#' @title Launch an RStudio addin which allows to schedule an Rscript interactively.
#' @description Launch an RStudio addin which allows to schedule an Rscript interactively.
#' @param RscriptRepository path to the folder where R scripts will be copied to and launched. Defaults to the extdata folder in the taskscheduleR R library
#' @param debug passed on to \code{\link{taskscheduler_create}}
#' @return the return of \code{\link[shiny]{runGadget}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' taskschedulerAddin()
#' }
taskschedulerAddin <- function(RscriptRepository,
debug = TRUE) {
current_repo <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="taskscheduleR"), "RscriptRepository.rds")
RscriptRepository <- readRDS(file = current_repo)
RscriptRepository <- system.file("extdata", package="taskscheduleR")
saveRDS(RscriptRepository, file = current_repo)
local_dateformat <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="taskscheduleR"), "dateformat.rds")
datefmt <- readRDS(file = local_dateformat)
datefmt <- "%d/%m/%Y"
saveRDS(datefmt, file = local_dateformat)
check <- NULL
ui <- miniUI::miniPage(
# Shiny fileinput resethandler
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler("resetFileInputHandler", function(x) {
var id = "#" + x + "_progress";
var idBar = id + " .bar";
$(id).css("visibility", "hidden");
$(idBar).css("width", "0%");
miniUI::gadgetTitleBar("Schedule your Rscript fast and easy"),
## Your UI items go here.
miniUI::miniTabPanel(title = 'Upload and create', icon = shiny::icon("cloud-upload"),
shiny::fillCol(flex = c(1, 1, 3),
miniUI::miniContentPanel(padding = 0, shiny::strong("Task checking: does the task already exist?"), shiny::textOutput("text"))
shiny::fillRow(flex = 1,
shiny::textInput('rscript_repository', label = "Rscript repo: location where Rscripts will be copied to schedule + location of logs", value = RscriptRepository)),
shiny::fillRow(flex = c(3, 3),
shiny::radioButtons('task', label = "Schedule:", choices = c( 'ONCE', 'MONTHLY', 'WEEKLY', 'DAILY', 'HOURLY', 'MINUTE', 'ONLOGON', 'ONIDLE')),
shiny::dateInput('date', label = "Start date:", startview = "month", weekstart = 1, min = Sys.Date()),
shiny::textInput('hour', label = "Hour start", value = format(Sys.time() + 122, "%H:%M")),
shiny::textInput('rscript_args', label = "Additional arguments to Rscript", value = ""),
shiny::textInput('date_fmt', label = "Date format of your locale", value = datefmt)
miniUI::miniButtonBlock(border = "bottom",
shiny::actionButton('create', "Create task", icon = shiny::icon("play-circle"))
miniUI::miniTabPanel(title = 'Stop or Delete', icon = shiny::icon("table"),
miniUI::miniButtonBlock(border = "bottom",
shiny::actionButton('Stop', "Stop task", icon = shiny::icon("stop")),
shiny::actionButton('Delete', "Delete task", icon = shiny::icon("remove"))
# Server code for the gadget.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Ui element for fileinput
output$fileSelect <- shiny::renderUI({
shiny::fileInput(inputId = 'file', 'Choose your Rscript',
accept = c("R-bestand"),
multiple = FALSE)
# When file has been uploaded check if it already exists
shiny::observeEvent(input$file, {
output$text <- shiny::renderText({
# TRUE if script already has a task
# FALSE if script has no tasks
if(input$file$name %in% list.files(RscriptRepository, pattern = ".R$|.r$")){
check <<- TRUE
sprintf("Rscript %s already exists. \n Continuing will overwrite and make a new task schedule",
} else {
check <<- FALSE
sprintf("Schedulingtask for Rscript %s does not exist yet",
# When path to Rscript repository has been changed
shiny::observeEvent(input$rscript_repository, {
RscriptRepository <<- normalizePath(input$rscript_repository, winslash = "/")
output$text <- shiny::renderText({
if(file.exists(RscriptRepository) &&$isdir == TRUE){
saveRDS(RscriptRepository, file = current_repo)
} else {
sprintf("RscriptRepository %s does not exist, make sure this is an existing directory without spaces", RscriptRepository)
# When date format has been changed
shiny::observeEvent(input$date_fmt, {
datefmt <<- input$date_fmt
saveRDS(datefmt, file = local_dateformat)
shiny::observeEvent(input$create, {
if(input$task == "MONTHLY" ){
days <- format(input$date, "%d")
else if(input$task == "WEEKLY"){
weekdays <- c("MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT", "SUN")
idx <- as.integer(format(input$date, "%w"))
days <- weekdays[ifelse(idx == 0, 7, idx)]
else {
# get default value by setting days to null.
days <- NULL
starttime <- input$hour
rscript_args <- input$rscript_args
## Copy the uploaded file from the webapp to the main folder to store the scheduled rscripts.
if(length(grep(" ", RscriptRepository)) > 0){
stop(sprintf("Make sure the RscriptRepository does not contain spaces, change argument %s to another location on your drive which contains no spaces", RscriptRepository))
myscript <- paste0(RscriptRepository, "/", input$file$name)
done <- file.copy(input$file$datapath, myscript, overwrite = TRUE)
stop(sprintf('Copying file %s to %s failed. Do you have access rights to %s?', file.path(input$file$datapath, input$file$name), myscript, dirname(myscript)))
## Make schedule task
taskscheduler_delete(taskname = input$file$name)
taskscheduler_create(taskname = input$file$name, rscript = myscript, schedule = input$task, startdate = format(input$date, input$date_fmt), starttime = starttime, days = days, rscript_args = rscript_args, debug = debug)
} else {
taskscheduler_create(taskname = input$file$name, rscript = myscript, schedule = input$task, startdate = format(input$date, input$date_fmt), starttime = starttime, days = days, rscript_args = rscript_args, debug = debug)
# Reset ui inputs
shiny::updateDateInput(session, inputId = 'date', value = Sys.Date())
shiny::updateRadioButtons(session, inputId = 'task', selected = "ONCE")
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "days", selected = "*")
shiny::updateTextInput(session, inputId = "hour", value = format(Sys.time() + 122, "%H:%M"))
shiny::updateTextInput(session, inputId = "rscript_args", value = "")
output$fileSelect <- shiny::renderUI({
shiny::fileInput(inputId = 'file', 'Choose your Rscript',
accept = c("R-bestand"),
multiple = FALSE)
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, inputId="getFiles", choices = list.files(RscriptRepository, pattern = ".R$|.r$"))
output$text <- shiny::renderText({""})
# Schedule list
output$getFiles <- shiny::renderUI({
shiny::selectInput(inputId = 'getFiles', "Select Task", choices = list.files(RscriptRepository, pattern = ".R$|.r$"))
shiny::observeEvent(input$Stop, {
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, inputId="getFiles", choices = list.files(RscriptRepository, pattern = ".R$|.r$"))
taskcheduler_stop(taskname = input$getFiles)
shiny::observeEvent(input$Delete, {
taskscheduler_delete(taskname = input$getFiles)
try(file.remove(file.path(RscriptRepository, input$getFiles)))
shiny::updateSelectInput(session, inputId="getFiles", choices = list.files(RscriptRepository, pattern = ".R$|.r$"))
# Listen for the 'done' event. This event will be fired when a user
# is finished interacting with your application, and clicks the 'done'
# button.
shiny::observeEvent(input$done, {
# Here is where your Shiny application might now go an affect the
# contents of a document open in RStudio, using the `rstudioapi` package.
# At the end, your application should call 'stopApp()' here, to ensure that
# the gadget is closed after 'done' is clicked.
# Use a modal dialog as a viewr.
viewer <- shiny::dialogViewer("Task ScheduleR", width = 700, height = 600)
shiny::runGadget(ui, server, viewer = viewer)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.