
Defines functions c_truncauchy

Documented in c_truncauchy

#' c_truncauchy: Estimate the c parameter for the truncated cauchy L distribution
#' to be used in MCMCTree
#' @param tl minimum age.
#' @param tr maximum age
#' @param p constant p involved in Cauchy parameters location and scale. Set to 0.1 by default.
#' It determines how close the mode of the distribution is to the tl min age.
#' @param pr percentile to the right of the distribution (0.975 by default)
#' @param al alpha to the right of the minimum on x. Set it to zero if a hard minimum is desired, otherwise the random variable can take values below t_L with probability al. Set to 0.025 by default.
#' @param output Whether to return just the parameters or all of the optimisation output. Defaults
#' to "par". Leave it blank "" or with different text in order to return all of the optimisation
#' output.
#' @return Either the parameter optimisation value as a numeric vector of length one (when output="par")
#' or the
#' complete optimisation output as a list (otherwise)
#' @author Gustavo A. Ballen
#' @details We solve for c while fixing p=0.1 so that the mode of the distribution is closer to the t_L and then we calculate c so that t_R is at the desired max age. note that ar and al are NOT complements, thus both can be 0.025. Optimisation proceeds by fixing p in t_L(1-p) and then using numerical optimisation to find c in c*t_L.
#' @examples
#' testValues.tr <- c(4.93, 12.12, 24.43, 49.20)
#' # the values below should be approx. c = 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2
#' # according to the paml documentation
#' for (i in testValues.tr) {
#'     print(c_truncauchy(tl=1, tr=i, p=0.1, pr=0.975, al=0.025))
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats optim
c_truncauchy <- function(tl, tr, p=0.1, pr=0.975, al=0.025, output="par"){
    .t_R <- function(tl, p, c, pr, al) {
        A <- 1/2 + ((1/pi) * atan(p/c))
        # alpha_R = 1-0.975
        ar <- 1 - pr
        # max = t_L * (1 + p + c*cot((pi*A*alpha_R) / (1-alpha_L))); cotangent = 1/tan
        tr <- tl * (1 + p + (c * (1/tan((pi * A * ar) / (1 - al)))))
    .wrapper.t_R <- function(x, tl, tr, p, pr, al) {
        return(abs(tr - .t_R(tl=tl, p=p, c=x, pr=pr, al=al)))
    out <- optim(par=1, fn=.wrapper.t_R, method="Brent", lower=0, upper=1000, tr=tr, tl=tl, p=p, pr=pr, al=al)
    if (output == "par") {
    } else {

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