
Defines functions tar_envvars

Documented in tar_envvars

#' @title Show `targets` environment variables.
#' @export
#' @family configuration
#' @description Show all the special environment variables
#'   available for customizing `targets`.
#' @details You can customize the behavior of `targets`
#'   with special environment variables. The sections in this help file
#'   describe each environment variable, and the `tar_envvars()` function
#'   lists their current values.
#'   If you modify environment variables, please set them
#'   in project-level `.Renviron` file so you do not lose your
#'   configuration when you restart your R session.
#'   Modify the project-level `.Renviron` file with
#'   `usethis::edit_r_environ(scope = "project")`. Restart
#'   your R session after you are done editing.
#'   For targets that run on parallel workers
#'   created by [tar_make_clustermq()] or [tar_make_future()],
#'   only the environment variables listed by [tar_envvars()]
#'   are specifically exported to the targets.
#'   For all other environment variables, you will have to set
#'   the values manually, e.g. a project-level `.Renviron` file
#'   (for workers that have access to the local file system).
#' @return A data frame with one row per environment variable
#'   and columns with the name and current value of each.
#'   An unset environment variable will have a value of `""`
#'   by default. (Customize with the `unset` argument).
#' @param unset Character of length 1, value to return
#'   for any environment variable that is not set.
#' @examples
#' tar_envvars()
#' @section TAR_ASK:
#'   The `TAR_ASK` environment variable accepts values `"true"` and `"false"`.
#'   If `TAR_ASK` is not set, or if it is set to `"true"`,
#'   then `targets` asks permission in a menu
#'   before overwriting certain files, such as the target script file
#'   (default: `_targets.R`) in [tar_script()].
#'   If `TAR_ASK` is `"false"`, then `targets` overwrites the old files
#'   with the new ones without asking. Once you are comfortable with
#'   [tar_script()], [tar_github_actions()], and similar functions,
#'   you can safely set `TAR_ASK` to `"false"` in either a project-level
#'   or user-level `.Renviron` file.
#' @section TAR_CONFIG:
#'   The `TAR_CONFIG` environment variable controls the file path to the
#'   optional YAML configuration file with project settings.
#'   See the help file of [tar_config_set()] for details.
#' @section TAR_PROJECT:
#'   The `TAR_PROJECT` environment variable sets the name of project
#'   to set and get settings when working with the YAML configuration file.
#'   See the help file of [tar_config_set()] for details.
#' @section TAR_WARN:
#'   The `TAR_WARN` environment variable accepts values `"true"` and `"false"`.
#'   If `TAR_WARN` is not set, or if it is set to `"true"`,
#'   then `targets` throws warnings in certain edge cases,
#'   such as target/global name conflicts and dangerous use of
#'   `devtools::load_all()`. If `TAR_WARN` is `"false"`, then `targets`
#'   does not throw warnings in these cases.
#'   These warnings can detect potentially serious
#'   issues with your pipeline, so please do not set `TAR_WARN`
#'   unless your use case absolutely requires it.
tar_envvars <- function(unset = "") {
  tar_assert_chr(unset, "unset must be a character.")
  tar_assert_scalar(unset, "unset must have length 1.")
  names <- c(
  values <- map_chr(names, Sys.getenv, unset = unset, names = FALSE)
  tibble::tibble(name = names, value = values)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

targets documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 1:11 a.m.