class object
targeted-packagetargeted: Targeted Inference
targeted documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:08 a.m.