
tar_test("debug mode does not break tar_make()", {
    tar_option_set(debug = "a")
    list(tar_target(a, "a"))
  tar_make(reporter = "silent")
  expect_equal(tar_read(a), "a")

tar_test("debug mode ends with correct target output", {
    tar_option_set(debug = "a")
    f <- function(x) x
    list(tar_target(a, f("a")))
  tar_make(reporter = "silent", callr_function = NULL)
  # continue
  expect_equal(tar_read(a), "a")

tar_test("debug mode works with debug(f)", {
    tar_option_set(debug = "a")
    f <- function(x) x
    list(tar_target(a, f("a")))
  tar_make(reporter = "silent", callr_function = NULL)
  # nolint start
  # debug(f)
  # c
  # should be in f()
  # nolint end

tar_test("debug mode starts a browser()", {
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    tar_option_set(debug = "b", envir = envir, packages = "targets")
    list(tar_target(a, "a"), tar_target(b, a))
  tar_make(callr_function = NULL) # Should launch an interactive debugger.
  # Also print out targets::tar_name() in the debugger. Should be "b".
  # Also print out `a` in the debugger. Should be "a".

tar_test("debug mode starts a browser() even with 'never' mode", {
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    cue <- tar_cue(mode = "never")
    tar_option_set(debug = "b", envir = envir, cue = cue)
    list(tar_target(a, "a", cue = cue), tar_target(b, a, cue = cue))
  tar_make() # Pre-build all targets.
  tar_make(callr_function = NULL) # Should launch an interactive debugger.
  # Also print out targets::tar_name() in the debugger. Should be "b".
  # Also print out `a` in the debugger. Should be "a".

tar_test("debug mode works for branches.", {
  # Start without debug mode.
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    tar_option_set(envir = envir)
    list(tar_target(a, seq_len(2)), tar_target(b, a, pattern = map(a)))
  tar_make() # Look at the branch names.
  # Pick one of the b_* branches branches and
  # assign it to debug in tar_option_set.
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    tar_option_set(envir = envir, debug = "b_0a91b2ed")
    list(tar_target(a, seq_len(2)), tar_target(b, a, pattern = map(a)))
  # Now verify that we launch a debugger.
  tar_make(callr_function = NULL)
  # Print targets::tar_name(). Should be the branch we picked in debug.
  # Also print out `a`.
  # Should be the value of the bud we are currently branching over.

tar_test("debug mode works for entire patterns", {
  # Start without debug mode.
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    tar_option_set(envir = envir, debug = character(0))
    list(tar_target(a, seq_len(2)), tar_target(b, a, pattern = map(a)))
  tar_make(callr_function = NULL) # Should not debug.
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    tar_option_set(envir = envir, debug = "b")
    list(tar_target(a, seq_len(2)), tar_target(b, a, pattern = map(a)))
  }, ask = FALSE)
  # Now verify that we launch a debugger.
  tar_make(callr_function = NULL)
  # Print targets::tar_name(). Should be a branch.
  # Also print out `a`.
  # Should be the value of the bud we are currently branching over.

tar_test("debug mode works in tar_make_clustermq()", {
  old <- getOption("clustermq.scheduler")
  options(clustermq.scheduler = "multiprocess")
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    tar_option_set(debug = "b", envir = envir)
    list(tar_target(a, "a"), tar_target(b, a))
  # Should launch an interactive debugger.
  tar_make_clustermq(callr_function = NULL)
  # Also print out targets::tar_name() in the debugger. Should be "b".
  # Also print out `a` in the debugger. Should be "a".
  options(clustermq.scheduler = old)

tar_test("debug mode works in tar_make_future()", {
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    tar_option_set(debug = "b", envir = envir)
    list(tar_target(a, "a"), tar_target(b, a))
  # Should launch an interactive debugger.
  tar_make_future(callr_function = NULL)
  # Also print out targets::tar_name() in the debugger. Should be "b".
  # Also print out `a` in the debugger. Should be "a".

tar_test("debug mode works in crew", {
    envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
    controller <- crew::crew_controller_local()
    tar_option_set(debug = "b", envir = envir, controller = controller)
    list(tar_target(a, "a"), tar_target(b, a))
  # Should launch an interactive debugger.
  tar_make_future(callr_function = NULL)
  # Also print out targets::tar_name() in the debugger. Should be "b".
  # Also print out `a` in the debugger. Should be "a".

Try the targets package in your browser

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targets documentation built on Oct. 3, 2024, 1:11 a.m.